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what is much the same thing, it has one meaning to the elector, and a very different meaning to the person elected. It is as bad to determine as the colour of a chameleon. Yet the people love to have it so. They like the pleasure of being cheated. Thousands of temperance reformers scorn to sell their votes for Sunday closing merely. They must have more. So they sell them for local option and get less. They do not believe that half a loaf is better than no bread. We do. J. F.

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A SIGN OF THE TIMES.-Before us are three numbers of the "Church Reformer," a monthly periodical edited by the Rev. Stewart D. Headlam, and numbering among its contributors several other able and popular clergymen. It is the organ of the so-called "Guild of St. Matthew,' whose declared objects are, to promote the study of Social and Political questions in the light of the Incarnation, and to endeavour to "justify God to the people." We subjoin the following as a specimen of its outspoken utterances on the Church and State question:-"It is therefore because of the better distribution both of material and spiritual wealth which must result from the church being free, that we shall plead and argue for the breaking of those fetters, the removal of those gags, which hinder her action and stifle her voice. Each parish which is now lorded over by a patron would, if it were free, be able, both in the election and retention of the parish priests, and in expression of its opinion, and in united action, to be a real power in the church. Then, too, if the church were free and had her rights of election secure, we should surely have a very different sort of bishop from what we have at present, especially if God in His merciful justice was to cause that they were turned out of the House of Lords, where their voice is seldom heard, or their vote given except in retardation of the People's cause. Moreover, unless (if it be possible in our present fettered condition) we at once begin to distribute clerical pay a little more evenly, obviating the two-fold scandal of the 'clerical charities' and the bishop's palaces, we surely look forward soon to the divine scourge of disendowment, and so to a fresh financial start, making the clergy dependent on their own labour or the free-will offerings of the people." As we read such words, we rub our eyes and ask, What is this paper? Is it not the "Liberator ?" Finding that we have made no mistake,that the writers of the pages before us


are real living clergymen, and very able ones too, we make a note of it, finding herein a sign, not to be mistaken, of the direction in which we are certainly moving. Disestablishment and disendowment may be nearer than we think.

THE REFORM BILL.-In spite of a seventeen days' badgering about Egypt, the Government is really getting along. The Franchise Bill has passed the second reading by a majority of 130. "I call that," said the Home Secretary the other day at Derby, "not a victory, but a conquest." This, coming after the so-called "Dirty Trick Debate," gives the Opposition something more than a Roland for an Oliver, and what is better still, it goes far to insure the passage of the Bill through the House of Lords. J F

THE PULPIT HYMN BOOK. Many friends have expressed a wish for an edition of the Hymnal more suited in size and appearance to the Pulpit and Desk than any hitherto put forth by our Hymnal Trustees. We have the pleasure of announcing that such an edition has been prepared, and copies may be obtained from Marlborough & Co. by the 15th of this month. For particulars see advertisement page of this Magazine. Who will have the honour of presenting a copy for the pulpit of his own place of worship? or to his pastor for use in his study? The ample margins will be most serviceable for notes.

OUR COLLEGE.-Rev. C. W. Vick intimates that the College Committee will meet at the College, Forest Road, Nottingham, on May 13th, at twelve o'clock, and that subscribing ministers and ministers of subscribing churches are eligible to attend.

OUR HOME MISSION.-Our Treasurer begs to acknowledge the receipt of seven shillings as "part of a labourer's hire," from Vernar, Derby. Churches will please note that collections and subscriptions for the Home Mission for the current year should be sent in not later than the first week in June. We shall be glad if each church will make a most earnest effort to appear in this year's list of contributors. The appeals made to the Home Mission for help are becoming increasingly numerous and urgent. Splendid openings for aggressive work present themselves to the Committee. We want the sinews of war.

SCHOLASTIC. - Ethel Mary Dyson (eldest daughter of Rev. W. Dyson) is amongst the successful candidates of the last Cambridge Examination, from the Halifax High School for Girls.

General Baptist Association, Loughborough.



1.-This Committee for 1884 consists of the Revs. D. Burns, D.D., W. Gray, and W. Orton; Messrs. J T. Mallet, W. R Wherry, and G Orchard.

2.-The Secretary is the Rev. Dr. Burns, Constance Villa, Upper Tooting Road, London, S.W.

3. The Secretaries of the Conferences are requested to

(a) Report to Dr. Burns, NOT LATER THAN JUNE 6TH, all ministerial changes in their Conference districts.

(b) Inform every student or minister accepting a pastorate within their districts of the requirements of this Committee, and forward his application to Dr. Burns. N.B.-No name can be inserted in the List of Ministers without the sanction of this Committee, or of the Association. W. DYSON, Secretary.


All pastors and delegates requiring beds during the approaching Association should apply, enclosing stamp (not stamped envelope), to the Local Secretary, Mr. Benjamin Baldwin, Market Place, Loughborough, not later than Saturday, June 14th, and as much earlier as possible After that date the Local Committee cannot possibly undertake to provide sleeping accommodation.

It will greatly assist the Local Committee if applicants will state whether they are smokers or not, and if total abstainers or otherwise.

Those who make their own arrangements will oblige by communicating their Loughborough address to the Local Secretary.

Cash received for College Building Fund.

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The Treasurer will feel greatly obliged if the friends who have not yet assisted in the above object will kindly favour him with their contributions at once; and as the time for preparing the Report for the Association is rapidly approaching, he begs to ask the churches to forward their annual collections and subscriptions as soon as possible.

News of the Churches.

All information for this department should reach REV. J. FLETCHER by the 16th of the month.



CHESHIRE met in the new school-room, Crewe, on Tuesday, April 15th. W. Lees presided, and the Rev. C. T. Johnson, of Longton, opened the proceedings by prayer. A hearty welcome was accorded to several brethren who were present from other Conferencesincluding Mr. Fletcher, from London.

The delegates expressed their entire approval of the scheme relating to "Local Preachers and the Conferences," and appointed the ministers as a Committee for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements.

The reports from the churches surpassed in interest any which have ever been presented before. Several of the churches have been experiencing a season of blessing, and others are preparing for a gracious ingathering of souls. Baptized during the half-year, 77; candidates, 34.

The following appointments were made -Rev. W. Lees to be our representative to Home Mission and Ministerial Board; Rev. Z. T. Dowen to Foreign Mission.

After Mr. Fletcher had reported as to Congleton, it was unanimously agreed to strongly recommend the case to the generous consideration of the Home Mission.

As the result of a discussion introduced by Mr. Pedley, the following resolution was passed-"That in the opinion of this Conference the time has arrived when the Association should take into consideration the employment of an evangelist, with the view of holding special services in connection with our churches." The next Conference will meet at Macclesfield, the Rev. W. Lees to be President.

We had a large attendance of delegates and friends, and much interest was mani


fested in he business of the Conference. The friends at Crewe are to be congratulated on possessing so handsome and attractive a school-room.

In the evening the Conference sermon was preached by the Rev. Joseph Fletcher to a large congregation.

SIM HIRST, Secretary.

SOUTHERN.-The Spring Meeting was held at Westbourne Park Chapel, on April 2nd. Rev. C. Pearce presided at the Business Session at 3 p.m.


1. Rev. W. Bampton Taylor welcomed into the Conference as pastor of the church at Chesham.

2. Reports on chapel property at Honiton, Ramsgate, and Downton, were presented by J Fletcher and W J. Avery. 3. The following representatives on denominational boards were appointed(1) Home Mission (Ladies' Executive), Mrs Fletcher; (2) Board of Reference, J. Fletcher; (3) Foreign Mission, R. P. Cook and C. Pearce; Home Mission, W. J. Avery, A. H. Moore, F. J. Bird, and J. F. Smythe.

4. It was announced that the Midsummer Conference would be held at Berkhamstead, on Wednesday, July 9.

5. As it is the turn of the Southern Conference to receive the Association in 1885, and the church at Haven Green, Ealing has undertaken to give the Association a suitable welcome, the Conference agreed, "That we heartily endorse the invitation given by the friends at Ealing for the Association to hold its sittings in 1885 at the Haven Green Chapel, and will render all the help in our power that may be desired by the church."

6. Resolutions of condolence were passed with Her Majesty the Queen and the Duchess of Albany on the death of Prince Leopold; and also resolutions in support of the Franchise Bill, Local Option, and the total closing of publichouses on Sundays in England.

7. Local Preachers' Associations and the Conferences. In accordance with the scheme named in the G. B. Year Book, 1883, p. 30, the Preachers' Institute meeting at Westbourne Park Chapel was affiliated with the Conference, and the following arrangements were adopted :

(1) The members of the London G B. Ministers' Fraternal Association were appointed as representatives to manage the work.

(2) The annual meeting of the Conference (Nov.) to be the time for reporting the condition and progress of the work done by the Institute.


(3) It was agreed that the names of the officers, preachers, and students of the Institute be sent on to the Association for insertion in the Year Book.

(4) The Ferme Park Chapel project, which has hitherto formed a section of the work of the Institute, was accepted by the Conference, and a Building Committee appointed, representing nearly all the churches.

8. Oral reports of interest were given by pastors and delegates of several churches.

9. Appropriate notice was taken by the Conference of the decease of the Rev. F Smith, late of Downton. (Readers will find a brief record of Mr. Smith's life in the obituary column)

10. F. J. Bird read a paper on "The Claims of the Church on those seeking fellowship there with, and how to enforce them," which gave rise to profitable discussion, in which J. Neal, A. Towers, Mrs. Fletcher, J. Clifford, and J. Fletcher took part.

After tea the evening session commenced at 7.30, when J. Batey delivered his introductory address as President for the year, on "A forgotten record called to mind." Other addresses followed by W. Harvey Smith and T. Grigsby.

The devotional exercises during the day were conducted by W. B. Taylor, W. Hood, and J. Fletcher.

ROBERT P. COOK, Secretary.


BIRCHCLIFFE.-An effort to reduce the debt on the chapel property culminated in a tea meeting on Good Friday, when it was found that £163 had been the result of the effort, including £5 12s. raised by the Services of Song given by the Birchcliffe Singing Class.

BIRMINGHAM, Longmore Street.-The anniversary services were held on April 13 and 14. Rev. Dr. Clifford, of London, preached on the Sunday, and on the Monday a largely attended tea and public meeting were held. R. Argile, Esq., presided, and the Revs. J. Hulme, J. Clifford, E. W. Cantrell, the pastor, and others gave addresses. In every way the services were stimulating and successful.

BOUGHTON. Anniversary sermons were preached to large congregations, April 13, by S. Robinson, of Retford. On the Monday a public tea, after which earnest addresses wore delivered by Messrs. Heath, Mills, Robinson, Starbrook, and Skingle.

GOSBERTON. A grand concert was given by Mr. C. R. C. Proctor's celebrated band in the Public Hall, on March 13th, to aid in clearing off the debt upon the Chapel. The music was of an exceptionally high-class character, being selections from the most eminent composers, and was excellently executed before a large and delighted audience, who trebly encored some of the performers for their brilliant achievements. The preceding tea and the concert together realized £10 towards the object.

IBSTOCK.-Foreign Missions.-On Sunday evening, March 16, a sermon was preached by the Rev. T. Hagen, of Coalville. A missionary meeting was held on the 17th, when addresses were delivered by Revs. W. Hill, E. W. Cantrell, T. Hagen, and J. Watmough.-Concert.On April 8th a public tea was served in the school-room, after which a concert, conducted by Mr. Buckley, of Swadlincote, was given by our young people's singing class, assisted by a band of lady violinists from Swadlincote, and other friends.

LONDON, Church Street.-The annual tea meeting took place on Good Friday. After tea Rev. G. W. M'Cree gave his popular lecture on "Great Preachers and Famous Orators" to a goodly and appreciative audience. The meeting was one of the best attended and most satisfactory that has been held for several years.

LONDON, Commercial Road.-A large special church meeting was held on April 3rd to consider the question of re-pewing the chapel throughout, with the view of making the seats more comfortable and of adding to their number. A plan was submitted by which over fifty good sittings may be added, with about forty drop seats besides. It was resolved, without one dissentient vote, to carry out the scheme. The cost, with all the et ceteras incident to such schemes, will probably be about £800. A promise meeting was held on April 7th, when a goodly and enthusiastic company assembled for supper, and at the close the pastor (Rev. J. Fletcher) had the pleasure of announcing that promises had been made to the extent of £350. It was thereupon resolved not to begin the work till £400 is placed in the hands of the Treasurer, Mr. Charles Roberts, Junr. The work will probably be undertaken in the spring of next year. Both pastor and people have a wholesome dread of debt-hence the delay, although there is pressing need for the alteration just now.

MACCLESFIELD.-The annual conversazione was held on March 26th. Tea and coffee were served to upwards of two hundred, and the after-meeting was held under the presidency of the mayor, W. B. Brocklehurst, Esq, J.P. At intervals addresses were given by the Rev. Z. T. Dowen (pastor), Alderman White, J.P., and Dr. Russell. The evening was devoted to music, singing, galvanic batteries, etc., furnished by members of the pastor's Bible class. The schoolroom was beautifully decorated with plants, pictures, and flowers, and it was altogether the best conversazione the church has had.

MARKET HARBOROUGH.-The muchneeded and long-expected alterations have now been executed. The chapel is neat and attractive outside, and very suitable accommodation and comfort have been provided within. "Old things have passed away, and all things have become new." Very successful re-opening services were conducted on March 26th and 30th, by Dr. Clifford and Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A. On the evening of the 30th the chapel was crowded to excess. Collections a little over £20. Hitherto, cash and promises amount to £180. friends are very grateful to Mr. Emery, who presided at the evening meeting on the 26th; also to the many kind friends in various parts of the denomination who have rendered such generous aid.


MORTON.-Anniversary services were held April 11th and 13th. PreachersApril 11, Rev. G. H Bennett; April 13, Mr. B. Dennison, of Peterborough.

NORWICH.-On April 3rd an entertainment was given in the school-room in connection with the Gospel Temperance and Band of Hope Societies, to a crowded and appreciative audience.

WEST RETFORD.-On Good Friday a well-attended tea was held in the schoolroom, after which a public meeting was held in the chapel. The pastor presided. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. E. Carrington, J. Bailey (Wesleyan), S. Skingle, and Mr. W. Downie, secretary of the church. As an illustration of the indebtedness of the larger churches to the smaller, it was stated that a Baptist church in Liverpool, and Dr. McLaren's church in Manchester, and Cemetery Road church, Sheffield, had each a highly esteemed deacon who went to them from the church at Retford.


BIRMINGHAM, Longmore Street.-The annual sale of useful and fancy goods


was held on March 17, 18, and 19. Through the diligence of the ladies of the church and congregation, and the kindness of willing friends, there was a good display, and, better still, a ready sale. Gross receipts, over £40. Net profit about £10 more than last year.

BOURNE. A bazaar was held in the Corn Exchange on April 2nd, in aid of the effort to remove all debts on the Bourne, Morton, and Dyke chapels. The bazaar was opened by the paster, assisted by the Rev. T. Baron (Wesleyan), and the Rev. A. Eason (Independent). The net proceeds were £59 88. 4d.


CARRINGTON-For several months past busy fingers have been at work preparing for a bazaar to aid in reducing the debt (£1600) on the new sanctuary. Easter Monday the bazaar was opened by Alderman H. S. Cropper, supported by a goodly number of friends and visitors. The sale was continued on the Tuesday and Wednesday following, and each day a varied programme of music, interspersed with amusements of various kinds, was provided. The Committee and Stall-holders worked with a will, and were rewarded by realizing the object sought for, viz., the net sum of £100.

HINCKLEY.-On Easter Tuesday a sale of work was held in the school-room, for the purpose of raising a fund for obtaining an organ. The attendance was large, and most of the goods were disposed of. An entertainment of sacred music was held in the chapel in the evening, when selections were given from the "Messiah," etc. The proceeds of the sale and entertainment amounted to upwards of £30.

NOTTINGHAM, New Basford.-On Saturday, April 12, and the following Tuesday and Wednesday, a bazaar was held in the large room of the New Schools. The proceeds, which go towards the reduction of the debt on the school-rooms, were larger than anticipated, being £120 clear of expenses. The friends are glad and thankful.


MR. A. H. MOORE, who has been preaching for the last seven months at Woking, Surrey, will be pleased to preach for any of our churches whose pastors may be away. Address-Castle Bar, Ealing, W.


ARNOLD.-Three, by W. Bown.
BIRCHCLIFFE.-Five, by W. Gray.

BIRMINGHAM, Longmore Street.-Three, by A.
T. Prout.

BRADFORD, Tetley Street.-Twelve, by B. Wood.

CHESHAM.-Five, by W. Bampton Taylor.
CONINGSBY.-Four, by A. H. Smith.
FLEET.-Nine, by C. Barker.
GOSBERTON.-Seven, by G. F. Pitts.
GRIMSBY.-Four, by W. Orton.

HITCHIN.-Four, by F. J. Bird.

IBSTOCK.-Three, by J. Watmough.
KEGWORTH.-Fourteen, by W. A. Davies.
KIMBERLEY.-Five, by W. Bown.
KIRKBY.-One, by W. Bown.


KIRKBY, EAST.- Nine (one a Salvation Army Captain), by G. Robinson.

LEICESTER, Archdeacon Lane.-Four, by W. Bishop.

LONDON, Church Street.-Four, by R. P. Cook. LONDON, Praed Street.-Ten, by W. J. Avery. LONGFORD, Wyken Chapel, Hawkesbury.-Two

Wesleyans (one has entered the Baptist ministry), by H. J. Hodson.

LOUGHBOROUGH, Wood Gate.-Two, by C. W. Vick.

LOUTH, Eastgate.-Nine, by C. Payne. MACCLESFIELD.-Five, by Z. T. Dowen. NOTTINGHAM, Carrington.-Seven (two of whom continue with the Salvation Army), by H. Bull.

NOTTINGHAM, New Basford. - Seven (two of whom continue with the Methodists), by W. R. Stevenson.

NOTTINGHAM, Old Basford.-Ten, by J. Maden.
NOTTINGHAM, Woodborough Road.-Twelve, by
G. H. James.

NORWICH.-Four, by G. Taylor.
PETERBOROUGH.-Six, by T. Barrass.

RETFORD.-Four (two from Doncaster), by S.

SHEFFIELD, Cemetery Road.-Four, by E. Carrington.

STALYBRIDGE.-Six, and Dukinfield, Four, by
C. Rushby.

STOKE-ON-TRENT.-Eight, by S. Hirst.
WHEELOCK HEATH.-Three, by R. Pedley.


BURTON-HILL.-At the Baptist chapel, Old Basford, on April 15th, by the Rev. J. Maden, John, eldest son of Mr. Councillor Burton, to Maria Ford Hill, of Old Basford.

WATSON-BATE.-April 16, at Stratford Road Baptist church, Birmingham, by the Rev. Robert P. Cook, William Watson, to Martha, third daughter of the late Richard Bate, of Audlem.

WEDLOCK-KIRBY.--March 22nd, at Church Street chapel, Edgware Road. London, by the Rev. Robert P. Cook, Walter Wedlock, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. W. C. Kirby.


GALLEY, JOHN.-Died on March 17th, at Nantwich, at the age of eighty-seven. It was claimed for him that he was the oldest master shoe-maker in the town of Nantwich. He had up to a recent period enjoyed good health; but gradually sank and died calmly from what may be called decay of nature; but not without leaving evidences of his quiet, unobtrusive work behind him. He was one of the oldest teetotallers in the district, and certainly the oldest vice-president of the Temperance Society. Besides his work in the temperance direction, he was a member of the Philanthropic Society, and the members of the committee followed him to the grave to show their sympathy, as the deceased gentleman had contributed towards their prosperity, he having been treasurer for a long time for that institution. The Revs P. Williams and J. G. Shelley officiated at the funeral. Mr. Williams said there was none so ready to come to their meetings as Mr. Galley. He was faithful and

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