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came forward to partake of the warmth of the stove, and
the gentlemen arose to give them room.
This was pro-
voking, just as I was upon the point of being enlighten-
ed upon the two great subjects of religion and govern-
ment. I think it was Sir Isaac Newton who said "he
would have discovered longitude had it not been for an
old woman."

The boat now began to rock and pitch from side to side, with such violence that I was unable to keep my feet, and was forced to remain not only sitting, but clung to the back of the seat to keep myself steady, and my head became dizzy, attended with slight faintness. I asked one of the passengers the cause of this rocking, and was told the boat was in the bay. Here I was again unfortunate, as by this time, and long before, it was as dark as Egypt, by which I lost perhaps the most interesting view in my whole travels!

New-York City. We landed in the city of New-York about 9 o'clock, (Nov. 15th,) and I took up my lodgings in Front-street, at the house of Mr. Jacques, to which place I had been directed by the captain of the Legislator. If I was pleased with the independent manners of the passengers in the boat, I was much more so with the company I found at the house of Mr. Jacques. On entering a large room, I found an assembly of ladies and gentlemen sitting before a blazing fire, (no unwelcome sight.) The old men were smoking their pipes, and the younger ones were amusing the ladies with anecdotes, perfectly regardless of the copious draughts of tobacco smoke. To diversify the picture, one of the young ladies sat down to her piano forte! Never did I witness such independence of manners, even in the land of Jackson; our western heroes, when it comes to smoking, withdraw from the company of the ladies. It is not in the power of a mere reader to form an accurate idea of mankind. Without meaning any irreverence either to books or writers, I honestly confess, no description of - the Son New-York, which ever fell in my way, led me to expect vity."-such a picture as the one before me. "Free trade and ›ld ladies sailor's rights," truly; I never found myself more af

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home in my life. The company was composed of persons above the common order, most of them people of intelligence and business. The ladies were sensible and handsome, plain in their dress and manners. Mine host seemed to be a man who had seen better days; his countenance was calm and serene, and he welcomed me with a smile which at once bespoke kindness and hospitality. It was nothing more than a boarding-house, which seemed to be sufficiently filled, yet this good man showed no disposition to refuse me a night's lodging. After a comfortable supper I retired to my chamber, with no unfavourable impressions of New-York.


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Next day, after breakfast, I bent my course toward the far famed Broadway; which exceeds any street in Philadelphia, except Market street, in width, the first being 80 and the latter 100 feet wide; it is four miles long,' and the side walks paved with flag, (the middle of the street in all the towns and cities in this country are paved with common round stone.) Broadway in other respects exceeds any street in Philadelphia, both for beauty and business. It extends from the Battery through the heart of the city. Next to Broadway, in point of beauty, is Hudson, Washington, Greenwich, and the Bowery; this last runs in a diagonal line, and joins Broadway. Besides these, there are 250 streets and al-Bowe lies, without reckoning those recently laid off. Pearl street, with many others first laid out, are narrow and crooked; there are, however, many handsome streets which cross at right angles, viz: Market, Grand, and Canal streets. Of all these streets, Pearl street does the most business, being the principal mart of the inerchants. Wall street is also a place of much business; in it are the banking houses, exchange, brokers, insurance, auctioneers, and custom house offices; in short, all com-sweep mercial business is transacted there. Nothing can ex-may ceed the throng of gentlemen in Wall street; particu- this is larly when their merchant ships arrive; on such occa-wharv sions it is dangerous to walk in Wall street; here the houses


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*Since the above was written, Broadway has been extended to eight huma miles; the whole length is laid off into lots, streets and avenues, but not yet built on.

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commercial papers are read, and ship news detailed. This street alone, may give a stranger an idea of the business and trade of New-York. Broadway, on the other hand, is distinguished for the fashionable, the gay, and the idle, as Pearl street and Wall street are for men of business. business. It is likewise the seat of much business; the lower stories of most of the houses being occupied by retail shops, and book stores, for upwards of two miles; the principal booksellers are in this street. The broad windows are filled with china and glass ware, plate, millinery, fruit, confectionary; in short, every thing, and ard the much more abundant than in Philadelphia. But shops, in Phil- furniture, superb buildings with their marble fronts, are being completely eclipsed by the teeming fair ones, from long, morning till ten o'clock at night. It is impossible to of the give even an idea of the beauty and fashion displayed in re pa- Broadway on a fine day; the number of females, the ther re- richness and variety of dress, comprising all that can be or beau conceived of wealth or skill, mocks description; the through throng resembles a dense multitude issuing from the door oint of of a church. In Philadelphia business is confined to and the one or two streets principally; in New York, Broadway, djoins Chatham, Pearl and Division streets, Maiden-lane and the and al-Bowery are literally strewed with every article of ornaPearl ment and use, which, with the thrice told multitude, not Tow and only fills the western stranger with amazement, but is the streets wonder of foreigners. Here the feminine graces meet and Ca-you at every step; they thrust their lovely faces into he most yours, and shoulder you on all sides, without even stoprchants. ping to apologize. Here the earnest merchant steps, in it are there the gay cook and merry chamber-maid, with some ce, auc-scores of honest tars, hucksters, rude boys, and chimney all com- sweeps, with the rolling coaches, and the rattling carts, can ex-may give some idea of this life-inspiring city. But all particu- this is only a drop in the bucket compared to that on the hocca-wharves or slips, (as they are called here,) the wareere the houses, docks, ship-yards, and auction stores, which oc cupy South, Front, and Water streets, pouring a flood of to eight human beings. Here the sound of axes, saws, and hammers, from a thousand hands; there the ringing of the blacksmith's anvil; hard by the jolly tar with his heavo;

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the whole city surrounded with masts; the Hudson, East
river, and the bay covered with vessels, some going out
and some coming in, to say nothing of the steam-boats;
in short, imagine upwards of an hundred thousand peo-
ple, all engaged in business; add to these soine thous
and strangers which swarm in the streets and public
houses; such is New-York. This is, however, only a
running glance; the result of my first rumble through
the city. I shall compose myself, and give something
more like a description.


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New-York is on Manhattan Island; it is upwards of four miles in length, and from three quarters to one mile and a half in width, nearly in the form of a triangle. has Hudson river on one side and East river on the other, which unite at the southern end, and form a beautiful bay of nine miles in length, and four broad, which, with the several islands it embosoms, and the fortifications, affords a delightful prospect. Its public buildings are a city hall, a hospital, an alms-house, a state prison, 2 city prisons, a penitentiary, 2 colleges, 2 theatres, an orphans asylum, a magdalen asylum, an asylum for the deaf and dumb, a musonic bull, the New York institute, 11 banks, between 80 and 90 churches,* 32 charitable and benevolent societies, 13 missionary societies, 10 bi ble societies, rue tract societies, 8 societies for promo ting education, 16 manufacturing companies, 8 insurance companies, 12 daily papers, 13 weekly and semi-weekly papers, besides a great number of journals and maga zines, 6 market houses, 2 circuses, vauxhall garden, the park, the battery, and bowling green. There are eight be let great hotels in New-York, besides boarding and eating necte houses which abound throughout the city, to which we might add some hundred oyster cellars. Besides the colleges already numed, there are 6 free schools, the New-York high school, several academies, and private schools.

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City Hall. The City Hall stands nearly in the cen tre of the city, fronting the harbor; it is said to be the divid most beautiful edifice in the United States. Although

* The number of churches cannot be ascertained, as there are new ones building every day

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the front is of native marble, yet, I cannot agree that it as handsome as the capitol of the United States, or the President's house; it certainly is not so showy, and as to the architecture I am no judge. I should think it too low for its size. It is, however, a beautiful building, 216 feet long, and 105 in width, and, including the attic ly a Story, 56 feet high; with a handsome colonnade and cupola. The ends are of marble as high as the basement. rough Thirteen different courts hold their sessions, (some of thing them every day,) in the Hall. It cost 500,000 dollars; it stands in the park, which contains four acres of ground, planted with trees, and enclosed with an iron railing.

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Hospital. The New-York Hospital was founded in 1771 It is under the direction of twenty six governors, a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, visiting committee, committee of repairs, committee of inspection, which, superintendant, and matron. Besides these there is a Society of gentlemen, consisting of 151 members, togethdingser with the mayor, aldermen, recorder, and twelve of prison, the first clergymen in the city, which constitute the corres, an poration, and have the control of all pecuniary matters.


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These are incorporated by the name of the "Society of titute, the New-York Hospital." This society is subject to ritable the 26 governors, who meet on the first Tuesday in every month, at the Hospital. The governors are elected once in every year by the society. The governors choose their officers by ballot, viz: president, vice presweekly ident, treasurer, secretary,,&c. All the respectable phymaga sicians and surgeons in New-York, take it by turns to en, the visit the hospital daily; their number must not, however, e eight be less than twelve cach day. Every gentleman coneating nected with the institution is of the first learning and talents; and all, excepting the subordinate officers, dees the vote their services GRATIS! Physicians included. Is, the The building stands near Broadway and Duane street; rivate it is built of gray stone in the Doric style, 124 feet long, 50 feet deep in the centre, and 86 in the wings; four stories high, including the basement. The building is be the divided into 16 wards, besides a lying in ward (which hough last is greatly inferior to that of Philadelphia,) and a surgical theatre. These wards are divided into sixty

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