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charged. These are the industrial or manufacturers' marks, and commercial or merchants' marks. Registration may be made in person or through an authorized agent. Application should be made of the Secretary of Public Works (Fomento), and must give a complete description of the mark, indicate the product to which it is to be applied, and state the place of manufacture. It must be accompanied by two copies of the mark; by a viséd power of attorney if the application be made through an agent, and if it be a mark already registered abroad, by a certificate of such registration. The application is published at the expense of the applicant in the Gaceta Oficial for a period of 30 days for an industrial mark, and 60 days for a commercial mark. If no opposition develops, the mark is then registered, and a certificate issued to applicant. The fee for an industrial mark is $50 gold, and for a commercial mark, $30 gold.



The President's salary is $9,000 per annum, with the same amount allowed for living expenses, and $3,000 for extra official purposes. The salary of the Panama Envoy at Washington is $8,000 per annum; of the consul general at New York, $3,600 per annum; consul generals elsewhere $3,000 per annum; suls, $2,400 per annum, and vice-consuls, $1,600 per annum. The consul generals, consuls and vice-consuls in the United States and Europe, are paid the above salaries in gold; in other parts of the world, the same sums in silver. The cabinet ministers receive $3,000 per annum; the governor of Colon $2,100 per annum; the governors of Panama and Bocas del Toro, $1,800 per annum each; governors of all other provinces, $1,200 per annum each. The alcaldes of Panama and Colon receive salaries of $1,500 per annum each. All the amounts above mentioned are in gold.


By decree of May 20, 1904, the sum of $1,625,000 gold was set aside for public works divided among the several provinces as follows:




Store 'Hispano-Panameña'

No. 51 and 53 Sixth Street, Panama, R. P.

Fronting Office of Pacific Mail S. S. Co.









Telephone No. 44.

Cable: Freciado, Panam3, A. B. C. 4th & 5th. Edition.


Panama, $500,000; Colon, $150,000; Chiriqui, $225,000; Coclé, $175,000; Los Santos, $175,000; Veraguas, $175,000, and Bocas del Toro, $225,000. Since then many roads have been constructed, bridges built, schools and other buildings of a public character erected. In Panama city several new schools and colleges have been put up, and the work is still being continued.

J. A. Loyd, a captain of engineers in Simon Isthmian Woods. Bolivar's army of independence visited the Isthmus in 1827 and made a carefel study of the forest riches in Panama. He states in his notes "that in vigor and varieties, the woods of the Isthmus challenge competition with any part of the world. Mr. Jil Sánchez, a citizen of Panama, and one of the best posted men in the country on its natural resources, has written a very interesting little book on the forest riches of the Darien region. The timber lands in that part of the Republic cover, it is

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estimated, nearly 6,800,000 acres, comprising hundreds of varieties of native woods. A book could be devoted to a description of these woods. but it is the purpose of the Pilot and Guide to mention only the more prominent and well known species. The guayacan, or lignum vitae family is well represented on the Isthmus and comprises many kinds. Its durability is of common knowledge. Pieces of this wood imbedded in the earth for many years have been known to become petrified. It is related that in 1892, an abandoned mine 207 years old was discovered, and in it were found some lignum vitae wheels and axles used in hoisting ore. They were in as good condition as when first fashioned. Another prominent and very valuable wood is the cacique (head chief), or "king of woods." The true species is whitish yellow, susceptible of a very high polish, and has a long tough grain. The other variety is of a reddish color. Its name is supposed to have been derived from its use as a symbol of authority by Indian chieftains. One of its peculiar qualities is its power to instantly stanch the flow of blood. Mahogany is very common certain districts and is largely exported. There are kinds, the tangueray, or swamp mahogany, and the hard, or upland mahogany. The former is lighter both in weight and color. Roble, the native oak, is a common wood and bears a close resemblance to its North American confrere. Zorro is a hard wood with variegated markings, but exceedingly scarce. The nazareno (amaranth) has a beautiful purplish-colored center, susceptible of a high polish. There are three classes of Spanish cedar, two of laurel an four classes of a rich yellow wood called amarillo. The latter is a very fine grained wood, having no heart. Algarobo is an excellent wood, very plentiful. Cocobolo


is a well known wood and commands a high price-$25.00 per ton of 2240 pounds on the Isthmus. There are two species, cocobolo amarillo, and cocobolo prieto. The former is like rosewood, very tough and hard and seldom grows more than one foot in diameter. It has dark brown streak

ings, like zebra wood, and has a fragrant smell. The prieto variety has a beautifully figured grain, and grows to about three feet in diameter. It polishes beautifully and is in great demand for canes. The finest cedar in the country is the cedro real amargo. It grows to five and six feet in diameter, has a long grain, with the familiar odor of cedar, and is much used in boat building. The espave prieto is one of the commonest woods, something like elm, and is much used in house building. The guavita is a white, soft wood of an extremely bitter taste. The sap from this tree is used by the natives as an antidote for snake bites. The jagua colorado is a soft, close-grained, but tough dye wood used by the Indians for carving spoons and ornaments. The jobo de lagarto has a bark like the skin of an alligator. Mangle (mangrove) is a common wood of a reddish brown color, and makes a most excellent firewood, burning like tinder. Matapolo possesses the peculiar and rather unfortunate faculty of killing any other tree growing near it. The wood is white and tough, having a long, close, white, shiny grain. It is common and grows to large size. Quajado is an indestructible wood with an untractable grain. Totuma (the calabash tree) grows to the size of one foot in diameter, and is quite plentiful. Vela bears a fruit consisting of a long candlelike pod. The palo de vaca (milk tree), rubber tree and bread fruit tree are quite common. Many valuable resins are extracted from the different trees of the Isthmus, notably, one distilled from the bark of a tree called the palo Santo (holy stick). The essence is highly fragrant and is used as a remedy for disorders, and also burned as incense. The styrax officinalis of Linnaeus is very common, and the gum derived from it commands a ready sale. Ink is made from gall nuts, and likewise from a bush called alsifax. The algodon, or cotton tree is plentiful. A couple of years ago the writer submitted a sample of this tree cotton to the Bureau of Plant Industry at Washington.

Upon comparison, it was found equal in most re

spects to Alabama long staple. Cotton of the ordinary kind can be easily cultivated on the Isthmus, but owing to labor conditions, its raising has not been profitable. The gigantic tree of the Isthmus goes by the name of quipo, and will rival in size some of the giant trees of the Mariposa Valley in California. Twenty-two ton boats have been hollowed out of a single tree. Another peculiar tree is the woolen tree, which produces a pod filled with a texture closely resembling animal wool. It makes excellent mattress and pillow material.

The jaguar, or South American tiger is found Wild Animals. in different parts of the Isthmus. It seldom attacks man unless angered, but is a terror to cattle raisers. Raccoons, sajinos, a species of wild boar, rabbits, small deer and monkeys abound. There are several species of squirrels and marmosets, the latter being in active demand as pets. Wild turkeys, birds resembling the American hen pheasant, pigeons, ducks, parrots and paroquets are to be found. The snake family is well represented from the great boa-constrictor to the spiteful coral. The tiger snake is credited with being one of the most venomInsect life is ever active, and the appearance of some of the Isthmian bugs defy description. It would be necessary to have a set of curves to come at the right measurements. During the dry season when animal life is more or less dormant, bug life is as busy as ever. Roaches and ants are the common pests of the house and are constantly scheming for an invasion. The sloth, armadillo, and alligator are more or less numerous.



Plant life on the Isthmus shows a vigorous growth, but in the main is peculiar to the tropics. The orchid family is the most prominent, and comprises a great many varieties. The most notable species are the Espiritu Santo (Holy Spirit), and the Semana Santa (Holy week). The special characteristic of the Espiritu Santo is the fructifying column in the center of the flower, with its surmounting anther and projecting glands

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