| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1742 - 510 str.
...' hereafter come to any Per/on not being a Nati<oe ef this ' Kingdom of England, this Nation be not obliged to engage in ' any War for the Defence of any Dominions or Territtriei ' which do not belong to the Cro=wn of England, tuitbaut the ' Confent of Parliament. -... | |
| John Perceval Earl of Egmont - 1743 - 188 str.
...this Realm jhall hereafter come to any Perfon not being a Native of this Kingdom, this Nation be not obliged to engage in any War for the Defence of any Dominions or Territories, winch do not belong to the Crown of England, without Confcnt of Parliament. 3. That after the faid... | |
| Parliament lords, proc - 1747 - 520 str.
...hereafter come to any Perfon " not being a Native of this Kingdom' of England, this " Nation be not obliged- to engage in any War for the " Defence of any Dominions or Territories which1 do " not belong to the Crown of England, without the ;• Confent of Parliament.]. Which being... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1748 - 264 str.
...come to. any Perfon " not being a Native of this Kingdom of England, this " Nation be not. obliged 4o engage in any War for the " Defence of any Dominions or Territories whi<$ qo "•not belong to the Crown of England, without tne, . " Confent of Parliament,] " , , Which... | |
| 1756 - 520 str.
...hereafter come to any perfon not " being a native of this kingdom of England, " this nation be not obliged to engage in any " war for the defence of any dominions or ter', ritories, which do not belong to the crown " of England, without the confent of parlia" ment."... | |
| 1757 - 522 str.
...there' after come to any perfon, not being a native , ' of this kingdom of England, this nation (hould * not be obliged to engage in any war for the ' defence of any dominions or territories, which, ' 490 THE MONITOR. No. 103; ' do not belong to the crown of England, Scot* land, or Ireland, without... | |
| Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1763 - 642 str.
...mall hereafter come to any perfon not being a native of this kingdom of England, this nation be not obliged to engage in any war for the defence of any dominions or territork's, which do not belong to the crown ot England, without the confent of parliament. - •'... | |
| 1767 - 542 str.
...hereafter come to any perfon *' not being a native of this kingdom of England, " this nation fhall not be obliged to engage in any ** war for the defence of any dominions or terri** tories which do not belong to the crown of Eng," land, without confent of parliament." i [AFTER... | |
| 1757 - 740 str.
...That in cafe the crown fhould come to any perfon, not being a native of England, this riation (hall not be obliged to engage in any war, for the defence of dominions not belonging to this crown. Now, as both thefe treaties are plainly calculated for the defence... | |
| William Belsham - 1798 - 754 str.
...office or trust civil or military ; or of holding any grant of lands from the crown ; the nation be not obliged to engage in any war for the defence of any dominions or territories not belonging to the crown of England ; that all things properly cognizable in the privy counS cil... | |
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