Obrázky stránek
[blocks in formation]

St. Charles College Founded by Charles Carroll of Carrollton.. 128
Hon. John Lee Carroll, Governor of Maryland in 1876......
The Letter of Gen. Washington to the Catholics of America.
Fac-Simile Copy of the Declaration of Independence...






The unpublished letters of Charles Carroll of Carrollton.

Archives of the State of Maryland, printed by authority of the Legislature of the State under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society.

The Calvert papers.

Maryland records, Colonial and Revolutionary, County and Church, copied by Dr. Gains Marcus Brumbaugh.

Ridgley's annals of Annapolis.

Letters, papers and personal interviews with Mr. J. H. B. Latrobe, private secretary to Charles Carroll of Carrollton.

History of Maryland, the Colonial period by John Leeds Bozman. County histories and other local histories of Maryland, and other States.

Life and letters of Charles Carroll of Carrollton by Miss Kate Mason Rowland.

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