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tions, and prudent men should know what they are about to undertake. Those who are neither wise nor prudent had better stay at home; I do not write for such, but to give to family men such advice as I found no one capable of giving me; but which, through much toil and cost and peril, I had obtained the faculty of offering to others.-Ibid.




THE harem of the Aga was situated nearly opposite to the residence of Mr. Faker, on the other bank of the Nile, in a garden, in the Turkish style, that is to say, a piece of ground without trees. I was accompanied by the lady of the Portuguese physician, who understood a little Italian and Arabic, and who was to act as my interpreter. When we arrived at the entrance of the building, we were received by a black eunuch, richly dressed, who invited us to go into a very cool apartment, with latticed windows, and no furniture except a very broad and low divan. He left us to announce us to his mistress; we soon after saw the two wives of the Aga, accompanied by two of his daughters, one of whom was yet a child, and the other married to one of the superior officers in the army, and about twenty young slaves. The two ladies, as well as the daughters of the Aga, seated themselves next to me, while the slaves ranged themselves in a half circle before us, with their arms crossed on the breast, and preserving a respectful silence. As all these women spoke only Turkish, we needed a second interpreter, who, in her turn, understood only Turkish and Arabic, so that what I said in Italian had to be translated into Arabic, and the Arabic into Turkish; thus, to understand each other, we had need of three languages, and two interpreters.

It may readily be supposed that the conversation could not go on fluently, as we depended on the good will and talents of our interpreters: in fact, the qui pro quo resulting from the bad translations of our questions and answers were truly comic, and excited so much gaiety that loud and repeated bursts of laughter soon established a good understanding between us. The oldest of the consorts of the Aga, however, maintained a dignified gravity, while the other, who was much younger, and of an animated and interesting countenance, repeated, with extreme volubility, the most insignificant questions, and did not fail to examine the whole arrangement of my toilette. They asked me many questions respecting the

women in my country: as for Europe, I believe, they entertained very vague notions of it; and when I told them that our husbands had but one wife and no slaves, they looked at one another, undetermined whether to applaud or laugh at this custom.

The eldest daughter of the Aga was a young person of the most beautiful and pleasing countenance. She did not enjoy dered her really interesting in my eyes. good health; her extreme paleness renshe resembled a lily languishing, and withered by the burning wind of the desert. She appeared to cherish life from the idea that I, perhaps, possessed the skill to cure her, and earnestly entreated me to prescribe some remedy.

There is something singular in the conviction generally entertained by the Orientals, that all Europeans without distinction, have a knowledge of medicine and necromancy, arts commonly confounded with one another. It several times happened to us in Upper Egypt, to be called to the assistance of persons actually dying, or in so desperate a state that nothing less than a conjuror would have been required to preserve their lives. Without being a distinguished disciple of Hippocrates, it is easy to acquire the reputation of an able physician; and the really skilful medical man who accompanied us during our tour in Upper Egypt, was accustomed, on such occasions, that is, when the case was not desperate, in imitation of the celebrated Sangrado, of happy memory, to administer only the most simple remedies, which never failed to produce a prompt and marvellous effect. So much influence has the imagination of these children of nature on their cure.* But to return to my fair odalisques.

They were nearly all natives of Syria, Circassia, and Georgia, and I had thus leisure to survey these beauties who enjoy so much celebrity. They undoubt edly merit their reputation; I can, however, tell my fair countrywomen, to comfort them, and to do justice to truth, that Europe certainly can boast of beauties equal to those of the East. Those whom I had now the pleasure of seeing, had the most agreeable countenances, and delicate and regular features; but what most attracted my admiration was their hair, which fell in waving and natural curls down to their waist. They had each preserved their national costume, which agreeably varied this pretty par

To work a miracle, it is often quite sufficient to write some words on a piece of paper, or draw some cabalistic figure, which they swal low, or place as a talisman on the part affected.

terre; nor had they adopted the tresses of the Egyptian women, which rather disfigure than improve the figure. They had exquisitely beautiful teeth, but the clearness and bloom of youth were banished from their complexion; they all had a languid air, and I did not find among them that embonpoint which I had expected to meet. Perhaps their sedentary mode of life, and the destructive climate of Egypt, have contributed to tarnish the lustre of their charms. The climate of Egypt, otherwise so salubrious, exercises a malignant influence upon female beauty, and on the children of European parents.

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Refreshments were brought in on a small table of cedar, very low, and ornamented with a pretty Mosaic of ivory and mother-of-pearl; the collation consisted of confectionary, cakes made of honey and fruits, and sherbet. Meantime, some slaves burnt incense in silver censers, and frequently sprinkled us with rose water; two others placed themselves at my side; and every time that I either ate or drank any thing, were ready to hold under my lips a napkin of a coarse quality, yet embroidered with gold. Others, provided with fans, drove away the swarms of insects which the pastry and fruit had attracted around us. In short, each seemed to have a particular function to perform. When the repast was ended, they wished me to pass the night with them and to take the bath, but having already acquainted myself with this kind of amusement at Cairo, I declined their polite invitation. After going over the house, which did not contain any thing remark able, I took my leave; and on departing distributed among the slaves some small gold coins, to which they attach a great value.-Recollections of Egypt.

The Gatherer.

"I am but a Gatherer and disposer of other men's stuff."- Wotton

SINGULAR INTERMARRIAGE. A MR. HARDWOOD had two daughters by his first wife, the eldest of whom was married to John Coshick; this Coshick had a daughter by his first wife, whom old Hardwood married, and by her he had a son; therefore, John Coshick's second wife could say as follows:

My father is my son, and I'm my mother's mother;

My sister is my daughter, and I'm grandmother to my brother.

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A SINGULAR MONASTERY. Ar the distance of forty versts from Dubossaru, ascending the Dniester, there is a monastery situated on almost inacces sible rocks. Formerly, the inhabitants of the environs sought an asylum from the incursions of the Tartars in the midst of similar fastnesses. Part of the building still standing, serves as a retreat for the wild pigeons in stormy weather. The church and cells, hewn in the massive rock, have no need of covering or repair: the cells are cold and unwholesome, so that the monks, twelve in number, sleep with their clothes on. Among the trees which grow in this solitary place, there is one which merits particular attention; the Moldavians call it kung. Its roots penetrate into the hardest stone; its fruit resembles a cherry, in taste and form, and its kernel has a spirituous ard agreeable flavour; this tree, too, like the citron, bears flowers and fruits at the same time, and continues bearing till the

end of autumn.

TO CORRESPONDENTS. Jacobus in our next.

Printed and published by J. LIMBIRD 143, Strand, (near Somerset House,) and sold by all Newsmen and Bookseller


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(but this order never existed in England, St. Augustine, St. Benet, and St. Fran cis. The order of St. Augustine (of which was Tavistock, Saxon Etefing stoke, Abbey) was next in point of antiquity to that of St. Basil. St. Augustine, styled by Weever, "the doctor of all doctors," was born at Carthage, A. D. 358; having been converted to Christianity by the sermons of St. Ambrose, then bishop of Milan; he repaired thither where he was farther confirmed in his faith, by the excellent conversations and examples of that pious man.

From Milan he returned to his own country, and obtained of the bishop of Hippo (over which see he himself afterwards exercised episcopal dominion) a garden in the suburbs of the city, where he erectea a monastery, "in which," says Weever, " he lived of the labour of his hands in all integretie, according to the institution of the primitive church." He died of a fever at Hippo, in the seventy-sixth year of his age, and the fourteenth of his

Some authors affirm that it was not till the

time of the Conqueror that any other order was introduced into England beside the Benedictine:

bishopric. The Augustine order multiplied greatly throughout the Christian world, and branched into others, differing in some respects in the rules and habits of life. This slight notice of St. Augustine as the founder of the order of Tavistock Abbey, will not, it is hoped, be deemed out of place. We shall now proceed to the notice of the abbey.

Orgarius, duke of Devonshire, whose daughter, Elfrida, is so well known to the readers of English history, may be considered as the original founder, though some ascribe it wholly to his son, Ordulph. Orgarius, the tradition goes, being admonished in a dream, began at Tavistock, A. D. 961, a splendid abbey, which he dedicated to St. Mary, but did not live to complete it. It was, however, finished in 981 by Ordulph, his son, and endowed by him and his lady with many manors, that of Tavistock included. Ordulph was nephew to king Etheldred, and is said to have been of such gigantic stature and herculean strength, that he could break the bars of gates, and stride across a river of ten feet wide. Some huge bones, said to be those of Ordulph, are still preserved in Tavistock church. Amongst other benefactors, king Etheldred was a considerable one to his nephew's establishment, and the institution became very wealthy and flourishing. When the Danes, in the year 997, sailing round the Land's-End, entered the mouth of the Tamar, and proceeding a considerable distance up that river, marched to Tavistock; where, after having spoiled the monastery they burnt it to the ground, and carried off the plunder to their ships.



It was shortly after this devastation rebuilt, and ere long, became more flourishing than ever, additional grants and immunities having been given by various persons. Leving, or Living, bishop of Worcester, is mentioned by Speed as special benefactor." A charter of Edward III. conferred by a charter of Henry I. bestows the jurisdiction and whole hundred of Tavistock on the abbey, together with the privilege of a weekly market, and a fair once a year for three days. Soon after its re-establishment a school for Saxon literature, which had grown greatly into disuse, was founded; "and," says Camden," continued down to the last age lest (that which hath almost now happened) the knowledge of it should be quite lost." The succession of the abbots it would be both useless and uninteresting to mention. Several of them were learned men, and soon after the introduction of the art of printing into England, there was established in the abbey, a press, from which

many books were issued, and amongst the rest a Saxon grammar. Richard Barham, the thirty-fifth abbot, obtained from Henry VIII., in 1513, the privilege of sitting in the house of peers; or, in other words, became a mitred abbot. This he probably gained by purchase, in order to be revenged on Hugh Oldham, bishop of Exeter, with whom he had great disputes, and finally caused to be excommunicated. In 1539, John Peryn, the thirty-sixth and last abbot, surrendered his monastery on being allowed the sum of £100. per annum for life. The lands were granted by Henry VIII. to John Russel, duke of Bedford, and have since continued in the possession of his heirs. The revenues of the abbey were valued at the suppression at the yearly rent of £902. 5s. 7. but it must be observed, that the abbots and priors foreseeing the impending storm, set the yearly rents very low, and the fines very high, that they might have a sufficient support if expelled their houses.

The following, extracted from Risden, relates a circumstance whereby a consider. able addition was made to the possessions of the abbey. "It is lefte us by tradi tion," says he, "that one Childe, of Plimstoke, a man of faire possessions, havinge noe issue, ordained, that whereever he shoulde happen to be buried, to that churche his lands should belong. It so fortuned that he, ridinge to hunt in the forest of Dartmoor, casually lost his companye, and his waye; likewise the season beinge so colde and he so benumbed therewithe, that he was enforced to kill his horse, and havinge so killed him, to creepe into his bellye to gett heat; which not beinge able to preserve him, he was there frozen to deathe; and so fonde, was carried by Tavystokemen to be buried in the churche of the abbye; which was not so secretlye done, but the inhabitants got knowledge thereof; which to prevent, they resorted to hinder the carryinge of the corpse on the bridge, where they concluded necessitye compelled them to passe. But they were deceived by a guile. For the Tavystokemen forthwith builded a slyghte bridge, and passed on at another place without resistance, buried the bodye, and enjoyed the lands. In memorye whereof, the bridge beareth the name of Gylebridge to this daye." Neither this bridge nor the abbey church are now in existence, although there are still some remains of the institution; among these are part of the walls, the refectory, the still-house, Ordulph's tomb, and a small gateway, of which our engraving presents a view. Not far from Tavistock is the abbots' hunting seat, which from its

capaciousness and other visible marks of its former grandeur, displays the sumptuous manner in which these dignitaries lived. T. E. K.

The Months.


AT this season of the year, it is remarked in Time's Telescope, that "The wheatear, or English ortolan, (Sylvia œnanthe,) again pays its annual visit, leaving England in September. Those birds which have passed the winter in England now take their departure for more northerly regions, as the fieldfare, the red-wing, and the woodcock.

"In March, trouts begin to rise, and blood-worms appear in the water. The clay hair-worm is found at the bottom of drains and ditches, and the water-flea may be seen gliding about upon the surface of sheltered pools. Towards the end of the month, frogs spawn. Of the Surinam frog, and the remarkable changes it undergoes, a good account is given by Mr. Ireland, in a communication to the Journal of Science and the Arts. Linnæus himself, at one time, considered the animal to be a species of lizard, and arranged it under the genus Lacerta; afterwards he placed it under the genus in which it now stands, with the specific name Piscis. By others it has been considered not to be the larva or tadpole of a frog, but to change from a frog to a fish; indeed, they are considered as such by the natives, and are by them denominated jackies. The size is commonly from six to eight inches long, and in the beginning of the dry season they are generally regarded as a great delicacy for the table. At this period, their appearance is precisely that of a fish, and the relater having procured a number of them in this state, alive, confined them in a tub in order to watch their change, and contrived to have vegetables growing in the water, for the purpose of renovating its air. Upon a minute examination, two small legs might be perceived immediately behind the head, which are to become the hind legs of the frog. In about a fortnight these legs arrive at a considerable size, and the body of the animal is very much enlarged; during this change the animal remains in a very torpid state. In about three weeks the animal becomes more active and lively, and the fore legs make their appearance, and the head becomes distinct. From this period till about the sixth week the animal is always

seen with part of its head above the surface of the water, and is extremely active and strong. During this last change, the tail partly sloughs off, and is partly absorbed; and the process being now completed, the animal is a perfect frog, and leaves the water never to return.

"It is a curious circumstance, that, till now, no naturalist at Surinam has ever described these changes from his own observations; it may be added, that none of the natives seem to be acquainted with the transformation, and those who saw them in their different stages of actual change could never afterwards be persuaded to eat them.

"Of all our summer visitants, observes Mr. Jenyns, in his Ornithology of Cambridgeshire, the lesser pettychaps is undoubtedly the earliest, often arriving by the middle, or latest by the end of March. Although diffused in tolerable plenty over most other parts of the country, yet in the neighbourhood of Bottisham it is of very uncertain appearance, as in some instances not a single individual is seen there, whilst in others they are abundant. It is a restless and an active bird, and is much attached to spruce firs and other tall trees, from the tops of which it issues its incessant but monotonous song, consisting only of two loud piercing notes, which it continues through the summer, and even till late in September.

"Young otters are produced and young lambs are yeaned this month. This latter is one of the prettiest, yet most pathetic sights that the animal world presents; the early lambs dropped in their tottering and bleating helplessness upon the cold skirts of winter, and hiding their frail forms from the March winds, by crouching down on the sheltered side of their dams; their constant enemy, the raven, keeping a sharp look-out for them, this bird, about this time, frequenting sheeppastures, and watching for any young lambs that may be dropped feeble or dead. They are speedily noticed by the raven, and their eyes immediately pulled out. The raven has always been a bird held in great veneration by mankind, much of which it no doubt obtained from its repeated mention and agency in Scripture. He was the messenger of Noah, and the first bird that flew under the heavens, upon the waters of the great deluge: he was appointed to sustain the prophet Elijah in the wilderness, and is three or four times mentioned in the sacred writings as under the peculiar care and protection of Providence. The changes in our manners and ideas, in many things, have deprived the raven of much of this reverence; yet he is a bird of some eminence

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