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Lushington, and the Right Honourable Stephen

With great respect believe me,
Very respectfully,

Your obedient Servant,

J. H. WILSON, Maj.-Gen. Vols.

of colonization so lamentably exhibited by President Johnson, and so malignantly imi. tated by the London Times, will I believe be I heartily concur with the spirit which seems a failure. The propositions similar in character to animate the humane people of England in which have been put forth during many many their labours for the poor freed people of our years have been complete failures. Coloniza-country. Several weeks ago I wrote a letter zation for the freed negroes at this period of to the Honourable C. A. Dana, giving him the their history is most wicked in its conception results of my observation during the last four and I hope is destined to an early death. years of war, touching the political, social and Wendell Phillips, Esq., delivered a speech at mental condition of the South, and have Boston, U.S. on the 17th of October. It is requested him to lend you a copy of his most forcible, and eloquent, every line of it admirable journal containing it, the Chicago "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but Rupublican. the truth." He speaks with genuine knowledge of the negro race, and with equal knowledge of his own race. He speaks for us, and of us as he has a right to do; no moment during the history of the negro was ever so critical as the present. Mr. Phillips is more than equal to the hour; that man has more moral courage than almost an army of ordinary men. Negro character is not unfrequently supposed to be delineated by a class of vulgar men called "Ethiopian Minstrels,". or the negro-hating press on both sides of the Atlantic. To those who wish to know something of the negro character from one who has studied it well for many years, and who has had an opportunity to learn something of the bitterness and agony through which the negro has been forced to pass, I again ask both friend and foe of the negro to read that most opportune speech. At the present moment some portion of the influential press of England and the United States are doing all they can to make the negro the scorn of the civilized world, as if the negro had not received his full cup of bitterness.

"We sue for simple justice at your hands Nought else we ask nor less will have." SARAH P. REMOND.

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A NATION'S TRUE GLORY. THE wisest prince that ever sat upon a throne hath told us, that righteousness exalts a nation. (Prov. xiv, 34.) It is not valour in war, but righteousness; it is not policy in government, but righteousness; it is not wittiness of invention, but righteousness; it is not civility in behaviour, but righteousness; it is not antiquity of forms, but righteousness; it is not largeness of dominion, but righteousness; nor it is not greatness of command, but RIGHITEOUSNESS that is the honour and the safety, that is the renown and security of a nation. That nation that cxalts righteousness, that nation shall be certainly exalted by righteous. ness. It is not Ahithophel's policy; it is not Jeroboam's calves in Dan and Bethel; it is not Jehu's pompous zeal; it is not Goliath's sword; it is not rich mines of gold and silver, nor magazines, nor armies, nor counsels, nor fleets, nor forts,-but justice and righteousness that exalts a nation, and that will make a mean people to become a great, a glorious, and a famous people in the world. The world is a ring, and righteousness is the diamond in that ring; the world is a body, and righteous. ness and justice is the soul of that body. Ah, England! England! so long as judgment runs down as waters in the midst of thee, and righteousness as a mighty stream, thou shalt not die, but live, and bear up bravely against all gainsayers and opposers.-T. BROOKS. Written in 1662.

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Printed by ARLISS ANDREWS, of No. 7, Duke Street, Bloomsbury, W.C., in the Parish of St. George, Bloomsbury, in the Gounty of Middlesex.


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SINCE the publication of the last number of the FREED-MAN, the Society of which it is the recognized organ has advanced to a position demanded by the peculiar condition of the millions of the sable race who suffer from the effects of their former state of servitude. It is now clearly seen by the more thoughtful and earnest friends of the emancipated negro that the simple abolition of slavery does not complete the duty of the philanthropist in his case and ought not to exhaust his sympathies. If the Samaritan in the gospel had confined his efforts to the lifting up of the man who had fallen among thieves there would have been practically little difference between him and the Levite who passed by on the other side. The poor victim might have sunk in exhaustion, perished with hunger, or suffered from the fatal violence of a second attack of the banditti. But the tender and considerate Samaritan took a wiser and a kinder course: he went to the bleeding victim-he bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and took care of him.

The Freed-men, of all people in the world, need the most judicious carenot indeed to pamper them or to foster on the part of any vain sentimentality, but to fit them for the service required from them in the progress of Christian civilization. A conviction of the necessity of this proper care seems to have impressed the minds of many friends of the Freed-men simultaneously. Lloyd Garrison, after the unequalled labours and sacrifices of more than thirty years. in the anti-slavery cause, urges strongly the duty of now looking to the mental improvement, and to the industrial and moral training, of those who have been liberated from bondage. An able writer in the current number of the "New Englander" says, in reference to America,-"The mind falters ir striving to imagine the glory of that new era which is opening upon our country, if we are faithful and vigilant. The present winter may be one of severe hardship to some sections, but by another harvest the call for benevolence in feeding the hungry and naked will have ceased, and labour will be in the quiet exercise of its industries. The return of prosperity will soften animosity, and the failure

in the trial of strength will produce, even among rebels, content with existing arrangements. This recovered empire, whose Titanic energies put forth in the bloody wrestle are now working for the common good, rescued from the bane of weakness and dissension, must leap to the foremost rank by the development of its immense resources. Everything is hopeful, if we remain true to those principles which have conquered in this terrible conflict, and are earnest for the reformation of the South, and not for re-construction under the old process of state sovereignty and the nationalizing of slavery. Never has a christian people been summoned to a nobler task, than that which is waiting for us in the education and evangelization of emancipated millions, and of their former masters. Never could the church pray more confidently for the gift of the Holy Ghost in setting apart those gifted to lead in this heavenly service. We must seize the passing moment, ere society has fallen into the ancient mould, and cast it into a higher form. We must not however expect instantaneous success, for the spiritual grows to its harvest far slower than the material, and in neither do we reap on the day of sowing; yet if faithful to our country, our ancestry, and our God, we may rejoice in the hope of realizing the dream of philanthropy and the expectation of prophecy, to the amazement and confusion of those who have deemed our republic doomed."

This is the view our transatlantic brethren take of their present duty, and it is in exact accordance with our own sense of obligation to meet the claims of the Freed-men in the British colonies. Jamaica must under Providence be saved and we must gird ourselves for the arduous but deeply interesting task of restoration. The opportunity is most favourable. The government of the proslavery plantocracy has broken down. The commissioners of enquiry on the spot will bring all the chronic and complicated evils to light and an opening for intelligent and thorough philanthropists will be presented such as is rarely found. Who could read the nine columns respecting the "Reign of Terror" recently given to the public but with some alleviation in the sadness and humiliation produced by the account arising from the fact that the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society has been called into existence for such a time as this. After describing horrors-unexampled except in the greatest excesses of the Inquisition-the writer refers to the noble faithfulness of McLaren, who when asked under sentence of death to accuse Mr. Gordon said "I know I am going to be hanged this night. I don't know if he has anything to do with it." Faithful and true to the end-for he was hanged that night. He did not miscalculate the nature of the beings who were making a hell upon earth in Morant Bay. One thing only he could do, and that was to preserve his integrity unblemished and to go before his maker with a white soul. People of England, this man's aged mother is now living in a destitute condition among the ruins of her home. She has been driven from her provision ground because the Legislative Assembly, acting under the pressure of terror, passed an act to confiscate the property of all rebels, and the sentences of the courts-martial are accepted as conclusive.

An agent of the government has gathered up all the property, and policemen drive the people from their holdings. With her daughters, who have been made widows, and the fragments of their broken households, they now live in some poor hut in the woods, glad to court the companionship of the snakes and lizards rather than trust themselves to the tender mercies of those who profess to act in the name of Queen Victoria. "They said the Queen had left we," said the old lady mournfully, when I mentioned to her the arrival of the Royal Commissioners. The proverbial charity of the English people must flow to those poor afflicted fellow-countrymen. We cannot bring back the dead to life; but let us at least succour the living, and prevent the sting of absolute want from entering the soul, and making those who are now children brood in after years over their father's wrongs. Men acting in the name of England, have spread desolation widecast; let Englishmen come forward to lessen the privations. A little money will help to rebuild the houses, replace the clothing, restore the implements of husbandry, and give them their chapels. The latter have not only been destroyed but made the scene of horrors. Nine of the Stoney-Gut men were hanged in what is called Paul Bogle's Chapel. I was told so by a woman who had fled to the woods with her husband and her sick children. Her house was burned and all their little property destroyed, and they lay for two nights in the bush with their young ones amid the pouring torrents of rain. One of the poor babies got cramped with cold and hunger, and the mother in spite of her terror ventured at night out of their lair to endeavour to find shelter in the ruins of the chapel. She stealthily entered; but imagine her horror when looking up she saw the grisly forms of nine of her neighbours swinging round responsive to the night blast. A return to the wood and the wet lair among the frogs was better than this, and so she hastened back. The woman however was afterwards caught and flogged. England was never more dishonoured, and humanity never more disgraced, than by these transactions-but we ask our transatlantic brethren and the representatives of all civilized nations to pause before they pronounce on the entire nation the anathema that should only fall on those who have perpetrated these horrors. Remember Andersonville. Slavery alone could corrupt the principles and steel the hearts of men for atrocities like these.

Wait and you shall see that our country will do herself justice in this momentous matter. The Jamaica Committee will take the requisite judicial and political action, the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society confines itself to a ministry of compassion and benevolence. We admit with shame and sorrow that the minds of thousands have been perverted, and that they talk as if they had lost all natural and moral sensibility-but the righteous reaction is at hand. Meetings will be held throughout the country for the necessary instruction of the people in right principles, and to call forth their practical sympathies. We can point to the Grand Meeting at Exeter Hall, as a proof that the heart of England is yet sound. A more earnest and appreciative audience never assembled beneath its roof. The great subject was discussed with rare intelli

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