Obrázky stránek

every morning, and the window of which looked out upon the principal street of the city. At this window, when the morning was a little advanced, he showed himself, en deshabille, to the people passing along the street; an exhibition which threatened to have such a fatal effect upon her ladyship's reputation, that she saw fit to accept of him for a husband.

She was more happy as Countess of Stair than she had been as Lady P. Yet her new husband had one failing, which occasioned her much and frequent uneasiness. Like all other gentlemen at that period, he sometimes indulged over much in the bottle. When elevated with liquor, his temper, contrary to the general case, was by no means improved. Thus, on his reaching home, after any little debauch, he generally had a quarrel with his wife, and sometimes even treated her person with violence. On one particular occasion, when quite transported beyond the bounds of reason, he gave her so severe a blow upon the upper part of the face, as to occasion the effusion of blood. He immediately after fell asleep, altogether unconscious of what he had done. Lady Stair was so completely overwhelmed by a tumult of bitter and poignant feeling, that she made no attempt to bind up her little wound. She sat down on a sofa near her torpid husband, and wept and bled till morning. When his lordship awoke, and perceived her dishevelled and bloody figure, he was surprised to the last degree, and eagerly inquired how she came to be in such an unusual condition? She answered by detailing to him the whole history of his conduct on the preceding evening; which stung him so deeply with regret, for he was a nobleman of the most generous feelings, that he instantly vowed to his wife never afterwards to take any species of drink, except what was first passed through her hands. This vow he kept most scrupulously till the day of his death. He never afterwards sat in any convivial company where his lady could not attend to sanction his potations with her permission. Whenever he gave any entertainment, she always sat next him and filled his wine, till it was necessary for her to retire; af. ter which, he drank only from a certain quantity which she had first laid aside.

to make a few preliminary observations on the nature of heat.

Although the sun is the great fountain of light, the heat upon its surface is probably not greater than that of our own globe; for, as caloric is given out when water is poured into acids or alcohol, so the heat of the sun is, in all likelihood, produced by the rays of light mingling with, or passing through, our atmosphere. In proof of this, it will always be found, that as the air increases in rarity, the heat decreases in intensity, and vice versa ;-that beyond the limits of the atmosphere eternal cold exists in the most brilliant sunshine ;-that the denser the air, the greater the heat; and, finally, that the ocean would be congealed into a solid waste of ice, were there no atmosphere surrounding the world, though the beams of a luminary, a thousand times brighter than our orb of day, shone upon it.

Although the coast of Peru is one of the hottest climates in the world, those who gradually ascend the Cordilleras from it, observe that the heat progressively decreases; so that when they have got to the valley of Quito, at the height of about 1400 toises above the level of the sea, the thermometer, in the course of the whole year, scarcely rises 13 or 14 degrees above Zero. If they ascend still higher, this temperature is succeeded by a severe winter; and when they get to the perpendicular height of about 2400 toises, they meet with nothing, even under the equinoctial line, but eternal ice. Some philosophers, it is true, account for the decrease of temperature, by arguing that the warmth which is experienced at the surface of the earth is not merely the direct heat of the sun, but of several causes united; and in particular, that the heat of the plains and valleys is owing to the reflection and absorption of the sun's rays from, and into, the ground. But this solution of the difficulty does not seem so satisfactory as that which refers it to the comparative rarity or density of the air. To illustrate the subject, let us have recourse to one or two simple experiments:-Place a piece of ice under the receiver of an air-pump; exhaust the atmosphere, and transmit the rays of the sun from a burning mirror or convex lens upon the ice, within the receiver-the brilliant focus will be seen to have no effect upon the congealed mass. Allow the mirror or lens to remain, and admit the air; the ice will then immediately begin to melt. Again, place a piece of ice in a transparent receiver, and let the air be compressed; the frozen matter will be observed to dissolve rapidly, without any other assistance than the beams of day passing through the condensed medium. Again, let us suppose a globe of sand-stone to represent the earth; a flagon, the sun, and a quart of alcohol in it, the light of the sun; pour the spirit from the flagon, (or light from the sun,) upon the ball of sand-stone, until it be quite saturated still there will be no heat; but suppose this sphere were surrounded by (we shall call it) an atmosphere of water, immediately upon the alcohol mingling with the water, heat would be evolved; the globe would absorb the "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament warmth from its atmosphere; and while the stream of showeth his handy work."

The Earl of Stair died in the year 1747, (at Queensberry House, in the Canongate, Edinburgh,) leaving her ladyship again a widow. She lived all the rest of her life, in dotarial state, at Edinburgh; where a close, or alley, in which she resided, still bears her name. She died in the year 1759.




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THE modern theory of comets has pretty clearly established, that these apparently flaming bodies, which were so long believed to be immense balls of fire, may, on the contrary, be worlds inhabited by beings in every respect like ourselves, possessing vegetables similar to our own, and suffering no sensible change in temperature, on advancing from the distance of 11,200,000,000 miles from the sun, to within a third part of the semidiameter of that luminary. That the reader may be enabled to form any accurate notion of the weight which ought to be attached to this theory, it will be necessary

spirit, falling from the flagon upon the sphere, was cold as ice, the water around the ball would be of a pleasant, and even hot, temperature. It is exactly so with the sun and its light, the earth and its atmosphere. As oceans of alcohol alone could afford no warmth to the globe of sand-stone, so we might look in vain for heat without air, though oceans of light enveloped the world a thousand times denser than what is now flowing from the orb of day.

For a similar cause, the planet Mercury, having a

Sulphuric acid has such an affinity for water, that they will unite in any proportion; and the combination takes place with the production of an intense heat. When four parts, by weight, Sir Isaac Newton computed the heat of the comet, seen by of the acid are suddenly mixed with one of water, the temperahim in 1680, to be 2000 times hotter than red-hot iron.

ture of the mixture rises, according to Dr Ure, to 300° F.

less atmosphere, and the Georgium Sidus a much great- least orbits and periods. It appears, moreover, that er, than that which encircles our world, the medium of the planets have atmospheres in proportion to their disheat may be alike in both; and it is likely, that the tances from the sun; and that the sun itself, by having nearer the planets are to the sun, the lesser will be their a very rare and thin atmosphere under its phosphoresatmospheres; the further removed, the greater. Our cent mantle, (which will float on the air as oil does on own earth, by losing a part of its surrounding air, might water,) may be the abode of beings in every respect sibe placed in the system, where Mercury now is, without milar to ourselves, with this difference, that as they inany inconvenience to its inhabitants; and in like man-habit the greatest and noblest orb in our system, they ner, were the atmospheres increased, it might revolve, with the same comfort to mankind, in the orbit of the Georgian planet.

These things being premised, the phenomenon of comets and their tails will be more easily understood.

are perhaps more worthy of enjoying that blessing.

Before concluding these observations it may further be remarked, that it seems extremely probable, that every planet in the system was originally a comet; and that every comet will finally become a planet. As the sun is In considering the eccentric orbits of comets, some the largest orb, and moreover the centre of our system, such train of thought as the following may be supposed it is natural to conclude that it came into existence first. to pass through our minds :-It is not to be believed Before the sun was created, an ethereal medium, like a that a single atom in creation was made in vain; yet great mist, may be supposed to have pervaded all space, what sort of beings can inhabit worlds, that are at one and that at the will of the Almighty, centres of attractime in regions of the most perishing cold, at another tion were pointed out in the embryo of creation, to which in those of devouring fire? Is it not possible that some the surrounding particles of matter approximated and means may have been devised to avoid these extremes? formed nebula, which in process of time acquired such Could not the atmospheres of the comets be increased a degree of density, as to be capable of being affected and decreased, as they recede from, and advance towards, by the laws of attraction. The gravitating mass would the sun? Does the velocity of their motions, as they then move towards the nearest body, with a velocity approach the sun, not cause their atmospheres to stream increasing as the distance decreased, until the more atoff from the nucleus, and form a sort of tail behind, tenuated portion of the nebulous matter streamed off which may again surround them as they recede from from the denser nucleus in the form of a tail. At their first our system? Are streams, or tails, in point of fact, seen outset these new bodies would move in straight lines toissuing from these luminaries? And if so, are they in- wards their attracting sources; but, as there exists a variably turned from the sun? Do they increase as the power of repulsion, as well as of attraction, in all the comet approaches that orb, and do they gradually sur-heavenly bodies, they would be unable to come into round it as it recedes from the planetary system? So far as science has yet gone, all these questions may be most satisfactorily answered.

actual contact with the suns previously existing, and, like comets, would perform their semicircle round the luminaries, and thence be repelled into the depths of When a comet is in its aphelion, or greatest distance space. When the effect of this action had ceased, (which from the sun, it is completely surrounded by its enor- would take place when they were in their aphelion) they mous atmosphere; in consequence of which, the beams would again be attracted, and again repelled; with this of the sun, be they ever so feeble, in passing through difference, that at every revolution the density of their such a dense medium, will create a sufficient quantity nucli would be increased-the length of their tails of heat for the support of animal and vegetable life, shortened and the eccentricity of their orbits diminisheven at that immeasurable distance. Bailly remarks, ed-in a word, that they would gradually become (vide Hist. d'Astron. iii, 257.) that were the comet of planets, and move round their respective suns in regular 1630, in its aphelion, 138 times more remote from the circles. Thus does it seem not unlikely, that every sun than the earth, it would receive five or (taking the planet in the solar system has originally been a vapour refraction occasioned by its dense atmosphere into con- —a nebula—a comet: and that every comet will fi sideration) six times as much light from the sun as we nally become a planet. To give still greater strength do from the full moon. As the comet approaches the to this hypothesis the following facts may be stated:sun the coma commences streaming from the head, and First, the indefatigable Sir William Herschel has disas the velocity of the motion increases, the tail increases covered no less than 2000 nebula-and since these are in length also. In so doing, the superabundant atmos- visible to the eye of man, how prodigious, how infinite, phere is thrown off, and the same medium of heat ex- must be the number scattered throughout the universe! perienced throughout all the comet's orbit. But as light and these nebula bear such a resemblance to the distant issues from the sun with such inconceivable rapidity, comets, that they have frequently been confounded. the tail of the comet will be entangled therein, and flow Secondly, several comets have been seen with no nufrom the sun as a banner does when playing loosely be- cleus whatever, presenting only a slight thickening tofore the wind. Gradually as the comet advances to the wards the middle, which was so translucent that the stars verge of the planetary system, its tail will begin to sur- were distinctly seen through the very centre; while others round it, and as it travels through the chilly depths of have been visible with a solid nucleus of 2000 miles in space, the more, and yet the more, will it be enveloped diameter nay, history records comets that have appearin its atmospheric mantle to compare small things ed as large as the sun, (vide Seneca, N. Q. 1. 7, c. 15.) with great just as a person in travelling from the equa- and authors, seeking for a natural cause, have attritor towards the pole would gradually increase his ap-buted the darkness at our Saviour's crucifixion, to an parel.

It will now appear evident that the periods of the comets might be pretty correctly calculated by observing the length of their tails, and distances from the sun; considering, 1st, That those comets which have the longest trains, and are furthest from the central orb in their perihelions, must also have the greatest orbits, consequently the longest periods. 2dly, That those which advance nearer the luminary, with very long trains, will be the next in order. 3dly, That the comets which have shorter comas and are far from the sun in their

perihelions, the third. 4thly, That those which have shorter trains, and are nearest the sun, will have the

eclipse of the sun, occasioned by such a comet passing between him and the earth. Thirdly, the tails of comets are generally a little concave towards the sun; the fixed stars are always visible through them, and sometimes they are so brilliant that they have been distinguished during full moon, and even after the rising of the sun. Fourthly, there are three instances of comets actually revolving within the limits of our planetary system: 1st, the comet of Encke, which never passes

erland, 13th December 1744, was nearly three times that of the • The diameter of the comet, first seen at Lausanne, in Switzearth, and its tail was no less than 23 millions of miles.

the orbit of Jupiter: 2d, the comet of Gambart, which travels but a little way beyond the orbit of the same planet at its greatest distance from the sun; and 3d, the well-known comet of 1770, which in its present movements never goes beyond the orbit of Uranus.

If these phenomena serve to confirm the hypothesis now advanced, the work of creation may be considered as still going on in the heavens, and the foundations only of innumerable orbs are yet laid on the bosom of space. The Almighty is still at work in the illimitable fields of ether: in the boundless regions of infinity; and every day, every hour, new worlds are perhaps springing into existence !


No. IV.

[We have pleasure in announcing that these Letters will be continued regularly once a fortnight.]

On Saturday last, I was admitted to the private view of the works of Modern Art at the British Institution. The exhibition is, on the whole, considered superior to that of last year. Many of the pictures, however, have already been before the public, at the Royal Academy and the Suffolk-street Rooms; and what adds to the offence, these are honoured with situations, which, in my opinion, belonged more properly to others shown for the first time. Those who had the direction of the matter, have left themselves no apology, as they have set forth in the catalogue that many creditable pictures were returned for want of room. The number of paintings is 532-there are 9 specimens of sculpture.

From some preparatory announcements, expectation was considerably on tiptoe as to this exhibition, and I confess that I for one have been disappointed. In the highest department of art, there is not a single good feature scarcely even an attempt of the kind; and of the poetical character, there are but few. Neither is there any overflow of portraits-for which there is scope for gratitude ;-but of the Dutch school, the scenes and groups in domestic life, there is a multitude. Whether British genius will gain by descending to the taste of the Belgian swamps, is, to my simple perception, exceedingly problematical. Doubtless, this class of productions is most acceptable to the cash critics who dwell city-wards and the artists know, and, per force, take advantage of the fact. Perhaps I may hereafter notice some of the best pictures explicitly; at present, from the rapid survey I made of the collection, I could not conscientiously attempt it. There is a promising array of names; and, among the old and the young best entitled to approbation in their works, I considered Collins, Danby, H. Howard, E. Landseer, Morris, Briggs, Roberts, Stanley, Inskipp, Linnell, Pidding, Webster, and Etty. Northcote's "Adoration of the Shepherds" is certainly extraordinary for an artist in his 90th year. The pictures marked sold, amounted to twenty-three.

An engraver named Coney, not much known except to antiquaries, is executing a work, from sketches by himself, which has excited considerable interest among the lovers of the monuments of Gothic architecture. It will comprise the best remains of that order in Europe. Such of the specimens as I have seen are finished with a delicacy and precision truly admirable. The work is to be published in numbers, by Messrs Moon, Boys, and Graves, Pall Mall. The Marquiss of Stafford and

It is curious to observe, that Apollonius Myndius affirms that the comets were reckoned by the Chaldeans among the planets.

others of the higher orders, distinguished for taste in the arts, have taken a lively interest in it. The artist was formerly employed upon the Monasticon.

The only thing approaching to literary news is the appearance of the first number of a weekly journal, entitled the Ecclesiastic, edited by the Rev. Henry Stebbing. It professes to be a religious and family paper, and its motto is taken from Matthew, 5th chapter, 44th verse. The Ecclesiastic hath a most slumberous aspect, and like many excellent things, is easier praised than read.

I am just about witnessing the first representation of a comedy, in three acts, at Covent Garden. It is entitled, The Widows Bewitched. If it be half as mirthinspiring as the Beaux Stratagem at the same theatre, it shall have my voice for a six weeks' repetition.

[blocks in formation]


But patriots openly, legally striving

To rescue their race from oppression and shame!

Asleep in icy sheets upon their beds;

In the far wilderness the whispering leaves And birds were mute; and silent Solitude,

You were look'd for, a cloud, naught but tempest por- With finger on her lip, sat full of fear.


The visitant still of our storm-riven land! You came like the sun, out of chaos ascending

Sublime, at his Maker's benignant command! Our long reign of darkness, unchequer'd !-despairing! Which each hope of dawn but protracted anew! You scatter'd with radiance resplendent-repairing Whole ages of Night with the Day that it threw.

Farewell! From the land that now darkens to lose you, Your virtue the vouchers that witness it bears

As they drown the vile laugh with which Faction pur

sues you

The blessings of millions invoked 'mid the tears! Fare well! Ah too short was thy visit, to lighten So brightly to lighten our land, overcast! But the ocean's proud crest shall her emerald brighten No more when the glow of thy memory is past!


The lower animals were all dismay'd ;-
The cock, who counted the unerring hours,
Crowed at his wonted time; the peasant boy
Waked, and he wonder'd why the sun still slept,
And health's breeze play'd not with his curly locks.
The owl tired of the melancholy hours and slept;
The toad had wander'd from his native pool,
And crawl'd into the palace, and he dared
To sit like an usurper on the throne,
And underneath the crown he put his head,
Mocking at royalty, and drank from silver urns;
And in th' unfinish'd bowl of revelry

He dipp'd, and lay intoxicate, and died;
And slimy snakes laid them in beauty's breast,
And twined their forms in her luxuriant curls,
And touch'd her timid cheek sacred to love.

The glow-worm lighted up its lovely lamp,
And worshippers bow'd to the senseless thing;
Volcanoes held aloft their flaming torch,
And multitudes around them howling sat
On mountain tops; and mighty forest-trees
And houses were made watch-fires unto men;-
Fire's eye had slept in every human home.-

By the Author of the "Lament of the Wandering Jew, Thousands were seen rushing to ruin fast,

and other Poems."

HATH he, whose breath first bade the sun to be,
Blown out his light? or, muffled in the robe
Of Night, sleeps he among the fleecy clouds?
Is the oil of thy everlasting lamp,

Fair Moon, burnt out, not to relume again?
Is thy face changed, to change not any more?—
Ye starry orbs, are ye quench'd in the clouds ?-
Ye comets, are ye called up to his throne,
Your home of light,-your early dwelling-place?—
Ye lightnings, is your ammunition done,
Or are your forky arrows laid aside
To sharpen well against the awful day?—
Is Earth's globe blotted from the universe?
Is Nature dead, and is this burial black,
Which all things wear, the world's funeral dress?

Because the Sun shone not, winged with fire,
No waters rose in mists, or fell in rains
And dews upon the gasping lands;—
Because the Moon shone not, the tides forgot
To join the mermaids, singing to their shells ;-
Because the stars shone not, the mariner
Had lost his path amid the trackless waves.

The spheres, whose music makes such harmony
To the ear of Philosophy, sung not;
The orchestra of winds, and waves, and woods,
Play'd not, as they were wont, in emulous tones;
Ocean waked not upon her mighty harp
(Touch'd by the fingers of the homeless storms)
A wilderness of spirit-stirring sounds;
The orphan winds cared not to roam the fields,
To kiss the death-like cheeks of hueless flowers;
The babbling brooks, that, as they flow along,
Hum many a pleasing ditty to themselves,
Forgot their wild notes, and in silence lay

Chasing the ignes fatui on the heath,

Which plunged them amid pits and marshy fens.

Some travellers carried in their hand a branch
Of rotten wood ;-it shone, but warm'd them not;
But many fell down gulfs and unknown steeps,
High carnival for beast and bird of prey.

The eyes of all men strain'd to compass light :
The shepherd from his mountain eyry look'd ;-
The mariner look'd for the morning star ;—
The bacchanal, at wassailing and wine,
Had sworn to tire the night and see the sun;
He fell; his laugh was changed into a howl ;-
The poet look'd, all nature was a blank;-
The painter look'd, the landscape was a blot ;-
The beauty look'd—but dark, as in their grave,
Beneath their fringy lids her starry eyes
Lay viewless, passionless, and uninspired ;-
The man of observation dropt his pen,
A cloud obscured the windows of his mind ;-
The astronomer, confounded in his views
And speculations, own'd a Mighty Cause ;-
The blind man only felt as he had wont-
To walk in darkness was not new to him.

Imagination, too, was at her work,
And conjured up the ghosts of murder'd Time.
The kindlinesses all of man to man,

The interchange of word and speaking look,
The magic of a tear, the sunny smile,

The electric of the touch, when hand shakes hand,
And flies from hand to heart; friendship and love,
The lovely children of the heart, all died,
And melancholy lean'd on his pale brow;
Joy danced not, for his limbs were paralysed,
And Hope saw nothing thro' her telescope.

T. B. J.


fessor Wilson, which is by far the best likeness that has yet been taken of him.

Theatrical Gossip.-The London theatres were never better

[The following Fable is from the pen of an accomplished attended than they are at present, whilst, we are sorry to say, ex


UNE Chenille aride

Disoit, "Je n'ai plus d'appetit;

Je sens mon corps devenir plus petit,
Et ma peau se tane et se ride:
C'est fait de moi; je deviens chrysalide,
De mon espèce destin rigoureuse!
Race infortunée et maudite!
Voila pourtant le sort affreux
Ou chaque Chenille est réduite."

Tout en parlant elle s'endort

De ce profond sommeil qu'elle prend pour la mort.
Par hazard, aupres d'elle,
Un papillon leger, brillant,
Fretilloit, battoit de l'aile,
Et sourcoit en l'écoutant.


THE extensive historical work, so long announced by Sir James Mackintosh, is now likely to appear early in spring. Sir James has also undertaken to prepare for the Cabinet Cyclopædia, a Popular History of England, to form three volumes of that publication.

The lively authoress of the Diary of an Ennuyée announces a new work, to be called, The Loves of the Poets.

A new novel, from the pen, we believe, of Lady Morgan, is about to appear, entitled, The Daverels. The Ettrick Shepherd has expressed a hope that it may not be confounded with The Haverels.

Mr Grattan, the author of Highways and Byways, has a new work in the press, Traits of Travel, or Tales of Men and Cities. We hope the work may be better than this affected and unmeaning name seems to augur.

The Diary and Correspondence of the celebrated Dr Doddridge are in a forward state at press, under the superintendence of his great-grandson.

We understand that the clever author of the Subaltern is preparing the Chelsea Pensioners, a Series of Military Stories.

actly the reverse is the case in Edinburgh.-At the Adelphi, Mathews, Yates, and T. P. Cooke, seem to be carrying every thing before them, for they scarcely ever bring out a piece that is not eminently successful.-The Italian Opera opened this season with "La Donna del Lago," and a new Prima Donna, called Mademoiselle Monticelli, sustained the principal character.— Kean has relinquished his engagement at Covent Garden, in consequence of some misunderstanding arising out of his recent "sudden indisposition." We wish he would come down here for a fortnight.-Miss Isabella Paton has performed here three or four times to good houses; she appears a pleasant clever actress, and, as a townswoman, ought to be encouraged. She has her benefit on Monday. A new piece, called "Charles XII." which has had a good run in London, was produced last night, but of course too late for our criticism.-The author of "Virginius" is again at work on a comedy. The failure of his last has only put him on his mettle. He has a feeling that the thing is in him, and is determined that it shall not be for want of perseverance if it does not come out. He has our best wishes for a final triumph.

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A considerable number of new works lie upon our table for review, all of which we shall notice as soon as possible,

tion upon the phrenological developement of Burke and Hare, An ingenious scientific correspondent has an article in preparawhich we doubt not will be perused with interest.

The paper on " Religious Division" is respectably written, but ginal to warrant publication; we shall be glad, however, to hear it does not seem to contain any thing sufficiently striking or orifrom the author again.-The "Essay on Italy," "Phrenologus," and "A Sailor's Dream," will not suit us.

deen, will appear in an early Number." R. S." of Aberdeen is The "Sonnets" by a Lady, which we have received from Aber pretty Lines in "Minstrelsy," but as a whole it is imperfectimproving, but he is not quite good enough yet.-There are some "The Dumb Maid," and the effusions of "G. M. G." and "D. M. D." will not suit us, though there is some merit in all these title "Y.A." of Aberdeen to inflict upon us a copy of verses which begin thus,

The author of To-day in Ireland is about to publish a new
Series of Tales, called, Yesterday in Ireland. We shall, doubt-pieces.-We are not aware what crime we have committed to en-
less, soon have To-morrow in Ireland, and then, probably, the
Day after To-morrow in Ireland.

Mr Valpy is publishing a Series of School and College Greek Classics, with English Notes, in duodecimo. The Medea and Hecuba of Euripides, and the Edipus of Sophocles, are ready. Thucydides, Herodotus, Xenophon, and others, will follow in succession, on the same plan.

"When last we met, we parted cold, Which to my bosom proved a dart."

"Should the foregoing," adds "Y. A." "meet your approbaMiss Isabel Hill has in the press a volume called, Holiday tion, I shall be happy in sending you a little piece occasionally." Dreams; or, Light Reading in Poetry and Prose.

We have particularly to request of "Y. A." and his brotherrhymesters, not "a little piece," but a little peace.-"W. M.” and J. K." are under consideration.-The Song on Burns, though in types, is unavoidably p ostponed till our next.

There is preparing for publication, Rural Recollections; or, The Progress of Improvement in Agriculture and Rural Affairs," by George Robertson, author of The Agricultural Survey of Mid


R. A. SMITH.-We are happy to state that the concert which took place, last Wednesday evening, in St George's Church, for the benefit of the family of the late R. A. Smith, was attended by nearly fourteen hundred persons. The arrangements were, on the whole, very judicious; but we regret that neither Miss Noel nor Miss Eliza Paton gave their assistance.

FINE ARTS.-We understand that Martin's celebrated painting of the Deluge, together with the Holofernes of Etty, one of the most brilliant of the English colourists, are among the pictures to be exhibited this year at the Scottish Academy. There will be ten or twelve portraits by John Watson Gordon at the Royal Institution; and, having already seen most of them, we feel confident that they will tend to increase, still more, the reputation of that very admirable artist. Among the rest, is a portrait of Pro

The communication on the subject of "Ballantyne's Examination of the Human Mind," will appear in our next,-" L. E." and "T. A." have just been received.


In future, the hot-pressing of the Edinburgh Literary Journal will be discontinued, the practice having been found not only materially to injure the appearance of the work, from the hurried manner in which the operation was necessarily performed, but also to occasion many vexatious delays. In the Monthly Parts, however, the hot-pressing will be continued as formerly; because there is sufficient time to dry the sheets effectually. The third Monthly Part, for January 1829, is now ready for delivery.

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