Obrázky stránek

likewise teaches drawing and book-keep- bility to the public. They are also favour- Antiochus III, and was made librarian at ing, has joined the institution, and the im-ed by their situation, as they are enabled Antioch, where he died. Euphorion prinportant branch of the Spanish language and by it to offer boys every reasonable grati- cipally devoted himself to epic poetry, but literature is thus provided for. fication and amusement on their own prem- he also wrote elegies and epigrams. He ises, a circumstance of no small moment. also produced some treatises on grammar They live in the midst of a healthy, moral, and history. He was charged with being and thriving population, and are surround- obscure in his expressions, and with using ed by scenery of great beauty, and of a words in a forced sense. cheerful character. All this has a favourable influence on the forming mind.

In whatever branch they can best teach, they are themselves the instructers. In the modern languages, and in some other things, instruction can best be given by men who devote themselves to the branch. Still they hold themselves responsible for every thing. Should their means allow it, they will add to their number an instructer in the language and literature of Italy.

The administration of the school rests solely with Mr Cogswell and Mr Bancroft. They are assisted by a gentleman, who, in the present divided state of the town, performs for them a service on Sunday. Determined to have nothing to do with disputes in religion, they wish the religious principle should be strong and efficacious

in the minds of all around them.

In short, they have begun a school, a place for the liberal education of boys assembled in numbers, where they wish to collect the means of teaching all that a boy needs to learn. They would have good disci pline, a free, constant, and affectionate intercourse between masters and pupils; they would encourage and promote a love of knowledge, and give instructions in the ancient languages, in French, Spanish, German, and if it be desired in the Italian, among the modern; in mathematics, the outlines of the natural sciences; in geography, history, morals; in reading, writing, composing; in short, in whatsoever it can be thought essential for boys to learn. Their object is, to establish a good school; and no more. If they can impart knowledge, they are indifferent to names, and think the evidence of a diploma, or the distinction of a degree, would be superfluous. There exists nowhere an institution exactly like this. The gentlemen who conduct it, have borrowed from the most different sources; one principle from the schools at Berlin, another from Hofwyl, a third from Edinburgh, a fourth from the books and practice of Niemeyer. With respect to health and morals, and the important branch of physical education, they trust to their observations. Originality is not the distinction they covet; they wish to bring to practical application the principles in education, which have the united testimony of nature, of reason, and of experience. They are aware, that a mere imitation of a foreign model would never succeed, and have endeavoured to adapt all things to our own conntry.

There are one or two circumstances which favour them very much. They are responsible only to the public. No tribunal, or board of men, stands between them and the country, whose rising generations they wish to serve; they gladly acknowledge the value of the public opinion, and in general the justice of the public voice; and, while any direct interference on the part of men who might not sufficiently understand their views, would be injurious, nothing but good can be apprehended from a responsi


Our readers may wish to know, particu A sarcophagus has been brought to Marlarly, how the day is passed at this school. seilles from Alexandria, which is described They rise in winter at six; and, after the de- as being very magnificent. It was found in votional exercises of the morning, are busy the burying grounds of Memphis, near the with teaching and study till eight, at which valley of the Pyramids, and was taken, with time all breakfast. They then engage in infinite pains, out of a well sixty feet in some vigorous exercise till nine, when the depth. The lower part is eight feet long, season for intellectual labor again com- two and a half high, and three and a half in mences, and continues till noon. Two its greatest breadth. It is covered with hours are allowed for exercise, dining, and a multitude of hieroglyphics, mythological for rest, when, at two, studies are resum- figures, and symbols, admirably executed. ed, and continued till four. An hour and This large and splendid antique weighs a half is then employed in the sports and above six thousand pounds. The lid, the exercises suited to the season. The eve workmanship of which is no less remarkning meal is over by six, when some time able, is nearly of equal weight. It is of is passed in attending to declamations, a dark green colour, resembling that of and then about an hour and a half is given bronze, with spots of a rich dark red. Beto study, and the exercises of devotion. The sides these spots, which are pretty equally instructers and pupils spend a few moments distributed, the lower part is marked in around the fire, and the boys are sent to bed three or four places by broad streaks of a at half past eight. In the morning and bright yellow colour, which extend to the evening religious services they chiefly use top: these accidents beautifully relieve the the excellent prayers of the Episcopal deep colour of the ground. It has sustained church. The collects and various services no damage, except two slight notches on furnish a variety of earnest and suitable the edge, doubtless made by persons who petitions. Saturday evening they meet, but had formerly attempted to remove the lid, not for study. At that time exhortations are in order to plunder the tomb of its contents. made to the boys on their studies, and on The two parts have been pla ced on separate subjects suggested by the events of the carriages, and despatched for Paris. week. The older boys read the New Testament aloud to the school. On Sunday the smaller boys read aloud in the Bible. The older ones are engaged with works of Paley, Porteus, or Mason, books where the duties of religion are inculcated without any of the spirit of party.

They neither covet, nor shun inspection. A parent is in duty bound to know, in what condition his child is, and these gentlemen have ever been ready to explain to any the principles and practice of the school. The criterion, by which to judge of a good school, must always be the state of the scholars; and it is by this they must be and are willing to be judged. As for health, they have as yet had no sickness; and now, out of forty boys, there is not one who does not enjoy firm bealth, though many were received in a weak state of body.

It will certainly require much time to complete this design, but its form and tendency are already apparent.


The life of this poet, and fragments of his works, have been published at Leipsic, by M. Meinecke; who distinguishes him from another Euphorion, of Thrace, author of the Priapeia. Euphorion of Chalcis obtained the right of citizenship at Athens. He was the pupil of Lacydes and Prytanis in philosophy, and of Archebulus in poetry. At the age of fifty, he went to the court of

FRENCH WAVERLEY NOVEL "Jean Perthus, or the Citizen of Paris two

hundred and fifty years ago," is an attempt in the manner of the Scotch novels, and gives a good picture of France and Paris at the time of the League. But the author has introduced a Baron de Malteste, who is much too fond of developing his political views, and too superior to those around him. When Sir Walter Scott places a personage of his own creation among historical char acters, he takes care not to assign him the first rank. The author, it appears, has, in manuscript, other novels relative to various periods of French history.


Dr Winterbottom relates, that a particu lar friend of his, a very careful observer, saw the thermometer rise, in New South Wales, to 112°, and continue so nearly a week. The effects of this heat upon the human body, were extremely distressing, producing extreme languor and incapability of exertion. A gentleman, remarkably robust and active, out of bravado, to show that he could do what not a man in the colony dared to attempt, took his gun, and went out in pursuit of game; but he was very soon obliged to return, and found some difficulty in doing so. The effects of this heat upon animals was such, that the parro

quets dropped down dead in the open air. In Africa, where Dr Winterbottom resided four years, he once observed the thermometer at 103° in the shade, and, placed upon the ground, (speaking from memory) at 1380. In the Soosoo country, to the north of Sierra Leone, at a considerable distance inland, he walked one day about twenty miles, when the thermometer, observed by Dr Afzelius, at present professor of botany at Upsal, stood at 9919 in the shade; which degree of heat was by no means disagreeable, nor even suspected to be so great by at least. 10°, owing to a pleasant breeze which met him. We judge very inaccurately of heat by our feelings, and are more affected by a sudden diminution of 10° of heat than by a much greater increase. The lowest degree of heat Dr Winterbottom ever experienced in Africa, was about half an hour before sunrise, when the mereury stood at 68o, and, to the feelings, the cold resembled that of a sharp frosty morning in England.



A book has since ap


parts, and ultimately almost disappeared. time ago in exile. When cut thin, or when extended, this sub-peared under the title of "Memoirs," by stance forms excellent washers, or collars him, which contains many interesting anecfor stop-cocks, very little pressure being dotes of the revolution. It was eagerly read sufficient to render them perfectly tight. in France: the first edition was soon sold, Leather has also been coated on one surface and a second was printing, when the sons with the caoutchouc; and without being at of Fouché instituted the present suit to have all adhesive, or having any particular odour, the work suppressed. There has been one is perfectly water-tight. Before caoutchouc hearing of the cause, but only the plaintiff's was thus worked, it was often observed how counsel has yet argued. He rests chiefly many uses it might in such a case be applied on the following dilemma: Either the work to: now that it is so worked, how few the is genuine, or it is not: if it be genuine, the cases are in which persons are induced to copyright belongs to the heirs of the author, use it. who do not choose to publish it; if it be not genuine, the publication ought to be suppressed as spurious and fraudulent. In THERE is a college for the Chinese at point of fact, however, he asserts, that the Naples, of which M. Viesseaux gives the work is not genuine. The truth is, that following account. It is the only institu- some memoirs, said to be his, got into the tion of the kind in Europe. Its founder hands of the ultras, who suppressed and alwas Matteo Ripa, a Neapolitan mission-tered passages to suit their political views, several years at the missionary house at wish to have credited, and to cast an odium ary. Ripa went to China, and resided and have thus given them to the world, as a confirmation in many points of what they Pekin, where his skill in painting recommended him to the Emperor and his court. upon the fallen party. While living in that remote land he conMr T. Hancock has succeeded, by some ceived the plan which he afterwards exeThe following statistical accounts, if corprocess, the result of a long investigation, cuted, of establishing a college in Europe but which he has not published,-in working for the education of young Chinese as rect, evince the wealth, the power, and the caoutchouc with great facility and readiness. Christian missionaries to their countrymen. resources of the Brazilian empire. The It is cast, as we understand, into large in- Several trials were made, and at last Na- population of the nineteen provinces which gots or cakes, and being cut with a wet ples was fixed upon for this institution, as compose it, amounts to upwards of four knife into leaves or sheets, about an eighth the climate appeared to be the most favour-millions. In this census, it is to be lamented or a tenth of an inch in thickness, can then able and congenial to them. The youths that there are more than two millions of be applied to almost any purpose for which destined for this place are smuggled out of slaves. The regular army of Brazil amounts the properties of the material render it fit. their country at the age of thirteen or to between twenty-five and thirty thousand The caoutchone thus prepared, is more flexi- fourteen, by means of the Roman Catholic men; its militia to fifty thousand. The ble and adhesive than that which is gener- missionaries, who send them first to Macao, revenue of the empire is estimated at nearly ally found in the shops, and is worked with whence they are conveyed to Europe, gen- 3,000,000l. sterling; in the year 1824, it is singular facility. Recent sections made erally in Portuguese vessels bound to Lis- estimated at 95,000,000 francs, or nearly with a sharp knife or scissors, when brought bon, from which place they proceed to 4,000,000l. sterling. The vast extent of together and pressed, adhere so firmly as to Italy. The expenses are defrayed partly land belonging to the nation, permits Braresist rupture as strongly as any other part; by this institution, and partly by the Col- zil, by their sale, to redeem its debt, withso that, if two sheets be laid together and lege de Propagandâ Fide at Rome. "The out imposing burthens on the people. From cut round, the mere act of cutting joins the college," says M. Viesseaux, "is situated on the king's arrival in 1808, to his departure edges, and a little pressure on them makes the slope of the hill of Capo di Monte, in a in 1820, the revenue was in a regularly a perfect bag of one piece of substance. quiet, retired spot, which commands a fine progressive state, and during that period, The adhesion of the substance in those prospect of the bay. The house and the from fourteen millions to sixty-one millions parts where it is not required, is entirely adjoining church are simply but neatly con- of francs annually. prevented by rubbing them with a little structed, and the apartments are comfortaflour, or other substance in fine powder. In ble and airy; and the whole place is kept this way flexible tube catheters, &c. are remarkably clean and in the best order, so prepared. The tubes intended for experi- as to form an agreeable contrast with the ments on gases, and where occasion might generality of Neapolitan establishments. require they should sustain considerable The rector, a Neapolitan missionary, and a internal pressure, are made double, and sensible, well-informed man, politely showed have a piece of twine twisted spirally round us every thing deserving attention. We between the two. This, therefore, is im- entered first the hall, which is hung round bedded in the caoutchouc, and, at the same with portraits of the Chinese who have retime that it allows of any extension in length sided in this house since its establishment; of the tube, prevents its expanding laterally. they are about forty; and among them is The caoutchouc is, in this state, exceedingly that of Ripa, the founder. Those who have elastic. Bags made of it, in the way just suffered martyrdom are represented with described, have been expanded, by having the instruments of their death; others have air forced into them, until the caoutchouc chains around their necks, as a sign of their was quite transparent; and, when expanded having suffered imprisonment. There were by hydrogen, they were so light as to form six Chinese in the college when I visited it; balloons, with considerable ascending power; one of them was insane, and another blind." the hydrogen, however, gradually escapes, perhaps through the pores of this thin film of caoutchouc. On expanding the bags in


A curious trial has occupied the attention this way, the junctions yielded like the other of the Parisian public. Fouché died some

SOUTHEY'S LETTER ON LORD BYRON. Southey has published a letter respecting Lord Byron. We shall, says a London editor, give no further opinion on the controversy, than to express regret, that even the object of self-defence should reduce a living author to the alternative of so violently assaulting the dead.


The Greek government has sent over two letters, addressed to the daughter of Lord Byron, giving an account of her father's death, and of the services he had rendered Greece, and declaring that Greece will consider her as its own child.


Among the curiosities lately deposited in the British Museum, are some Roman wine jars of the year before Christ 105. Their antiquity and precise date are placed be

yond a doubt by the following circumstances. A number of earthen-ware vessels of various kinds, were dug up among the rains of Carthage, and sent to this government as a present, by the Bey, who knew nothing of their age or value, except that the English liked such curiosities. On arriving at the colonial office, they were forwarded to the British Museum; and a learned antiquarian of that establishment, examining them with care, discovered on one of the amphora, the names of the consuls of the abovementioned year.


M. Choulaut has published at Leipsic a pamphlet entitled "De Locis Pompeianis ad Rem Medicam facientibus," containing an account of different objects relating to the medical art, discovered at Pompeii. He describes the temple of Esculapius, the amulets, surgical instruments, pharmaceutical apparatus, &c. found in the midst of the ruins. Amongst the surgical instruments were found some nearly resembling those made use of at the present day; as, for instance, elevators for the operation of trepanning, lancets, spatulæ, instruments for the application of the actual cautery, &c. There has not been found one single building which could be regarded as a school of surgery or anatomical museum.

All publishers of books throughout the United States, are very earnestly requested to forward to us, regularly and seasonably, the names of all works of every kind, preparing for publication, in the press, or recently published. As they will be inserted in the Gazette, it is particularly

desired that the exact titles be stated at length.

**The proprietors of Newspapers, for which this Gazette is exchanged, and of which the price is less than that of the Gazette, are expected to pay the differC. H. & Co.



North American Review, No. XLVI. The Christian Examiner, for November and December, 1824.

By Cummings, Hilliard, & Co.-Boston.

With those for Schools, eligious Societies, and
Individuals. By Charles Brooks, Minister of the
Third edition, newly
Third Church in Hingham.
arranged, revised, and enlarged.

A Catechism, in Three Parts. Part Firs, containing the Elements of Religion and Morality; designed for Children. Part Second, consisting of Questions and Answers, chiefly Historical, on the Old Testament. Part Third, consisting of similar Questions and Answers on the New Testament, designed for Children and Young Persons. Compiled and recommended by the Ministers of the Worcester Association in Massachusetts. Second edition.

An Easy Method of Learning the Elements of the French Pronunciation, in a few Lessons; followed by a Comparative System of Spell ing French. Third edition, much improved.

[blocks in formation]

By R. P. & C. Williams-Boston.
Wheatly on the Book of Common Pray-
drawn from a comparison with Shepherd and other
er of the Church of England. Improved by Notes
writers on the Liturgy, adapting this edition to the
present state of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in America, without any alteration of the Original
No. 18, 19, 20,
Text. In twenty-four Numbers.
21, 22, containing Baptism, Confirmation, Matri-
Visitation of the Sick, Communion of the
Sick, Burial of the Dead.

By T. Bedlington & Charles Ewer-Boston.
Boswell's Life of Johnson. 5 vols. 18mo.
Second Boston edition.

Campbell's Four Gospels. 4 vols. 8vo.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

By S. T. Armstrong, and Crocker & Brew-can Review.
ster, Boston; and by John P. Haven, New

Memoir of Catherine Brown, a Chris-
tian Indian of the Cherokee Nation. 18mo.

By Whipple & Lawrence-Salem. Jay's Family Prayers, third American from the seventh London edition.

Jessy Allan, the Lame Girl: a story founded on Facts. By the author of "The Decision," "Profession is not Principle," &c.

Stories for Children-containing The Villager's Daughter, Temper, Truth and Falsehood, The Snow Drop, and the Basket-Makers.

Little Nannette, a Narrative of Facts. From the third English edition. Jane and her Teacher; or the Sunday School of Ellington.

George Wilson and his Friend; or, Godliness is profitable for all things. By the author of "Jane and her Teacher."

[blocks in formation]

Elements of Moral Philosophy; comprisA Family Prayer-Book: containing forms ing the Theory of Morals and Practical Ethics. of Morning and Evening Prayers, for a Fortnight. | By John L. Parkhurst. Price $1.25

A Selection of Hymns and Psalms, for Social and Private Worship. Fine edition, in 12mo. An Elementary_Treatise on Mechanics, comprehending the Doctrine of Equilibrium and Motion, as applied to Solids and Fluids, chiefly compiled from the most approved writers, and designed for the use of the Students of the University of Cambridge, N. E. By John Farrar, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.

An Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic, taken principally from the Arithmetic of S. F. Lacroix, and translated into English with such Alterations and Additions as were found necessary in order to adapt it to the use of the American Student. Third Edition. 1 vol. 8vo.

Elements of Geometry, by A. M. Legendre, Member of the Institute and the Legion of Honour, of the Royal Society of London, &c. Translated from the French for the use of the Students of the University at Cambridge, New England.

Adam's Latin Grammar, with some Improvements and the following Additions: Rules for the Pronunciation of Latin; A concise Introduction to the Making of Latin Verses; A metrical Key to the Odes of Horace; A Table showing the value of Roman Coins. Weights, and Measures. By Benjamin A. Gould, Master of the Free Latin School of


[N. B. In this edition, that portion of the original grammar which belongs exclusively to English grammar, is omitted, as an encumbrance entirely useless. This will give room for the additions contemplated without increasing the size of

the volume.]

the Localities of all which are known to exist in A Catalogue of American Minerals, with every State, &c., having the Towns, Counties, &c.. Robinson, M. D., Member of the American Geolog in each State, arranged alphabetically. By Samuel ical Society. 1 vol. 8vo.

American Law, with Occasional Notes and ConA General Abridgment and Digest of ments. By Nathan Dane, LL. D. In Eight vol umes. Vol. VIII.

Collectanea Græca Minora. Sixth Cambridge edition; in which the Latin of the Notes and Vocabulary is translated into English.

Dalzel's Collectanea Græca Majora Stereotype edition.

[ocr errors]

Publius Virgilius Maro;-Bucolica, Geor- { gica, et neis. With English Notes, for the use of Schools.

A Greek and English Lexicon.

The Four Gospels of the New Testament in Greek, from the Text of Griesbach, with a Lexicon in English of all the words contained in them; designed for the use of Schools.

An Introduction to Algebra. By Warren Colburn.

No. IV., Vol. 2, of the Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts.

By Cummings, Hilliard, & Co.-Boston. A Stereotype Edition of the Bible, in in


An Edition of the Bible in Spanish,




JUST published, the Poetical Works of
William Wordsworth, complete in four

This edition is beautifully and correctly
printed, and afforded at less than half the
price of the London copy.

Extract from the North American Review. "THE great distinction and glory of Wordsworth's Poetry is the intimate converse which it holds with nature. He sees her face to face; he is her friend, her confidential counsellor, her high priest; and he comes from her inmost temple to reveal By Wells & Lilly-Boston. to us her mysteries, and unravel those seHistory of Massachusetts, from July, cret influences which he had always felt, 1775, when General Washington took command of but hardly understood. It is not merely the Army at Cambridge, to 1789, when the Federal that he admires her beauties with enthusiGovernment was organized under the present Con- asm, and describes them with the nicest stitution, being a Continuation of the volume pub- accuracy, but he gives them voice, lanSecond Series of High-Ways and Bye-guage, passion, power, sympathy; he causes them to live, breathe, feel. We acknowlWays; or Tales of the Roadside. No. IV. and V. of Malte-Brun's Geogra-edge that even this has been done by gifted

lished in 1822. By Alden Bradford, Esq.


No. LXXXI. Edinburgh Review.
No. LXI. Quarterly Review.

A New Digest of Massachusetts Reports, from vol. 1 to 18 inclusive in 1 vol. 8vo. By Lewis Bigelow, Esq.

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From the German edition. Edited by George


Perry's Spelling Book, improved with Walker's Pronunciation, adapted on a new plan, by Israel Alger, A. M.

By Samuel T. Armstrong—Boston. Letters and Papers of the late Rev. Thomas Scott; never before published. Occasional Observations, by John Scott, A. M. 1 With

vol. 12mo.

By Lincoln & Edmands-Boston. Dr Adams' Geography. Eighth edition. By Jacob B. Moore-Concord, N. H. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of New Hampshire. Part I. of Vol. III. [These Reports are hereafter to be published in numbers, each comprising one or more Circuits.]

An Abridgment of Lectures on Rheto ric, by Hugh Blair, D. D.; greatly improved by the addition to each page of Appropriate Questions, by Rev. J. L. Blake, A. M. Principal of a Literary Seminary for Young Ladies, Boston. Fifth edition. [In this edition, the Questions are placed at the bottom of the pages, so as to prevent the inconvenience of turning to the end of the chapter when using them. The answers are not designated by figures in the text, as that arrangement would seem to favour the case, rather than the diligence, of the scholar.].

By E. Littell-Philadelphia.
The Museum of Foreign Literature and

Science. No. XXIX.

The Journal of Foreign Medical Literature and Science. No. XVI. Edited by John D. Godman, M. D.

bards before him; but never so thoroughly
as by him; they lifted up corners of the
veil, and he has drawn it aside; he has
established new relationships, and detected
hitherto unexplored affinities, and made the
connexion still closer than ever between
this goodly universe and the heart of man.
Every person of susceptibility has been
affected with more or less distinctness, by
the various forms of natural beauty, and the
associations and remembrances connected

with them by the progress of a storm, the
expanse of ocean, the gladness of a sunny

The silence that is in the starry sky,


BY CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co., and for sale at their Bookstore, No. 1, Cornhill,

Elements of Astronomy, illustrated with Plates, for the use of Schools and Academics, with questions. By John H. Wilkins, A. M. Third Edition.


Dear Sir,

I HAVE examined your treatise on astronomy, and I think that subject is better explained, and that more matter is contained in this, than any other book of the kind, with which I am acquainted; I therefore cheerfully recommend it to the patronage of the public. With respect, sir, your obe dient servant,

Boston, 14 June, 1822.

presenting in a concise, but perspicuous and Wilkins' Elements of Astronomy, by familiar manner, the descriptive and physical branches of the science, and rejecting what is merely mechanical, exhibits to the student all that is most valuable and interesting to the youthful mind in this sublime department of human knowledge.

WALTER R. JOHNSON, Principal of the Academy, Germantown. Germantown, (Penn.) 5th June, 1823.

Having examined the work above described, I unite in opinion with Walter R. Johnson concerning its merits.

Philadelphia, 6th Mo. 11, 1823.
Messrs Cummings, Hilliard, & Co.

Having been partially engaged in giving The sleep that is among the lonely hills. instruction to youth, for the last fifteen Wordsworth has taught these sentiments years, it has been necessary for me to exthem a law and a rule. Our intercourse came within my reach. Among other treaand impulses a language, and has given amine all the treatises on education which with nature becomes permanent; we ac- tises examined, there have been several on quire a habit of transferring human feel- astronomy. Of these, the "Elements of Asthe lights of heaven, and a capacity of re-cently published by you, is, in my opinion, ings to the growth of earth, the elements, tronomy, by John H. Wilkins, A. M.,” receiving rich modifications and improvements of those feelings in return. We are convinced that there is more mind, more soul about us, wherever we look, and wherever we move; and there is for we have imparted both to the material world; there is no longer any dullness or death in our habitation; but a sweet music, and an intelligent voice, are forever speaking to our secret ear, and the beauty of all visible things becomes their joy, and we partake in it, and gather from the confiding gratitude of surrounding objects, fresh cause of praise to the Maker of them all."

Boston; William Hilliard, Cambridge;
For sale by Cummings, Hilliard, & Co.
Gray, Childs, & Co. and J. W. Foster,
Portsmouth; B. Perkins, Hanover; W.
Hyde, Portland; Bliss & White, and Car-
vill, New York; A. Small, and Cary &
Lea, Philadelphia; E. Mickle, Baltimore;
Pishey Thompson, Washington; and S.
Babcock & Co., Charleston, S. C..

decidedly the best. I have accordingly introduced it into my Seminary, and find it well calculated to answer its intended purpose, by plain illustrations to lead young persons to a knowledge of that most interesting science. J. L. BLAKE,

Principal of Lit. Sem. for Young Ladies. Boston, Jan. 5, 1825.


CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. No. 134 Wash-
ington street [No. 1 Cornhill], have for
ble School Books.
sale, new editions of these neat and valua

The English Teacher contains all the Rules, Notes, and important Observations in Murray's large Grammar, which are introduced in their proper places, and united with the Exercises and Key in perpendicu lar collateral columns, which show intuitively both the errors and corrections

adapted to produce a radical improvement | Murray's Exercises; a new and improvin this very important department of Eng-ed stereotype edition, in which references lish education. With these aids, individu- are made, in the Promiscuous Exercises, to als and pupils, with a little instruction in the particular rules to which they relate. parsing, may alone become not only profi- Also for sale, the School Books in genercients, but skilful and just critics, in one of al use. the most copious and difficult of all lan

through all the exercises in Orthography, Syntax, Punctuation, and Rhetorical construction. The Exercises form a neat 18mo volume of 252 pages, on good paper and neat type, for the particular use of pupils in schools; and being a counterpart to the Teacher, corresponds to it in design and execution.guages, our own. The Key is left out of this volume for the purpose of giving the scholar an opportunity of exercising his judgment upon the application of the rules, without a too ready and frequent reference to the key.

The Promiscuous Exercises in cach of the four parts of False Grammar, in both volumes, have figures, or letters of the al

Feb. 1.

VALUABLE SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLISHED and for sale by LINCOLN & EDMANDS, 59 Washington-street [53 Cornhill.]

Walker's School Dictionary, printed on fine paper, on handsome stereotype plates. The Elements of Arithmetic, by James Robinson, jr.: an appropriate work for the first classes in schools.

phabet, introduced, referring to the partic-a ular rule or principle by which nearly every individual correction is to be made. Great care and vigilance have been exercised to prevent defects of the press in these editions, as well as to correct the numerous errors which have found their way into the various editions of these works now in circulation. There can be no hazard in saying, that there is no American edition, either of Murray's Exercises or Key, so correct as the English Teacher, and the Boston" Improved Stereotype Edition of the English Exercises."

These very neat and handsome school manuals will perform much service, save much time, and furnish teachers, private learners, and schools with those facilities which will enable the attentive and indus

trious student to trace with precision, pleasure, and profit, the great variety of principles, which, like the muscles of the body, spread themselves through the English language.

The American Arithmetic, by James Robinson, jr.; intended as a Sequel to the Elements. This work contains all the general rules which are necessary to adapt it to schools in cities and in the country, embracing Commission, Discount, Duties, Annuities, Barter, Guaging, Mechanical Powers, &c. &c. Although the work is put at a low price, it will be found to contain greater quantity of matter than most of the School Arithmetics in general use.


The Child's Assistant in the Art of Read

ing, containing a pleasing selection of easy readings for young children. Price 124 cts.

**In issuing the above works, it has been the object of the publishers to elevate the style of School Books in typographical execution; and they cherish the expectation that instructers and school committees will, on examination, be disposed to patronise them.

Feb. 1.


BY R. P. & C. WILLIAMS, 79 Washington-street, Boston,

A Letter from a Blacksmith to the Ministers and Elders of the Church of Scotland, in which the manner of Public Worship in that Church is considered, its inconveniences and defects pointed out, and methods for removing them humbly proposed.

Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God, for let thy words be few. Eccl. v. 2. God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore

I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also. 1 Cor. xiv. 15.

From a London edition. For sale as above, and by the booksellers throughout the United States.

The Pronouncing Introduction, being This work is published on common paMurray's Introduction with accents, calcu-per, and sold at a cheap rate for distribulated to lead to a correct pronunciation. tion; also on fine five dollar paper, to bind, and match other elegant books. Feb. 1.

The Pronouncing English Reader, being Murray's Reader accented, divided into paragraphs. Enriched with a Frontispiece, exhibiting Walker's illustration of the Inflections of the Voice. The work is printed on a fine linen paper, and solicits the public patronage.

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It is to be regretted that so few fully understand the grammatical and accurate construction of their own language. There is a fashion already too prevalent in our country, which has long obtained in England, particularly among the superior classes of society, and which has by no means been conducive to a general and extensive cultivation of the English language. The subject of allusion is an extravagant predilection for the study of foreign languages, The Pronouncing Testament, in which to the neglect of our own, a language all the proper names, and many other which by us should be esteemed the most words, are divided and accented agreeably useful and valuable of all. This extrava- to Walker's Dictionary and Classical Key; gance has been justly censured by Mr Wal--peculiarly suited to the use of Schools. ker in the following remark. "We think," Conversations on Natural Philosophy, says he, "we show our breeding by a knowledge of those tongues [the French and Italian], and an ignorance of our own."

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A knowledge of other languages is truly desirable, and the acquisition of them ought, in a proper degree, to be encouraged by all friends of improvement; but it is devoutly to be wished, by every friend to the interests of our country and of English literature, that American youth would show The English Teacher, being Murray's a zeal, in this respect, exemplified by the Exercises and Key, placed in opposite colmatrons of ancient Rome; and, like them, umns, with the addition of rules and obsersuffer not the study of foreign languages to vations from the Grammar;-an admiprevent, but strictly to subserve the culti-rable private learner's guide to an accurate vation of their own. knowledge of the English language, and also an assistant to instructers. By T. Alger, jr.

It is confidently believed that the English Teacher and Exercises are excellently

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THE Publishers of this Gazette furnish, on liberal terms, every book and every periodical work of any value which America affords. They have regular correspondents, and make up orders on the tenth of every month for England and France, and frequently for Germany and Italy, and import from thence to order, books, in quantities or single copies, for a moderate commis sion. Their orders are served by gentlemen well qualified to select the best editions, and are purchased at the lowest cash prices. All new publications in any way noticed in this Gazette, they have for sale, or can procure on quite as good terms as those of their respective publishers.






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