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them without astonishment, nor with honor suffer the House to sit any longer;" and he accordingly dissolved it. In 1741, Clarke, again endeavoring 1741. to bring the Assembly to his views, took occasion to charge upon them a settled purpose or desire of independence, a charge which the Assembly denied, and no doubt correctly, for, however tenacious the colonists were of what they held to be their just rights and privileges, there is no probability whatever that at that time there was any idea of a formal severing the connection with the mother country. Clarke at last yielded to the necessity of the case, and accepted such grants as the Assembly chose to make.

In this year, a delusion, not so famous as the Salem witchcraft, but, in proportion, quite as sanguinary, 1741. occurred in New York, commonly known as the "Negro Plot." The frequent occurrence of fires, most of which were evidently caused by design, first excited the jealousy and suspicion of the citizens. Terrified by danger which lurked unseen in the midst of them, they listened with eager credulity to the declaration of some abandoned females, that the negroes had combined to burn the city, and make one of their number governor. Many were arrested and committed to prison. Other witnesses, not more respectable than the first, came forward; other negroes were accused, and even several white men were designated as concerned in the plot.

When the time of trial arrived, so strong was the prejudice against the unhappy black men, that every lawyer

in the city volunteered against them, and Chief Justice Delancey exerted the influence of his high station against them. Ignorant and unassisted, nearly all who were tried were condemned. Fourteen were burned, eighteen were hung, and seventy-one were transported. Of the whites two were convicted, and suffered death.

All apprehension of danger having subsided, many began to doubt whether there was really any plot at all. None of the witnesses were persons of credit; their stories were extravagant, and often contradictory; and the project was such as none but fools or madmen would form. The two white men were respectable; one had received a liberal education, but he was a Roman Catholic, and the prejudice against these was too violent to permit the free exercise of reason. Some of the accused were doubtless guilty of setting fire to the city; but the proof of the alleged plot was not sufficiently clear to justify these judicial murders, which disgrace the annals of New York.


In 1743, George Clinton, a younger son of the Earl of Lincoln, was sent over as governor of the colony. One of his earliest measures confirmed the favorable accounts which had preceded him, of his talents and liberality. To show his willingness to repose confidence in the people, he assented to a bill limiting the duration of the present and all succeeding Assemblies. The House manifested its gratitude by adopting the measures he recommended for the defence of the province against the French, who were then at war with England. In




1745, the savages in alliance with France, made frequent invasions of the English territories. Encouraged by success, the enemy became more daring, and small parties ventured within even the suburbs of Albany, and there laid in wait for prisoners. Distressed by these incursions, 1746. the Assembly, in 1746, determined to unite with the other colonies and the mother country in an expedition against Canada. They appropriated money to purchase provisions for the army, and offered liberal bounties to recruits. But the fleet from England did not arrive at the appointed time; the other colonies were dilatory in their preparations, and before they were completed the season for military operations had passed by. The treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, in 1748, put an end to the contest for a time, but only for a time. The grand struggle for mastery was soon to be made and decided. The proprietaries of New Jersey, wearied out with struggling with the settlers, in the year 1702 ceded to the crown their rights of juris. diction; whereupon Queen Anne joined New Jersey to New York, under the government of Lord Cornbury. They, too, as well as the New Yorkers, resisted the encroachments and fraudulent acts of the governor. In 1738, New Jersey obtained by petition, the privilege of having a governor of its own; and Lewis Morris was placed in the chair. The position of New Jersey gave it superior advantages in comparative exemption from the assaults and inroads of the Indians. We find, hence, that its progress was



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steadily forward, although its annals are marked by serious disputes on the subject of paper money, conveyances of land by Indians to certain claimants, the resistance of the squatters to the efforts made to oust them, etc. After Morris's death, in 1745, Belcher, in 1747, took charge of the difficult post of governor of New Jersey; but he was not able to manage matters much better than his predecessors. His course was conciliatory; and he favored the founding of the college at Princeton, which received a charter in 1748. The population of New Jersey at this date is computed to have been forty thousand.

Pennsylvania, too, was not without its share of trouble, though, on the whole, it continued to advance in prosperity. George Keith, a Scotch Quaker, gave rise to a kind of schism, by pressing the question of non-resistance to. an extent quite beyond what the more reasonable Quakers ever were willing to go. His attack 1692. on negro slavery, as inconsistent with these principles, and the "Address" which he set forth, led to his being fined for insolence, and his being taken up by the non-Quakers as a sort of martyr. Penn was cleared from suspicion, and restored to the administration of his province in 1694; but the pressure of debt kept him in England, and he appointed Markham to act as his deputy. The Assembly having presented a remonstrance to Governor Markham, in 1696, complaining of the breach of their chartered privileges, a bill of settlement, prepared and passed by the Assembly,



was approved by the Governor, forming the third frame of government in Pennsylvania. Penn, however, to whom was reserved the power of disapproval, never sanctioned this act. A bill for raising £300, professedly for the relief of the distressed Indians beyond Albany, but really in compliance with the demand of the governor of New York, to aid in the prosecution of the war, was passed by the same legislature. In 1699, after fifteen years' absence, Penn again set sail for America, accompanied by his family, with an intention of spending the remainder of his life in Pennsylvania. Considerable difference of opinion existed between himself and the legislature; more particularly on the subject of negro slavery, and the frauds and abuses that disgraced the character of the colonists in their traffic with the Indians. With the view of providing a remedy for both these evils, Penn presented to the Assembly three bills which he had himself prepared; the first, for regulating the morals and marriages of the negroes; the second, for regulating the trials and punishments of the negroes; and the third, for preventing abuses and frauds upon the Indians. The Assembly nega1700. tived the first and last of these bills, acceding only to that which related to the trial and punishment of their slaves. Though disappointed of the more extensive influence, which, as a political legislator, he had hoped to exercise, he was yet able, by his powerful influence among the Quakers, to introduce into their discipline regulations and practices relative to the pur

poses of the rejected bills, the spirit of which, at least, was thus forcibly recommended to general imitation.

Perplexed with many and serious difficulties, Penn made up his mind to return to England; but before 1701. doing so he pressed upon the colonists to establish a constitution. The old frame of government was formally given up, and the one which Penn prepared and presented to the Assembly was accepted. It confirmed to them, in conformity with that of 1696, the right of originating bills, which, by the charters preceding that date, had been the right of the Gover nor alone, and of mending or rejecting those which might be laid before them. To the Governor it gave the right of rejecting bills passed by the Assembly, of appointing his own Council, and of exercising the whole executive power. Liberty of conscience was specially secured as before; and the qualification of voters was fixed at a freehold of fifty acres, or about $166 in personal property.

Directly after the "Charter of Privileges," as the new frame was called, was accepted, Penn returned to England, leaving the management of his private estates and the direction of Indian affairs in the hands of James Logan, who was for many years colonial secretary and member of the Council. Scarcely had Penn arrived there, when the disputes between the province and the territories broke forth with greater bitterness than ever; and in the following year, the separate legislature of Delaware was permanently established at Newcastle.





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In addition to the tidings of these prolonged disagreements, and of the final rupture between the two settlements, Penn was harassed by complaints against the administration of Governor Evans, and rendered indignant with charges made against himself of unfair dealing. Having ascertained, by a deliberate examination of the complaints against Evans, that they were too well founded, he appointed 1709. in his place Charles Gookin, a gentleman of ancient Irish family, who seemed qualified to give satisfaction to the people over whom he was appointed governor. The Assembly were out of humor because Penn had refused to dismiss Logan, whom they termed an enemy to the welfare of the province. Logan soon after went to England, and Penn, now in his sixty-sixth year, sent back by him a letter addressed to the Assembly, replete with calm solemnity and dignified concern. This letter is said to have produced a deep and powerful impression on the more considerate part of the Assembly, who now began to feel for the father of the province, and to regard with tenderness his venerable age; to remember his long labors, and to appreciate their own interest in his distinguished reputation: in consequence of this letter at the next election a new Assembly was chosen and most of the points in dispute were arranged. Penn had determined, in consequence of his pecuniary embarrassments and the vexatiousness of his position, to relieve himself from the troublesome position in which he was placed, intending to cede the sovereignty to the queen for


an equitable consideration; but an at-
tack of paralysis put an end to
further steps on his part at the 1712.
time, and some few years afterwards
he died.


Gookin was removed in 1716, and was succeeded the next year by Sir William Keith. Penn's will, gave rise to a nine years' lawsuit as to the sovereignty of the province; but Keith, studying popularity, was in favor with all the claimants and so remained in office. He and the Assembly proved mutually accommodating, and they consented to his wishes in enrolling a volunteer militia, and in adopting the English criminal law as a substitute for their existing statutes. Keith also consented to try the paper money loan system by 1722. an issue of £15,000, to be lent out at five per cent.; the next year an additional £30,000 were issued on the same plan. Through Logan's interferenceKeith having served him rather shabbily as secretary and counsellor-the governor was pretty sharply reprehended for some of his acts, and in 1725 he was removed from his office. The members of the Penn family found it most convenient to arrange and settle their long dispute about the Sovereignty of the province. Keith tried to be troublesome in the province by heading an opposition to the new governor, Patrick Gordon; but with no great success. Subse- 1726. quently, on returning to England, he broached the notion of the propriety of taxing the colonies for the benefit of the mother country; but, as Mr. Hildreth relates, Sir Robert Walpole is

reported to have declared that it would require more courage than he possessed to venture upon that step.

On the death of the widow of Penn, the sovereignty and territorial rights of the province were reunited 1734. in the three sons of Penn: neither of them, however, possessed their father's ability or had even a moiety of his popularity. Logan administered the government for two years as president of the Council, until the arrival of George Thomas, in 1738, as deputy governor. The Quakers were not more than a third of the population, yet as they possessed the most wealth and were more united, they kept the control of the Assembly. In 1740 a dispute arose as to questions of measures of defence, fortifications, etc., and though the As



sembly voted £4000 for the king's use, they imposed upon Thomas the disposing of it: true to their principles they would not openly vote money to carry on war. About this date commenced that warm controversy between the proprietaries and the Assembly, the latter claiming that the former were bound to provide for the defence of the province inasmuch as they received a revenue from it in the way of quit rents, etc.; the proprietaries and the Board of Trade, on the other hand, emphatically denying any such view of the matter. Thomas having given up the struggle with the Assembly, he was succeeded in the office of deputy governor by 1746. James Hamilton, a man of decided ability and zeal for the cause of the proprietaries.

[blocks in formation]

Nicholson governor Blair commissary — College of William and Mary — Administration of Andros - Founding of Williamsburg Powers of the governor - Spirit of liberty Office of governor made a sinecure- Spotswood's administration - His acts Gouch's administration Progress of Virginia —- Affairs in Maryland - Dr. Bray commissary "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts"- Persecution of the Roman Catholics Lord Baltimore becomes a Protestant Question of boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania - Progress of Maryland - Affairs in Carolina Ludwell governor Feuds "Grand Model" abrogated Archdale's visit and labors Introduction of rice - Dissenters disfranchised · Act declared null and void Church of England established by law Mr. Bancroft's picture of the state of North Carolina War with the Tuscaroras — Attack on St. Augustine - Unsuccessful - Moore censured - Paper money issued - War with the Yemassees and other Indians - Craven victorious in the contest - Heavy loss and debt Revolution in South Carolina — Administration assumed by the crown — Proprietaries sell out to the king - Treaty of peace and amity with the Cherokees - Emigration of Swiss - Advance of the colony notwithstanding many sharp trials.

ALTHOUGH the commission of Effing-charges against him, he did not return ham-see page 148-was 148-was renewed to Virginia, and Francis Nicholby William III., notwithstanding the son, in 1690, accepted the place


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