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called at our office, 102 Fleet-street, and gave tions have fallen off in the support of schools. me one shilling-but where are the fifty-nine? The grade of teachers has been lowered, in If they are sent We will prepare an illustrated occasional paper for the use of our MINISTERING CHILDREN.-W.


The Committee of the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society have recently held a conference with a few gentlemen, best conversant with the state of things both in the past and in the present, to ascertain how far it is practicable to render judicious and efficient help in Jamaica.

1. It is agreed by all that there is a large amount of destitution in the Island, especially in the districts where so many dwellings of the coloured people were burnt to the ground. However rude these tenements might be in structure, the occupiers of them lost their all, including clothing furniture and money.

2. There are no local funds available for the relief of the misery that undoubtedly exists. The expenses of the outbreak are more than can be met by the population already overburdened by various causes.

3. The houseless people without attention and a little help will flee to the woods, as far as possible from the civilization that they regard as hostile, and will soon relapse into a state of barbarism that will inevitably prove a source of trouble and danger in the future.

consequence, with the worst moral effects. There is moreover a great demand for what are called "pickaninnies" in the field-or for the labour of children. Cultivators have no great desire to educate children who are wanted for work. Parents for the same reason lean on them for support. Hence, to meet the necessities of the hour, the future of Jamaica is sacrificed at a terrible cost to all. Planters can be found to bear testimony that the coloured people have no desire for instruction, but on farther enquiry it will be ascertained that education is offered, in some instances at the rate amounting to a third part of their earnings, and it is not to be wondered at that they prefer bread to learning.

7. We learn from impartial witnesses that the Moravian and New England teachers in Jamaica have the art of accomodating themselves to the condition of the people, which

more formal instructors seem unable to acquire. They manage to teach and to help the children of the coloured people in a way that renders them peculiarly acceptable, and, in consequence, eminently successful.

8. The grand hindrance to improvement in the coloured population of Jamaica is the want of confidence in the white people. Their efforts for advancement have been thwarted systematically, variously, and in the most extraordinary manner. Something must be done to restore confidence and to gain the 4. A small amount of aid promptly and concurrence of the people in plans for the quietly administered to prevent physical suf- amelioration of their condition. Some confering, to inspire hope, and to stimulate to tend that England has lost her enthusiasm personal effort on the part of the destitute, for "doing good" in the form now required. would effect immense good, in allaying irrita- We are not of this opinion. There are now, tion and become the first step to improvement. as in former times, those who will not be over5. A fund for immediate relief can be ad-sensitive either to ridicule or reproach if they ministered by local agency, both discreet and trustworthy, without becoming a premium on indolence or exciting illusory expectations on the part of the destitute people. A committee will be formed in Jamaica to co-operate with the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society.

can raise any portion of humanity from a condition of festering moral evil. We should like exceedingly to make the experiment, if only on a limited scale. There are districts in Jamaica in which no school can be found within six miles.

What if half a dozen of the tried and proved

6. The decline in education has been teachers in the Southern States of America caused mainly by the deteriorated material could be sent to Jamaica just to show the condition of all classes in Jamaica. Subscrip- way?-W


ALL orders and enquiries concerning Advertisements, or other business connected with this Magazine, are to be addressed to ARLISS ANDREWS, 7, Duke Street, Bloomsbury.

ber by John Hodgkin, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, and of Lewes, was penned and in type before the melancholy intelligence of his brother's removal reached our shores. We have no doubt that the cause of the Freed-man, as well as those

MR. RIDLEY'S letter received with thanks. It general philanthropic efforts in which is in type, but must stand over.

WE shall be happy to hear further from Mr..

MR. STEINTHAL and Mr. Joseph Waddington's
communications are received with thanks.

Dr. Hodgkin took so large a share, will now have an additional and even a sacred interest for his surviving relative. Our space will not allow of our recording all the services rendered to the cause by our deceased

The Freed-Man.friend. Upon the arrival of Levi Coffa

MAY, 1866.

"I have observed with satisfaction that the United States, after terminating successfully the severe struggle in which they were so long engaged, are wisely repairing the ravages of civil war. The abolition of slavery is an event calling forth the cordial sympathies and congratulations of this country, which has always been foremost in showing its abhorence of an institution repugnant to every feeling of justice and humanity.-QUEEN VICTORIA.


in this country, in June, 1864, it was at the residence of Dr. Hodgkin that the first large and influential meeting was gathered, which gave renewed and increased impetus to the efforts made on behalf of the American freed people in this country. Upon the return of Dr. Fred. Tomkins from his mission in the United States, on behalf of the Freedmen's Aid Society, the report of what he had witnessed amid the negro camps and schools and the coloured troops located in the Southern States was delivered to a large meeting under the presidency of Sir T. F. Buxton, Bart., held at the hospitable residence of Dr. Hodgkin. The time, the wisdom, the influence, the very home of the departed were rendered not only without reluctance, but with a prompt generosity to the claims of humanity and the cause of the Freed-man. As a medical man, By the removal of Dr. Hodgkin, the he oftentimes expressed his care for British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid the health of those who were devoting Society has lost one of its earliest and themselves as he feared too strenuously best friends, and the FREED-MAN one to works of benevolence and freedom. of its most willing and able contributors. His calm judicious mind and admirable It is an interesting fact, that the leading temper, never ruffled in debate, won and valuable article in the present num- not only the confidence but even the

It is with deep and heartfelt regret that we refer to the demise of the valued and beloved friend whose name we have placed at the head of this article. Most of our readers have already learned that a telegram dated "Jerusalem, 5th April," has been received in London, announcing the death of Dr. Hodgkin at Jaffa after a severe attack of dysentery.

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affection of all who were so happy as to Sultan to make large concessions to his have him for an associate. Upon the Jewish subjects. Dr. Hodgkin was perpetration of the cruelties and mas- one of the founders of the Aborigines sacres on the coloured people in Jamaica, Protection and the Ethnological Sociealthough Governor Eyre was his per- ties, an honorary secretary of the Geosonal friend, he at once espoused their graphical Society, a member of the cause. He favoured the writer of this Senatus of the University of London, brief and imperfect notice with a con- and intimately connected with many sultation extending over more than an other scientific bodies. He died in his hour, and rising superior to all sectarian sixty-eighth year. None more deeply, prejudices declared his entire approval deplore his loss than the officers and of the course taken by the British and committee of the British and Foreign Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society, in Freed-men's Aid Society. We desire relation to Jamaica. Warmly attached, to express our sincere condolence with as without doubt he was, to that generous the bereaved family. and truly christian body, the Society of Friends, he was ever ready to ally him-j self with all true workers for human progress and human happiness. A lover of his country and a devoted member of the church to which he belonged, his heart and his sympathies embraced the whole race of man, whilst his piety was of that divine type that received with feelings of the deepest sorrow, made it his happiness and his very joy tidings of the sudden removal, by death, of its to co-operate with all good men. In honoured and beloved fellow-labourer in the an interview, a few days before he left cause of the coloured man, Dr. Thomas our shores to die in a foreign land, we Hodgkin. This Committee desires to place were charmed with his calm and kindly on record its obligations to the departed for the numerous and valuable services rendered manner, and with the brightness and to this Society by their late excellent friend almost youthful appearance of his coun- and co-worker. Dr. Hodgkin's large-hearted tenance. It was the blush of a setting benevolence and hospitality, his valuable sun on a serene and cloudless atmo- counsel and ready pen, his undeviating atsphere. "In Jesu obdormivit." And-tachment to the British and Foreign Freed

Now is the stately column broke,
The beacon fire is quenched in smoke,
The trumpet's silvery tongue is still,
The warder silent on the hill.

Dr. Hodgkin had proceeded to the
East with Sir Moses Montefiore, on a
philanthropic mission. Only a few
months ago they visited Morocco to-
gether, and succeeded in inducing the

AT a Meeting of the Committee of the British and Foreign Freed-men's Aid Society, held at 102, Fleet Street, on Monday, April 16th, 1866, Lord Alfred Spencer Churchill, F.R.G.S., in the chair, the following resolution, upon the motion of the Rev. John Waddington, D.D., seconded by Frederick Tomkins, M.A., D.C.L., Barrister-at-Law, was unanimously adopted :-"That this Society has

men's Aid Society, and his courteous and christian temper can never be forgotten by the members of this committee whose happiness it has been to be associated with so gentle and good a man. This Committee would further express its unfeigned and deep sympa. thy with the bereaved widow and family, and instructs the Secretaries to forward a copy of this resolution to Mrs. Hodgkin with the fullest assurance of its affectionate regard and condolence."


President Lincoln Self-Pourtrayed. By John
Malcolm Ludlow. London: Alfred W. Ben-

low severely censures, who were so long on a wrong scent themselves, and who for so long led many of our countrymen astray, could find leisure to read and ponder this volume. nett, Alex. Strahan, Hamilton Adams & Co. It would make, we think, many feel what we Foolscap, 239 pp.

A melancholy interest attaches to the volume now before us. It contains in striking delineation the self-portraiture of one of the greatest and best of men that ever lived. Abraham Lincoln self-revealed stands before us in this instructive and charming volume majestic in his own simplicity.

know some feel that it is a bootless task to

strive to write up oppression and falsehood and to write down liberty and justice. Some of our readers will remember the charming description which Goethe gives at the commenceof his Faust of the regret and indignant refusal of the theatre-poet when called upon by his mercenary employers to write to please the The book consists of three chapters; the frivolous and debauched characters there defirst to the beginning of the war, April 14-15, 'scribed by the poet. True genius spurns the 1861. The second, from the opening of the foul mean drudgery of the oppressor. Where Civil War to the Emancipation Proclamation are the defamers of President Lincoln now? of Jan. 1st 1863. The third, from the Eman--the men who spurned him as "rail-splitter, cipation Proclamation of Jan. 1st, 1863, to bargee, and village attorney." As though it Mr. Lincoln's death, April 15th, 1865. To were a disgrace to split a rail, or to scull a these chapters an Appendix is added, entitled barge, or advise in a village. Is it no dis. -"The Martyred President." grace ignorantly to defame and blindly or wilfully to err? Has it become a cardinal virtue to utter that which a writer knows or might easily know to be false? We have been told by some who have knowingly published falsehood or suppressed truth, or who have written this leading comment, that our countrymen would have it so. We emphati cally deny this. The corrupt tone of the lie does not yet, thank Heaven, characterize oar countrymen. Tens of thousands of Englishmen at this moment feel they have been in juriously misled by a deceitful and a venal press. To those who have thus been required to regard Abraham Lincoln as an ignorant jesting buffoon, and to hear the American people, as a nation, declining into savagery, we heartily commend this volume.

The substance of the volume consists of extracts from addresses and speeches of Mr. Lincoln, with a concise narrative of the American civil war, combined with the views and reflections of Mr. Ludlow upon the words and events he records. It is by no means an easy task to string together extracts from State documents and political speeches, and to present withal an interesting and attractive whole. Mr. Ludlow has done this. He has done more, he has given us a volume-a precious mosaic-every page of which has the force of truth and the charm of beauty. The author is one of the few educated and honourable minded men in our country who from the very commencement of the transatlantic struggle, rose superior to the drivelling fears of democracy which palsied the moral sense and dulled the intellect of too many from whom we expected better things There is an incessive bravery about the book, that tells you at once that the writer is in the deepest sympathy with the great soul whom he pourtrays, and the cause for which the martyred one bled. This volume, as we read from page to page, reminds one of the Danish proverb, that "there is nothing got by lying, nor lost by praying." We wish that those "hounds of the press," whom Mr. Lud

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We sometimes hear it stated that the Southern States had a right to secede. Mr. Lincoln in his first inaugural speech in 1861, demonstrated that they had no such right. "I hold," says he, "that in contemplation of universal law, and of the constitution, the union of these states is perpetual. Perpetuity is implied, if not expressed in the fundamental law of all national governments. It is safe to assert that no government ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination." Speaking upon constitutional controversies, Mr.

Lincoln said “upon such questions we readers. Mr. Probyn is well acquainted with divide into majorities and minorities. If the the subject upon which he has undertaken to minority does not acquiesce, the majority write. He justly observes: "There is no must, or the government must cease. . . . If good reason for a wretched display of petty a minority in such a case will secede rather jealousy between the mother country and her than acquiesce they make a precedent which, stalwart son. Their prosperity and friendin time, will divide and ruin them; for a ship are mighty elements of the world's order, minority of their own will secede from them freedom and progress." As we believe this, whenever a majority refuses to be controlled we can say amen to the author's wish-"May by such a minority." brotherly union, with all its attendant blessings, be completely restored throughout the length and breadth of your vast dominion. May your future be yet greater and more prosperous than your past."

The great work to which Abraham Lincoln set his hand was achieved before he was taken away. For us who knew him as a friend the words of Mr. Ludlow are like a healing medicament. Speaking of his death he saysREV. ALFRED BOURNE, from whom we hope "Shall we rebel and say that it was too soon?" It is written; "When the fruit is brought to hear further, says, in a note dated April 18, forth immediately He putteth in the sickle 1866, "There are small villages and settlebecause the harvest is come." Immediately: ments (away from the influence and opportu whether that sickle take the shape of disease nities of the towns) where gross darkness or old age, or accident, or the assassin's pistol prevails, such as the agencies at present emshot; immediately, for the Lord of the harvest ployed can hardly be expected to reach. I knows without fail when the fruit is brought can point out spots where at this moment forth." His successor in his high office of some such agency as that of the American and state will do well to ponder the administration Moravian Missionaries might be advantageand the tragic end of his predecessor. Can ously employed. If you can find the right sort of men and set them wisely to work, you may do glorious things for Jamaica."

it be that Andrew Johnson would hand over

the Government of those United States to a Southern oligarchy without any guarantees for the perpetuation of that Freedom purchased at so costly a price? The forbearance of the victorious party in the United States upon the assasination of its great chieftain has only been equalled by its endurance in the hour of conflict and disaster. Our confidence in that party remains unimpaired. It has preserved its national existence; we now know it will be consistent and extend protection, education and the franchise to every male citizen in the South unstained by crime. Then shall the oppressions of a slave oligarchy, now broken and crushed, become impossible in the future. We commend this volume most cordially to our readers, and especially to the perusal of our young men.

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The United States Constitution and the Se-
cessionists. By J. W. Probyn. London:
Savill and Edwards, Chandos Street, Covent
Garden. 1866.

PER the "China," from New York, April 12th, we have the important intelligence that the House of Representatives, as well as the Senate, had passed the "Civil Rights Bill" over the President's veto by 122 to 41 votes. Thus, the sterling intelligence of the United States has again vindicated itself against the wavering President and the Southern faction. This vote proclaims and confirms citizenship to the coloured freed-men.

GENERAL HOWARD, in his speech, reported that he had official notice of seventy thousand negro children attending school in the southern states. He mentioned six coloured schools in one town, Tallahassee. Six years ago men were hanged and women imprisoned for teaching coloured children to read. Six years hence a great part of these very coloured people will be in the exercise of the elective franchise with the voluntary consent of the communities in which they live, and as the natural result of their inteligence, enterprise and good con.

We recommend this able pamphlet to our duct.-New York Evening Post.

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