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To the Class of 1894:

The Secretary had intended to have this Fifth Report ready for the Class in time for our Fifteenth Anniversary. Chiefly owing to belated replies, he has postponed publication until now.

This volume differs from its predecessors in omitting certain features and including others. In particular, it includes from somewhat over 200 men, opinions on the elective system and other aspects of college life, which are treated in summary on Pp. 362-368 infra.

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The biographies include in all cases the names of a man's parents, place and date of his birth, and the school at which he fitted for college. Whatever a man has cared to say of his ancestry or his experience at college has generally been included. Nothing has been added from the Class Lives accessible to the Secretary; he does not draw from them except for obituaries. He has excerpted now and then from material printed in previous Reports. The biographies are thus intended to include — with, of course, a few non-essential alterations and omissions a record of a man's entire career as he wishes now to present. This plan naturally swells the volume, enforcing certain omissions. Special lists of deceased, and of married men, are not given; the former may be found in the initial list of the Class, the latter in the address list, where the letter M is affixed to the name of each married man. This device will be found convenient by the few men (201 out of the 507 living) who are still unmarried, but who soon, it is to be hoped, will call on the Secretary for a list of the Class; applicants will now know when to invite Mr. and Mrs. The list of children has likewise been omitted; their number at present reaches the grand total of 350. In the list of occupations, comparison is made with that in the last Report. Geographical distribution of the Class is indicated as before. The Secretary asked in his circulars for exact lists. of publications, but, as there was no consistency in the replies, he has decided to postpone this matter until the next Report, including in the biographies here only a few titles. An account

of our Quindecennial Celebration is not given, as that illustrious event will be chronicled with due dignity in a special volume like that devoted to our Decennial. This will appear at no distant date, and will contain among other things our Song Book, not yet completed, but rapidly growing.

Since the last Report, the following deaths have been reported: L. A. E. Ahlers, R. T. Atkinson, J. H. Bell, D. F. Farquharson, R. J. Forsythe, R. W. Gilchrist, E. M. Grover, H. H. Henry, A. LeR. Hodder, R. C. Hoffecker, M. Holbrooke, G. T. Hughes, S. D. Judd, J. M. Kagan, S. McEntee, J. H. Morgan, D. J. Mulqueeney, E. A. Perkins, H. L. Prescott, J. Ridout, W. S. Sawyer, S. V. Thayer, F. W. Thomas, P. B. Thompson, F. L. Tufts, H. T. Woods.

The names of G. R. Philbrook, W. J. Pelo, and A. L. Conger have been added to the list of graduates. They received the degree of A.B. in 1899, 1905, and 1908, respectively.

The introductory list contains the name of every man, who, so far as the Secretary can find, was ever associated with the Class, but a few of these, particularly those from whom the Secretary has never heard, are not included in the biographies.

The following list comprises men whose addresses are uncertain, and about whom the Secretary would welcome further information; in almost all cases, his circulars to these men have been returned by the Post Office:

L. J. Balliett, R. D. Blanpied, F. H. Bloodgood, J. Bordman, Jr., H. Bruen, W. B. Clymer, A. J. Collier, R. S. Dana, L. N. Farr, R. T. Fox, McP. Fraser, J. L. Frazeur, F. E. George, F. H. Holmes, W. D. Holt, C. A. Horne, J. H. P. Howard, R. C. King, M. S. Mack, R. T. W. Moss, G. R. Philbrook, I. F. Snow, C. Stetson, S. K. Vatralsky.

The Secretary is grateful to various members of the Class, to Waters, Glessner, and Quinby in particular, also to E. H. Wells, Secretary of the Alumni Association, who have helped him in gathering material for this Report. He has also received invaluable assistance from C. V. Imlay, '08.



August 15, 1909.

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