Obrázky stránek

name of the Trinity, because they do not believe in the Trinity. Never mind, say the corruptionists, you must go on saying you marry in the name of the Trinity, whether you believe in it or not. We know that such a protestation from you will be false; but unless you make it, your wives shall be concubines, and your children illegitimate. Is it possible to conceive a greater or more useless tyranny than this?

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ceiving his country to have been united at the Hep-into their constitution! No one can admire the sim-
tarchy, goes forth from his native town to stitch ple wisdom and manly firmness of the Americans
freely within the sea-girt limits of Albion. Him more than we do, or more despise the pitiful propen-
the mayor, him the aldermen, him the recorder, him sity which exists among Government runners to vent
the quarter-sessions would worry. Him the jus- their small spite at their character; but on the sub-
tices before trial would long to get into the tread-ject of slavery, the conduct of America is, and has
mill; and would much lament that by a recent been, most reprehensible. It is impossible to speak
act, they could not do so, even with the intruding of it with too much indignation and contempt; but
tradesman's consent; but the moment he was tried, for it, we should look forward with unqualified
they would push him in with redoubled energy, and pleasure to such a land of freedom, and such a mag-
leave him to tread himself into a conviction of the nificent spectacle of human happiness.
barbarous institutions of his corporation-divided

Upon page 434, there is a capital paragraph about English character.

In fact, it is hardly possible for any nation to show a greater superiority over another, than the Americans, in this particular, have done over this The first article in this No.-upon Britcountry. They have fairly and completely, and probably forever, extinguished that spirit of reliish India-is interesting; it is not characterized by originality or remarkable abilgious persecution which has been the employment and the curse of mankind for four or five centuries, ity, but contains much information. The -not only that persecution which imprisons and The coaches must be given up; so must the writer states distinctly the efficiency and scourges for religious opinions, but the tyranny of roads, and so must the inns. They are, of course, the utility of the ancient Hindoo customs incapacitation, which, by disqualifying from civil what these accommodations are in all new counoffices, and cutting a man off from the lawful ob- tries; and much like what English great grandfa- and institutions, and the unfortunate conjects of ambition, endeavours to strangle religious ther talk about as existing in this country at the sequences which have proved the folly of freedom in silence, and to enjoy all the advantages, first period of their recollection. The great incon- attempting to supplant them by a system of without the blood and noise and fire of persecution. venience of American inns, however, in the eyes English law. One passage in this article What passes in the mind of one mean blockhead, of an Englishman, is one which more sociable trav-illustrates very pleasantly the excellent is the general history of all persecution. This ellers must feel less acutely-we mean the impossiman pretends to know better than me--I cannot bility of being alone, of having a room separate reasons which have influenced the British subdue him by argument; but I will take care he from the rest of the company. There is nothing to extend their empire in this quarter, and shall never be mayor or alderman of the town in which an Englishman enjoys more than the pleas- the way in which Indian affairs are regardwhich he lives; I will never consent to the repeal ure of sulkiness,-of not being forced to hear a ed at home. In 1816 the Pindarries, cerof the Test Act, or to Catholic Emancipation; I word from any body which may occasion to him tain large and organized bands of robbers, will teach the fellow to differ from me in religious the necessity of replying. It is not so much that opinions! So says the Episcopalian to the Catho- Mr Bull disdains to talk, as that Mr Bull has noth penetrated into the Company's territories, lic-and so the Catholic says to the Protestant. ing to say. His forefathers have been out of spir- remained there twelve days, killed one hunBut the wisdom of America keeps them all down-- its for six or seven hundred years, and, seeing dred and eighty-two persons, wounded five secures to them all their just rights—gives to each nothing but fog and vapour, he is out of spirits too; hundred and five, and tortured in various of them their separate pews and bells and steeples and when there is no selling or buying, or no busi-ways three thousand six hundred and three. - makes them all aldermen in their turns-and qui- ness to settle, he prefers being alone and looking Whereupon, "The patience of the British etly extinguishes the faggots which each is prepar- at the fire. If any gentleman was in distress, he ing for the combustion of the other. Nor is this in- would willingly lend an helping hand; but he thinks government being exhausted by these redifference to religious subjects in the American it no part of neighbourhood to talk to a person be-peated inroads, it was resolved not only to people, but pure civilization-a thorough compre-cause he happens to be near him. In short, with attack and extirpate the Pindarries in their hension of what is best calculated to secure the public happiness and peace--and a determination that this happiness and peace shall not be violated by the insolence of any human being, in the garb, and under the sanction, of religion. In this particular, the Americans are at the head of all the nations of the world: and at the same time they are, especially in the Eastern and Midland States, so far from being indifferent on subjects of religion, that they may be most justly characterized as a very religious people: But they are devout without being unjust (the great problem in religion); an higher proof of civilization than painted tea-cups, water-proof leather, or broadcloth at two guineas a yard.

He contrasts the inconveniences occasioned by the privileges and processes of the many corporations of England, with the unshackled liberty of our artisans. In this respect, we consider England as about half way between China,-where every one must not only stay at home, but work at his father's trade with his father's tools,-and ourselves; though rather nearer China.

Though America is a confederation of republics, they are in many cases much more amalgamated than the various parts of Great Britain. If a citizen of the United States can make a shoe, he is at liberty to make a shoe any where between Lake Ontario and New Orleans,-he may sole on the Mississippi-heel on the Missouri-measure Mr Birkbeck on the Little Wabash, or take (which our best politicians do not find an easy matter) the length of Mr Monro's foot on the banks of the Potowmac. But wo to the cobbler, who, having made Hessian boots for the alderman of Newcastle, should venture to invest with these coriaceous integuments, the leg of a liege subject at York. A yellow ant in a nest of red ants-a butcher's dog in a fox-kennel-a mouse in a bee-hive-all feel the effects of untimely intrusion;-but far preferable their fate to that of the misguided artisan, who, misled by sixpenny histories of England, and con

many excellent qualities, it must be acknowledged
that the English are the most disagreeable of all
the nations of Europe,--more surly and morose,
with less disposition to please, to exert themselves
for the good of society, to make small sacrifices,
and to put themselves out of their way. They are
content with Magna Charta and Trial by Jury; and
think they are not bound to excel the rest of the
world in small behaviour, if they are superior to
them in great institutions.

The last paragraph sums up the whole
matter. Proof is wanting of the actual and
extreme cruelty to slaves, with which the
writer charges our "high spirited nation;"
-otherwise the whole passage is unexcep-


America seems, on the whole, to be a country possessing vast advantages, and little inconveniences; they have a cheap government, and bad roads; they pay no tithes, and have stage coaches without springs. The have no poor laws and no monopolies-but their inns are inconvenient, and travellers are teased with questions. They have no collections in the fine arts; but they nave no Lord Chancellor, and they can go to law without absolute ruin. They cannot make Latin verses, but they expend immense sums in the education of the poor. In all this the balance is prodigiously in their favour: But then comes the great disgrace and danger of America-the existence of slavery, which, if not timously corrected, will one day entail (and ought to entail) a bloody servile war upon the Americans-which will separate America into slave states and states disclaiming slavery, and which remains at present as the foulest blot in the moral character of that people. An high spirited nation, who cannot endure the slightest act of foreign aggression, and who revolt at the very shadow of domestic tyranny-beat with cart-whips, and bind with chains, and murder for the merest trifles, wretched human beings who are of a more dusky colour than themselves; and have recently admitted into their Union, a new State, with the express permission of ingrafting this attrocious wickedness

remotest haunts, but to put down that system of misrule and violence which had so long desolated India." Accordingly, these robbers were extirpated, and, as mere incidents to this measure of precaution,—

minions and throne; the Peshwa, the head of the The rajah of Nagpoor was driven from his doMahratta empire, has also been' dethroned, and now lives as a prisoner on the bounty of the British, who assign him 100,000l. per annum for his maintenance. Holkar has fallen from the rank of an independent prince; and Sindia is in reality in the same condition. There is not, in short, any potentate in India that can now move a step without the express sanction of the British authorities.

A part of their object is unquestionably "the system of violence accomplished; which has so long desolated India” must be relinquished, for there is nothing left to be violent with. When the system of misrule will end, it is rather difficult to say.



We did not receive this thick pamphlet until the reviews for this No. were sent to press;-and were it only political and controversial, we should not trouble ourselves or our readers with any remarks upon it. But it is historical. It must throw some

* Memoirs of the Campaign of the North Western Army of the United States, A. D. 1812. In a series of Letters addressed to the Citizens of the United States. With an Appendix, containing a brief Sketch of the Revolutionary Services of the Author. By William Hull, late Governor of the Territory of Michigan, and Brigadier General in the Service of the United States. Boston. 1824 8vo. pp. 240.

And wash away the blood-stain there.
Why should I guard, from wind and sun,
This cheek, whose virgin rose is fled,
It was for one-oh, only one-

I kept its bloom, and he is dead.
But they who slew him-unaware
Of coward murderers lurking nigh→→
And left him to the fowls of air,

Are yet alive--and they must die.
They slew him and my virgin years
Are vowed to Greece and vengeance now;
And many an Othman dame, in tears,
Shall rue the Grecian maiden's vow.

I touched the lute in better days,

I led in dance the joyous band :-
Ah! they may move to mirthful lays
Whose hands can touch a lover's hand.
The march of hosts that haste to meet
Seems gayer than the dance to me;
The lute's sweet tones are not so sweet
As the fierce shout of victory.


light, and perhaps elicit from others some
fight, upon important facts. We have no
room to make an analysis of its contents;
but would briefly present some considera-
tions which they suggest to us. For Gene-
ral Hull's surrender of his forces and posts
to the British, he was tried and condemned
to death as a coward; and he lives to tell
his story through the mercy of the Execu-
tive. Whether he has wholly justified his
surrender without a battle, may be deter-
mined differently by different persons. We
suppose that most readers will agree that
his conduct could be accounted for without
charging with cowardice or treachery, one
to whom Washington entrusted important
commands. He has sufficiently shown that
much more than his due of punishment
visited his share of the follies, improvidence,
and misconduct, which characterized that
astonishing campaign. We feel no kind of
hostility to General Dearborn, and have no
[It is perhaps due to our readers, to inform them
acquaintance with, and no personal feelings that the following pieces, and others with a similar
towards General Hull; we know that we signature, are from a small manuscript volume of
are unprejudiced, and believe all who are poetry written by the late Rev. Mr Eastburn, one
so, will agree with us in thinking that some of the authors of "Yamoyden." As we have se-
thing of a load lies upon General Dear-lelected many of these poems for our columns, it
born, which he will do well to throw off as
soon as may be. General Hull lost all he
had;-General Dearborn did nothing
achieved nothing-suffered nothing; and so
far, perhaps, he had the best of it. But we
do not recollect that General Dearborn has
ever explained the singular lapse of mem-
ory during which he relieved himself from
the peril of a British force, and left that
force to go en masse upon General Hull-
who was likely to have enough to encoun-
ter without this addition. But when Hull
was tried, and Dearborn tried him, why
was the affair of Washington forgotten?
Whoever was guilty there, was answerable
somewhere; and it would be rather difficult
to persuade any one just now, that the loss
of Detroit and of all Hull's posts, afforded
more proof of cowardice or treachery than
that misconduct-whatever be its true name
or nature-which lost Washington. Gen-
eral Hull has shown that there was other
opposition arrayed against him than that
which arose from his military faults. But
they mistook their man. He was not a suf-
ficient scape-goat; he could not bear away
all the disgrace and punishment due to the
military managers of that play—and par-
ticularly to them who conducted the flight
of Bladensburgh.



I buckle to my slender side

The pistol and the scimetar,
And in my maiden flower and pride

Am come to share the tasks of war.
And yonder stands my fiery steed,
That paws the ground and neighs to go,
My charger of the Arab breed,-
I took him from the routed foe.

My mirror is the mountain spring,

At which I dress my ruffled hair; My dimmed and dusty arms I bring.

may be improper that we should express more dis-
tinctly our opinion of their merit. Had we not
thought that they would gratify our readers, and
support the reputation of their author, we certainly
should not have availed ourselves of the kindness
of the gentleman by whose means we have obtain-
ed them.-EDITOR.]


When sailing on this troubled sea
Of pain, and tears, and agony,
Though wildly roar the waves around,
With restless and repeated sound,
'Tis sweet to think that on our eyes
A lovelier clime shall yet arise;-
That we shall wake from sorrow's dream
Beside a pure and living stream.

Yet we must suffer, here below,
Unnumbered pangs of grief and wo;
Nor must the trembling heart repine,
But all, unto its God resign;

In weakness and in pain made known,
His powerful mercy shall be shown,
Until the fight of faith is o'er,
And earth shall vex the soul no more!

The glittering heaven's refulgent glow,
And sparkling spheres of golden light,
Jehovah's work and glory show,


By burning day, or gentle night.
In silence through the vast profound
They move their orbs of fire on high,
Nor speech, nor word, nor answering sound,
Is heard upon the tranquil sky:
Yet to the earth's remotest bar
Their burning glory, all is known;
Their living light has sparkled far,

And on the attentive silence shone.

God 'mid their shining legions rears
A tent where burns the radiant sun;
As, like a bridegroom bright, appears

The monarch, on his course begun;
From end to end of azure heaven

He holds his dery path along,

To all his circling heat is given,

His radiance flames the spheres among.

[blocks in formation]

And yet my pensive eye
Rests on the faint blue mountain long,
And for the fairy-land of song,
That lies beyond, I sigh,

The moon unveils her brow;
In the mid-sky her urn glows bright,
And in her sad and mellowing light
The valley sleeps below.

Upon the hazel gray
The lyre of Autumn hangs unstrung,
And o'er its tremulous chords are flung
The fringes of decay.

I stand deep musing here,
Beneath the dark and motionless beech,
Whilst wandering winds of nightfall reach
My melancholy ear.

The air breathes chill and free;
A Spirit, in soft music calls
From Autumn's gray and moss-grown halls,
And round her withered tree.

[blocks in formation]

A gentleman, at Burkil, not far from Bâsle, in Switzerland, by the name of Ventain, invented some years ago a sort of musical barometer, called, in the German, wetter harfe, weather harp, or riesen harfe, giant harp, which possesses the singular property of indicating changes of the weather by musical tones. This gentleman was in the habit of amusing himself by shooting at a mark from his window, and that he might not be obliged to go after the mark at every shot, he fixed a piece of iron wire to it, so as to be able to draw it to him at pleasHe frequently remarked that this wire gave musical tones sounding exactly


an octave; and he found that an iron wire, extended in a direction parallel to the meridian, gave this tone every time the wind changed. A piece of brass wire gave no sound, nor did an iron wire extended east and west. In consequence of these observations a musical barometer was constructed. In the year 1787, Capt. Hans, of Bâsle, made one in the following manner:-Thirteen pieces of iron wire, each three hundred and twenty feet long, were extended from his summer-house to the outer court, crossing a garden. They were placed about two inches apart; the largest were two lines in diameter, the smallest only one, and the others about one and a half; they were on the side of the house, and made an angle of twenty or thirty degrees with the horizon; they were stretched and kept tight by wheels made for that purpose. Every time the weather changes these wires make so much noise that it is impossible to continue concerts in the parlour, and the sound resembles that of a tea-urn when boiling, sometimes that of a harmonicon, a

distant bell, or an organ. In the opinion of the celebrated chemist, Dobereiner. as stated in the Bulletin Technologique, this is an electro-magnetical phenomenon.




M. Marion has found, in the island of

called Bahar Dibber, or the sea of GhimbaMr Dupuis, in his work upon Ashantee, ba. The Dibber is very large, and in the lately published, says of the course of this season of rain the land on the opposite side, mysterious river, that he never heard of two although high, is not discernible. Beyond different opinions with regard to its termina- Jenny, the river, at the opposite outlet of tion. "South or north of the great desert, in the lake, inclines to the north till it reachWangara or Mauritania, the sentiments es Timbuctoo. From thence its track is were the same, that the great flow of water easterly to Ghou, having then traversed is easterly to the Egyptian Nile. Yet it the district of Fillany. From Ghou it enmust be confessed that none of my instruct- ters Marroa, passing through Corimen, ers had ever tracked its course beyond the Kaby, and Zamberina, as it inclines with a western limits of Bournou. It was an or- southerly fall to the Youry, and the lake thodox opinion, that the Shady, as well as of Noufy. the Koara, united its waters with innumerable other large and small rivers (like the Amazon), which contributed to replenish its channel in the dry season, when it usually tracks its course mildly; and in the sea- Manilla, a species of reptile of the family son of rain, when it runs in tempestuous of the Agamoides, which has the faculty of eddies, sweeping off in its current whole changing colour, like the camelion. Its islands of matted vegetation. The Mos-head is triangular, pretty large in proporlems of Kong and Manding commonly used tion to the body; the tail long and slender; the term Wangara, as relating to Ashan- along the back, the crest or ridge is formtee, Dahomy, and Benin, east of the For-ed of soft scales, and under the throat is a mosa. Of the Niger, well known to them goitre. The feet have toes, detached and by its Bambira name, Jolliba, they report- very unequal; the scales are mostly trianed to this effect: that it has its source in a gular, imbricated, and especially those of chain of mountains, which bears west and the tail. The iris is blackish, bordered with something north of the capital of Kong, a little white circle about the pupil. The from whence it is distant eighteen journeys. animal is very active, and feeds on insects. According to this estimation, I conceive its When the author first came into possession The following newspapers are now pub-fountain may exist in about 11° 15′ latitude of it, its colour, for twenty-four hours, was lished in Greece: At Missolonghi, the north, and 7° 10′ longitude west of the a delicate green, whether held in the dark, Greek Chronicle (in Greek), and the Greek meridian of Greenwich. The intermediate or exposed to the sun,-whether kept moTelagraph (in several languages);-at Hy-space comprises a part of the district call- tionless or in a state of agitation: but next dra, The Friend of the Laws (in Greek);- ed Ganowa, inhabited by the Manding and morning, on removing it from the inside of at Athens, the Athens Free Press (in Falah [Foulah] tribes. The surface, for a bamboo, where it had been placed, its Greek);-at Psara, The Psara Newspaper the first five or six days, they relate, is in- colour throughout had changed to carine(in Greek). All the above, in consequence clining to hilly, yet it is by no means ab- lite; when exposed to the air, this colour of an arrangement made, may now be ob- rupt; and forests alternately abound, but gradually disappeared, and the animal reOn this ground, certained in England by orders through the they are not so impervious as those of Ashan-sumed its green robe English Foreign Post Office. After the first hundred miles, the tain brown lines were soon after visible: traveller commences ascending a cluster the animal was then replaced in the bamof lofty mountains, and this labour occupies boo, but on drawing it out, it had acquired him six days. The mountains abound in a bluish green colour, and it was only in rivers and rapid torrents, which discharge the open air that the brownish tints rethemselves on the opposite sides into the turned; and at length, without any variaJolliba, and further to the westward they tion of form or position, the brown colour are so high and steep that no man can as- gave place to a uniform green, intermin"We are happy to find that the book-cend to their summits, which are barren, gled, however, with some brownish streaks. stores of America are beginning to furnish When laid on green or red substances, no us with some good novels, in return for the grain of colour was observed. numerous cargoes with which Paternosterrow has supplied the transatlantic market. Mr Brown and Mr Cooper are well and deservedly known to the English public, and we anticipate an equal reputation for the author of the present volumes. The story of Redwood possesses little of the powerful writing and well-imagined situations which characterize the novels of the former writer, and nothing of the historical interest


The New Monthly Magazine speaks in the following terms of this work, which is so deservedly high in favour with the American public.

which gives so much value to the works of the latter. It much more nearly resembles the tales of Miss Edgeworth, in its pleasant, and, we believe, accurate delineation of domestic manners. Redwood is a religious novel, but there is nothing like bigotry or fanaticism in the opinions of the writer, who displays a spirit of very liberal and rational piety."—"We ought to add, that the style of Redwood is good, and the story interesting."


As they will be in

bleak, and oftentimes covered with snow.
They are inhabited about half way up by
ferocious tribes of cannibals. The source
of the river lies about two days' distance
up the mountains, and is distant from Con-
All publishers of books throughout the
nassy thirty-eight journeys, or about five United States, are very earnestly requested
hundred British miles, horizontal. The to forward to us, regularly and seasonably,
river in the neighbourhood, at the head of
the mountains, is a small rapid stream full the names of all works of every kind, pre-
of cataracts, which foam over a bed of paring for publication, in the press, or
rocky ground, where it would not be possi- recently published.
ble to float a canoe. It flows on to a con-
siderable distance among the valleys and
broken ground, until it has cleared the
mountains, which it leaves far to the south,
as it explores a channel on the plains of
Melly. On the confines of Bambara, it
**The proprietors of Newspapers, for
is already a large river, occasioned by the which this Gazette is exchanged, and of
junction of many other rivers of almost which the price is less than that of the
equal magnitude, and whose sources are in
these mountains. It passes Yamina, Sata-Gazette, are expected to pay the differ-
na, and Sago, to Massina and Jenny; be-ence.
yond which it spreads into a large lake,

serted in the Gazette, it is particularly desired that the exact titles be stated at length.

C. H. & Co.


Proposals have been issued at Princeton, NJ. for the periodical publication of a Collection of Dissertations, principally in Biblical Literature. By Charles Hodge, A. M., Professor of Oriental and Biblical Literature in the Theological Semisary at Princeton.

This work is intended for a field, which, it is befieved, is, in this country, at present unoccupied. It is designed as a vehicle, by which information Contal-ed in expensive and rare volumes may be ved to the Biblical student; and to serve in easure, as a substitute for the possession or rusal of works, which, though valuable upon iry accounts, it may neither be easy nor desirabeto put into general circulation. That there are

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[blocks in formation]

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Roberts Vaux, Esq.

We have ourselves used his


of reliance. Gazetteer for some time past, and we con- CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. No. 1, Corntinue to regard it as by far the most accu "I have no hesitation in expressing it as rate, copious, and generally serviceable hill, have constantly on hand the most valmy opinion, that it contains more valuable work of the kind, which we have ever seen. uable and popular School and Classical matter, and better arranged, than any sim-The second edition comprises nearly two Books, and furnish Schools and Academies ilar work of its size I have ever met with." thousand pages, printed in the neatest manat wholesale prices. Professor Adams. ner, on handsome paper." National Gazette.

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DENIO, CLARKE, & TYLER, of Greenfield,
Mass., have lately published
THE Publishers of this Gazette furnish,
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