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the law, at a great sacrifice of time, and often to the neglect of their professional duties and obligations to the sick, as well as to their great financial sacrifice; therefore, be it

Resolved, by the Medical Association of the State of Georgia, That in justice to suffering humanity, as well as to the interest of the members of the medical profession, that the State Legislature should create a law to provide some compensation to physicians when detained under summons as witnesses in all criminal cases by the courts of the State. Be it further

Resolved, That the Committee on Legislation of the Georgia Medical Association be requested to prepare a suitable bill for the protection of the members of the medical profession, and provide compensation per day for the detention of its members when used as expert witnesses, or in all criminal cases.

On motion, this communication was referred to the Committee on Medical Legislation.

The Secretary presented the following from the Fulton County Medical Society:

The Legislative Committee of the Fulton County Medical Society desires to call the attention of the House of Delegates of the Medical Association of Georgia to the fact that we understand a bill will be introduced at the coming session of the Legislature, looking to the registration of properly qualified trained nurses.

We respectfully suggest that the House of Delegates endorse the effort to raise the standard and regulate the practice of nursing.

L. B. CLARK, Chairman.



M. B. HUTCHINS, Committee on Legislation.

On motion of Dr. Williams, this communication was endorsed and referred to the Committee on Medical Legislation.

The following preamble and resolutions were presented with reference to the Hepburn bill:

WHEREAS, It has been brought to the attention of this body that there is a pure food bill at present before the Congress of the United States, known as the Hepburn Bill, and,

WHEREAS, This bill meets with the approbation of this body, representing the medical profession of the State of Georgia; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of Georgia be earnestly requested to vote for the said bill, and that they use all their influence to further the passage of said bill.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Association be instructed to furnish each Senator and Representative from this State with a copy of these resolutions.

On motion, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. Dr. Howard J. Williams offered the following resolu


Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that the minimum fee for life insurance examinations should be five dollars ($5.00).

After some discussion by Drs. White, Jones, Clark, and McRae, the resolution was unanimously adopted.

Dr. H. A. Herrman offered the following from the Washington County Medical Society, which was referred to the Committee on Medical Legislation:

At a meeting of the Washington County Medical Society, held in Sandersville, on April 17, 1906, the following was introduced by Dr. D. L. Cheatham, and passed by unanimous vote:

"WHEREAS, There has prevailed in many sections of this State during the six years just passed an epidemic of smallpox; and WHEREAS, Many counties and towns of this State have taken very mild, if any, measures to stamp out that disease; and WHEREAS, The consensus of medical opinion of the world is that proper vaccination is the only preventive means; and

WHEREAS, There seems no efficient means now of enforcing compulsory vaccination in this State; therefore

Resolved, That this Society, through its Secretary, urges the Medical Association of Georgia to take necessary steps to have introduced and passed by the next General Assembly a law making it a misdemeanor for any person to teach in any school in this State without having been successfully vaccinated; or to allow the attendance of any pupil in any school in this State with out having been successfully vaccinated, or two unsuccessful

attempts to secure same having been made within one year; provided that said law shall not apply to any teacher or pupil in a school not receiving its support in whole or in part from the funds of the State. That it shall be required of the Judges of the Superior Court to give this law in charge to the grand juries at the meeting of the Spring Term in each county.

H. A. HERMANN, Secretary,

Washington County Medical Society."

On motion, the House of Delegates then adjourned, subject to the call of the President.


The Association reassembled at 3:30 p.m., and was called to order by the President.

Dr. Theodore Toepel, Atlanta, read a paper on “Treatment of Constipation."

Dr. Marion McH. Hull, Atlanta, read a paper on "Intussusception, with Special Reference to Diagnosis." Discussed by Dr. McRae.

Dr. F. W. McRae, Atlanta, read a paper entitled "Appendicitis, General Observations, with Operative Statistics to Date."

Dr. O. L. Holmes, Covington, read a paper on "Vaginal Sarcoma in an Infant, Seventeen Months Old."

Dr. Michael Hoke, Atlanta, followed with a paper entitled "The Influence of Respiration Upon the Development of the Chest Deformity in Scoliosis and Its Relation to the Application of the Plaster Jacket for the Correction of the Deformity."


Discussed by Dr. Thrash, and, in closing, by the essay

Dr. W. H. Doughty, Jr., Augusta, contributed a paper entitled "Surgical Cases."

Dr. Eugene E. Murphey, Augusta, read a paper entitled "Arteriosclerosis."

Dr. John W. Daniel, Savannah, read a paper on "Arteriosclerosis in Its Relation to Bright's Disease."

These two papers were discussed together by Drs. Kendrick, Duncan, Holmes, and, in closing, by the essayist.

Dr. M. B. Hutchins, Atlanta, read a paper on "Lesions Predisposing to Cancer," which was discussed by a member, and, in closing, by the essayist.

On motion of Dr. Jones the Association then adjourned until 10 a.m., Friday.


The Association met at 10: 30 a.m., and was called to order by the Secretary, in the absence of the President, and of the Vice-Presidents.

Dr. W. S. Elkin moved that Dr. F. W. McRae take the chair, pending the arrival of the President. Carried.

Dr. M. A. Clark presented the report of the House of Delegates. (See page 18.)

On motion of Dr. McHatton, the report of the House was unanimously adopted.

Dr. W. S. Elkin suggested that the Association donate $100.00 for the benefit of the San Francisco sufferers. He thought it would be nothing but right for the Association to telegraph $100.00 to the physicians of that stricken city, one which had recently been afflicted by an earthquake. He suggested that the Council be instructed to contribute this sum, and that it be sent at once through the Secretary of the Association.

The suggestion was seconded, and the motion carried. The Secretary stated that the reading of the minutes had not been customary, and it was practically an impossibility for the official stenographer to furnish daily minutes of the enormous amount of notes taken by him. He

thereupon moved that the reading of the minutes be dispensed with, and that the report, as furnished by the official stenographer in typewritten form, be considered the official minutes of the Association, and be published in the Transactions in that form.

Dr. M. A. Clark said, as a matter of fact, no minutes should be read before the general body. Reading of the minutes and reports of committees should be before the House of Delegates, and then the action of the House of Delegates simply reported back to the Association.

Seconded and carried.

At this juncture, it was moved that the election of officers be set for two o'clock, Eastern time. Seconded. The President ruled that it would require unanimous consent to change the order of business.

Dr. Hardman said the time of election was provided for in the Constitution, and it could not be changed. The President ruled that this point was well taken.

Dr. R. H. Thigpen, Augusta, read a paper entitled “Antipyresis and Its Feasibility."

Dr. T. E. Oertel, Augusta, read a paper on "The Necessity of Early Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis." Dr. H. F. Harris, Atlanta, followed with a paper entitled "Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis."

These papers were discussed jointly by Drs. Thrash, McHatton, Block, Jones, and, in closing, by the essayists. Dr. Charles E. Boynton, Atlanta, read a paper entitled "A New and Original Simplification of the Present Methods of Infant Feeding."

Discussed by Dr. Clark, and, in closing, by the essayist. Dr. Claude A. Smith, Atlanta, read a paper on "The Prognosis in Chronic Nephritis.

Discussed by Dr. Williams.

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