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not to judge the governor and his associates a cotton spinner, the country lost £20,000,000 upon suspicion. The very thing asked for by the cotton famine, occasioned by the Amewas that those officials should be rightly rican war. At the time of the Irish famine the judged. Inquiry, not punishment, was asked Americans sent over £170,000 in four months, for. When it was remembered that the men and there could not be a better time than the who were charging people with attacking Go- present to repay the debt by assisting those vernor Eyre and company without evdience who had been described as "a stripped and Lad nothing at all to say when thousands of perishing multitude, torn to pieces between men and women were slaughtered upon mere the giant monsters of slavery and war." (Apsuspicion, it ill became them to talk about the plause.)-The resolution, having been se haste with which an inquiry was demanded. conded by Mr. Kingsley, of Manchester, was He confessed he did not regret that the bar-carried unanimously. barities in Jamaica were followed up by that The Rev. J. S. Jones, of Liverpool, moved profound piece of stupidity,-the local govern- the second resolution, asking for practical ment's attack upon the Dissenting chapels and schools. There was a time when Dissenting chapels were attacked in England, but the chapels won the battle at last. (Cheers.) The questions affecting the Freed-men of America and Jamaica could not be seperated, and he did not believe we should be found deserting our friends in the former country because we were attending to our own people in the latter. If in after years a parallel should be drawn between America and England in this matter of reconstruction and dealing with the black populations, he hoped the parallel would not be to the disadvantage of the British people. (Loud cheers.)

aid. He said when we fed our own slaves wo thought our work was done, and thereupon framed, and glazed, and hung up over the national mantelpiece a picture of that memorable £20,000,000, and every time we looked at it, we thought it was a permanent testimonial to ourselves. (Laughter.) Recent events had called into existence once more the true anti-slavery ring; this was the case even in Liverpool. (Loud laughter.)-The resolution was seconded by Mr. Morgan, of Birmingham, and carried unanimously.

The Rev. D. Holbrook, accredited represen tative of the American Missionary Association, the Rev. A. L. Post, president of the American Baptist Free Missions, and the Rev. H. Weller, formerly chaplain in Sherman's army, in very brief speeches (limited to five minutes each), severally acknowledged the welcome they had received.

A cordial vote of thanks was proposed to the Chairman. It was stated by Mr. Joseph Simpson that there was only £100 in hand at the present time, but that it was hoped to raise £500 during the day to send off by the next

Mr. A. Albright, of Birmingham, moved a resolution expressing sympathy with the Freed-men of America, and welcoming to Manchester the gentlemen who had attended as a deputation from the United States. In explaining the causes of non-attendance on the part of gentlemen who had been invited, he referred to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, who, as member for South Lancashire, had been asked to attend. Some of his (Mr. Albright's) friends had had an extremely satis-mail to America. One gentleman had offered factory interview with the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Thomas Hughes, M. P., in describing that interview said, "Mr. Gladstone expressed a deep interest in the cause of the Freed-men and in the endeavours we are making to aid them;" adding, towards the close of his letter, "His warm goodwill you are permitted to announce." (Applause.) A public meeting was held in the evening, in In appealing for funds for the association, the Friends' Meeting House, Cross-street. Mr. Mr. Albright said that according to a careful R. Charlton, of Bristol, was voted to the chair, estimate, corroborated on the previous day by and he opened the proceedings by describing

£100 towards that sum. A gentleman in the body of the meeting suggested that a general Sunday-school subscription should be set on foot.

Mr. Jacob Bright having acknowledged the vote of thanks, the meeting terminated.

the history, success, and position of the move- master's children. (Laughter.) What would ment to aid the freed negroes, incidentally be the condition of the aristocracy of England, mentioning that the Americans themselves if all our mechanics and labourers were taken had raised in various ways a sum equal to away? How many of that aristocracy would £1,250,000 sterling. He also announced, be starved before next spring? (Hear, hear, amidst considerable cheering, that the £500 and laughter.) The American "chivalry" mentioned at the morning meeting had been boasted their descent from the English arisraised during the day.-The Rev. Mr. Brown, tocracy, and the correspondent of a London of Birmingham, moved the first resolution, paper, writing from Charleston but a week or urging the claims of the society.-The Rev. two ago, said that the sympathies of the Mr. Jones, of Liverpool, seconded the motion; slave-holders were with the aristocracy of the Rev. Mr. Brittain supported it, and the England, and that therefore England ought to meeting carried it unanimously.-The Rev. have come to their defence, and recognised Dr. Holbrook, from America, in addressing them as an independent power. (Loud the meeting, stated there were four millions laughter.) In helping the slave it must not of emancipated slaves in America needing be forgotten that we should be also helping aid; one-third of them were aged, 800,000 were children under twelve years of age, and a large proportion, either from cruel treatment, neglect, or disease, were incapacitated from sickness. Hundreds and thousands of them were in danger of perishing from want of clothing and the barest necessities of life. Much suffering was apprehended during the coming winter, not only for the blacks but also whites. He indignantly repudiated the calumny that the negroes would not work. The hostility in the South towards the blacks had increased, because the residents looked upon the negroes as the cause of their troubles. He believed that, after the reconstruction, if the Government did not interfere, the blacks would be shut out from all privileges in the future as in the past. Only a day or two ago, he saw the draft of a bill, contemplated in South Carolina, aiming at the virtual restoration of slavery when the power got back in the hands of the white masters. The Southerners were determined to cling to the last rag of slavery, either in the form of serfdom or by oppressive laws. If they could not get the form, they seemed determined to get the fact. The great thing then to do was to educate and elevate the negroes, to disqualify them for slavery, and to qualify them for freedom while they were still under the protection of the Northern government. (Applause.)—The Rev. Mr. Post, from America, said the slave was perfectly able to take care of himself, for he had, during the last 200 years, supported not only himself, but his master and his

the white man.-Dr. Tomkins, of London, said he had had ample opportunity of proving that there was no truth in the allegation that the negroes would not work. He had seen camps of negroes which were so superior to those of the whites that they attracted general attention, and he gave a number of instances showing the dexterity, perseverance, and providence of the coloured population. Officers who had commanded black troops preferred them, and General Grant himself said to him (Dr. Tomkins), "If I wanted men for watch fulness, for diligence in the trenches, and for dash, I would choose black troops. In the field, where coolness might be required, I should put white troops with them." (Applause.)—A vote of thanks was moved to the chairman by the Rev. Dr. Massie, seconded by Mr. Clegg, and carried amid applause.-The meeting then closed.

A LADY writes to us that "she and her friends have been taking in 14 copies of the 'Freed-Man,' since its commencement, and she handed another name to the booksellers a few days since. One and all of the above much value the publication, and extra copies can be readily disposed of to advantage. One of these was forwarded the other day to a gentleman at Kentucky." This lady and her friends have lately sent about £60 worth of goods to the American Freedmen. Another lot is to be forwarded shortly. Many poor shivering women and children will feel the effects of this benevolence during the winter.

FACTS VERSUS FICTION.-WILL THE the people he had ever employed in tropical


BY WILSON ARMISTEAD ESQ. Many times recently when saying a word on behalf of the emancipated slaves of America, have I been accosted with this remark, or something to the same effect," But what is to become of them in the end, for the niggers are by nature lazy and indolent, and will never work unless compelled to it?" The origin of this belief is to be traced very much to statements found in the Times and other papers, which appear to be received as gospel by those who read them. That such an idea is, however, the very opposite of the truth, and that the fears arising from it are much exaggerated, we have abundant testimony from credible witnesses not a few.

In a recent letter from Philadelphia from a gentleman who has the most reliable information, occurs this striking passage, embodying in itself a direct contradiction of the serious charge brought against the freed negro;There is great room for help of all kinds, but the most gratifying feature is the ability and will of the [freed] people themselves to do a large part of their own work.

climates, none were equal to the African. Henry Robin, the first young African placed under his own care in this city, immediately learned to clean cotton, acquired a knowledge of other processes, then went into a turning shop, and worked as a mechanic; next learned carpentering and building, all the time worked as a Sunday school teacher (the best in the school according to the clergyman's account), returned to Lagos, and was employed by the West African Company at £400 a year. But for the training he received he would probably have been labouring at from 5d. to 1s. per day. The same might be said of another man named Faulkner, who was engaged at £120 a year. The Africans whom he knew had shown such force of character, such rapidity in learning, such ability in execution, that he had arrived at the conclusion that Africans simply required education to compete with us in any undertaking."

This rather reminds one of the statement made by a gentleman on his return from America, who said that "when he was at the slave marts of the South he remembered auctioneers would describe a slave as being "a good wheelwright or " a good carpenter," would say "he understands the management of a steam-engine," ," "he works well," "he bears a good character," and he wanted to know what more could be said of a white man who could neither read nor write."

A Paris paper, the Opinione Nationale, considers as exaggerated the fears entertained by many persons as to the unfavourable result to arise from the emancipation of four millions of slaves, which it has been alleged must be attended with great difficulty, if not danger. This paper comments as follows:

By last mail, I have also a letter from one who has been for many months in immediate contact with the refugee camps in the South. Dating from Nashville, Tennessee, he says, "There are some noble men among them. As a striking comment upon their inability to take care of themselves, is the fact that out of about 1,500 in Huntsville, only forty receive rations from the Government superintendent." The letter goes on to say, "The stories of hardship and cruelty which these men tell are pitiful indeed, but the patience and perseverance they have displayed in learn. ing to read is wonderful. What dost thou think of a man's chalking one by one the let-liberty will be simply liberty to do nothing, ters from a signboard on his black arm, and then asking some white boy its name? One man, the most intelligent of all, had to work evenings to eke out a support for his family, and yet by passing sleepless nights taught himself to read. I found he knew something on every subject which I mentioned. At a recent meeting of the Society of Arts in London, Leonard Wray stated that " of all

"The blacks are said to be lazy; for them

and they will become a national trouble and a burden without compensation. We cannot share in so sweeping an opinion. The blacks are capable, under a regime of liberty, of performing regular and profitable work; they have other wants besides those of the far niente order; and these other wants, spontaneously and of necessity developed by contact with the active life of men of other races, will, as

we cannot doubt, stimulate the black to re- cation to fit him to use it aright-and he asks markable exertion of productive force. We for no more. If you will refer to the reports are not uttering any random opinion; we can of the teachers and inspectors at the various point to the living proofs of what we advance. camps and schools, you will see how universal There exists, as every one knows, and even in is this evidence of an independent feeling on the vicinity of the United States, a country in the part of the blacks themselves. "We can which the blacks, entirely their own masters, work-are willing to do so-but we don't like have formed during two-thirds of a century to live upon charity." The women are taught an independent State. If there is a country to sew; material is provided for them, and they on the earth where they are permitted to are paid for their work just as our women were wholly give themselves up to their natural in- in the sewing schools in Lancashire. Many, stincts, it is beyond contradiction the Island if not most, of the able-bodied men were in. of Hayti. But what has actually happened in duced or compelled to enlist; others remain this negro Republic? Let figures answer the at home, and where practicable work for wages question. The Haytian negroes exported in in the fields. The children are taken into the 1821, 21 millions of pounds of coffee, six mil-schools, and show a really wonderful quick. lions and a-half of pounds of logwood, and ness in the acquisition of knowledge. The 130,000 feet of mahogany. But in 1863 they idea, by the way, of the intellect of the black furnished to foreign merchants 71 millions of man being inferior in its nature to that of the pounds of coffee, 116 millions of pounds of white is entirely scouted by those who have logwood, and two million of feet of mahogany. taught both. Give them equal chances, and These facts are unanswerable, and we might the teachers say the black is certainly not be add a host of others drawn from the history of hind his competitor." the black race in the United States themselves. The demonstration will become much more complete yet, if we reflect that the Haytian blacks are not stimulated, like those in the United States, by the sight of the most active civilisation in the world, that they lack means of communication and carriage, and that their markets and outlets are comparatively very limited."

These are stubborn facts; and they are by no means isolated ones. We have the testimony of our own friends who have gone out to see how things really are. And what is their testimony? They all give the same report. Take that of Joseph Simpson, of Manchester, who is now visiting the various Freedmen's colonies in America. Writing from Philadelphia, last month, he says:

Let none then be deceived by the false alarm that "the nigger will not work, and that he cannot take care of himself." Rather let us patiently wait, and having "proved all things, hold fast that which is good." Now that his freedom has become an established fact by the defeat of the South, a little time and patience will manifest that the negro is not wanting in anything that can constitute him a human be. ing, by no means perfect, but subject to all those infirmities incident to our fallen nature. Already it has been pretty well proved that he is much more stimulated to active exertion by the payment of cash rather than by the infliction of the lash, which, thank God, can never more be applied to human back in the United States of America, now truly "the home of the brave and the land of the free."

"It is the unanimous testimony of all with whom I have spoken, and of all who have IN a recent case tried before Judge Storer, mixed with the Southern negroe during the at Cincinnati, when a coloured man was last few years, that he neither asks nor desires ejected from a Street Railroad Car, and in continued charity. Just give him a hand out which he sought an indemnity for what he of the misery in which his race has been steeped claims to have been an injury to his person and for generations-give him facilities for acquir- his rights, the jury, after a brief deliberation ing that knowledge which has not only not returned a verdict for the plaintiff (the man of been given to him, but positively forbidden color,) and assessed his damages at eight hun. him-give him freedom and just enough edu-dred dollars.

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