Obrázky stránek
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From this Report and the notice of the Humane Society it will be seen that the charge brought against the Chinese in common with all other heathen nations, that among all are found no Hospitals or other Institutions for the relief of the sick and destitute, is not correct. For there are in the city of Shanghai the above two establishments, also a foundling Hospital, an Alms house for the aged and infirm, a poor fund, and fund for the providing of coffins, and perhaps other establishments which have not yet been discovered.

While as may be seen from our Report now presented, medical relief has been afforded to the people of this place, their spiritual necessities have not been neglected. The in-patients are assembled every morning for the reading of the scriptures and prayer in the native

dialect; and Mr. MEDHURST addresses the whole of the patients, that is the out patients and in-patients, three times during the week on the leading doctrines of the Gospel, also on the Sabbath afternoon. Books and portions of the Scriptures are also freely distributed to the patients, when they return home, which thus find their way to all parts of the country, and it is known that these are not only taken home, but in many cases read and carefully examined. It is hoped that by the knowledge thus diffused, many who have hitherto worshipped only idols, and been shut up in ignorance and superstition, giving up themselves with apathy to the slavery of sin, may not only find relief for their bodily ailments, but be delivered from that worse sickness which taints and pollutes the mind, and be led to look to him who is the Saviour of the world and the great physician of souls. May the God whom we serve grant wisdom and direction to all those who have the management of the affairs and the carrying out of the Society, causing all that is done to tend to his honour and glory, and the temporal and spiritual welfare of our fellow-men.

The present are times of great promise to China, let us therefore diligently carry on our work, and be encouraged by thought of its importance, and vastness, to aim at doing still more than has yet been accomplished. The field of exertion is wide and ample, and needs as well as merits our fullest exertions and our constant efforts. And it must be remembered that a work of this kind is not for a week, or a month, or a year, but that to give any influence it must be regularly and steadily prosecuted for many years. Luke-warmness and faintheartedness must not enter in, or all present paying and trouble wit be thrown away, and so far as our efforts are concerned the renovation of this mighty empire be still retarded. Would we do any thing to this end, we must aim high, and though we may have to grapple with difficulties, they will only inspire us with more energy and zeal for future labours.


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Hernia scrotal

65 Caries of femur,

Hernia double and double hydrocele, 1 Caries of carpus,


Infiltration of pus into the fingers and palm,

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Severe contusion of chest, -
Severe contusion of pelvis,
Laceration of hand,

Extensive laceration of leg
Severe wounds of limbs,
Spear wounds of thigh,

Gun shot wounds in body and limbs
by pirates,

Burns of face and limbs,

Severe burns of body followed by death,

Slough of the feet from cold, Large abscess in palm, piercing to the back of the hand, Extensive sloughing ulcer of nose and cheek,

Malignant ulceration of the tongue and loss of half that organ, Inflammation of ancle joint,

Anchylosis of hip joints and partial do. of knee joints,

Fistula in ano,

Fistula, enormous,

Polypus nasi,

Tumour of lip,

Tumour of neck, large,

7 Caries of metatarsus,

3 Loss of the palatal bones,


Loss of the symphysis maxilla

1 Osteo-sarcoma of maxilla superior,

! Sudden death,

1 Suicide from eating opium,

Attempted suicide do,

6 Opium smoking,

3 Catarrhal ophthalmia,
Chronic conjunctivitis,

14 Granular lids,

4 Granular lids with opacity,-
Granular lids with pannus,
5 Leucoma,

2 Ulceration of cornea,

Conical cornea,

1 Staphyloma,
Hernia iridis,












1 Synechia,


Closure of pupil,


Irregularity of pupil,




Cataract of both eves,

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9 Cataract incipient,




5 Pterygium,




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1 Cataract of one eye,

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Contraction of tarsi,

2Enormous fungus hematodes

Carcinomatous tumour on abdomen, I of the eye ball.

1 Loss of both eyes,

Fracture of radius,

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2Loss of one eye,


I Loss of one from a wound,



Dislocation of hunerus under the

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From July 1st, 1946, to June 30th, 1847.


Ix presenting a Report of the Chinese Hospital for the last year, it is satisfactory to be able to state, that the expectations entertained of the favorable site of the new Hospital have been fully realised, as shown

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by the large increase in the number of patients; from the list of cases appended it will be seen, that the number of individuals attended to has been larger than at any former period since the establishment of the Hospital at this place; this most probably results from the greater confidence of the natives in the means of relief, and also from better accomodation being afforded to the in-door as well as to out-door patients, the large hall of the new building being a convenient place for them to sit in while waiting to be attended to; and much better adapted to the purpose, than the open yard in which they forinerly assembled, and where they were much exposed to the weather.

The mode in which the Hospital is managed is this, the building was erected and has been in part paid for, by donations received from England, from the members of the Foreign Community at, and from visitors resorting to this port. The property is vested in trustees chosen by the subscribers, and is rented temporarily to the resident agent of the Medical Missionary Society. At a general Meeting of the subscribers held in the hall of the Hospital in December 1846, it was judged desirable that all money subscribed for the Hospital should be paid to the treasurer of the Committee of the Hospital, he being authorised to pay to the medical officer such sums as are required for carrying on his work; hence a list of the local subscribers does not appear in the money accounts now presented, but the sums received are mentioned as paid by the treasurer, in the same way that grants are acknowledged from the Medical Missionary Society at Hongkong. It is intended that a list of the local subscribers, together with the trust deed of the property, shall be printed in a short time; this was promised at the beginning of the year, but it was eventually postponed for a time, until some final arrangements had been completed.

No particular reference is made in this report to individual cases treated at the Hospital, but the general nature of the diseases prevalent here may be gathered from the subjoined list of cases; almost the whole of the accidents enumerated occurred at the European buildings, and many of the Chinese servants of Europeans have been attended to; thus showing, that although the primary object of the Hospital is to draw the natives generally under instruction and relieve their bodily infirmities, still it is not without benefit to the subscribers themselves, by affording an asylum and means of cure for their sick domestics.

The observations on the temperature of the cli nate are still kept up, and the results as shown in the following table, may be relied upon as being tolerably correct :


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Two cases of Asiatic Cholera presented themselves; in one case the patient recovered, but in the other he died; the symptoms were similar to those noticed in persons afflicted with this fearful disease in Europe, namely the coldness and peculiar blueness of the extremities and face, cramps of the limbs, vomiting and rice water dejections, and general sinking of the powers of life. In the cases noticed here, the vomiting and purging were not very abundant, the pathognomic symptoms of the disease, being extreme exhaustion of power, coldness and blueness of the surface, with cramps of the limbs; indeed the purging existed to a very small extent in either case. From what is said by the natives, it is evident that they have occasional attacks of this fearful pestilence, which cause great mortality, and such a visitation is much dreaded ; for an epidemic of this nature would make severe ravages among the inhabitants of the narrow, densely crowded streets and lanes of a Chinese city. In England, efforts are made by committees of public health, to clear the streets, open avenues for the adinission of fresh air, and to adopt such regulations as tend to increase the salubrity of the towns; but the state of the cities of China sets all such regulations at defiance, and it is surprising that being exposed to so severe a heat, as that which prevails during the months of summer, the inhabitants should be able to live in their small unventilated houses. To take away their fans would be a worse punishment for a time, than taking away their food; without the fan they would be most miserable, and its constant use tends much to the comfort, and consequently to the health of the people. It is amusing to see how the Chinese employ the fan; not in a quick and hurried way, involving much exertion, as is the practice of Europeans usually when fanning themselves, but in a quiet uninterrupted manner, which, while it re. moves the hot air and answers the purpose of a refrigerator, does not

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