Obrázky stránek

dealing with the Treaties of Peace and the position of Unions after the World War are not from Oppenheim's pen; but he had himself written the important sections explaining and discussing the League of Nations.

It is too much to hope that the editorial work will always meet with the approval of the reader; doubtless many questions which have been anxiously debated others would have solved differently. But having accepted a responsibility not easy to discharge, I have striven (with what success I do not know) to be guided by reverence and affection for a friend.

Help has come from many quarters, and this is an opportunity for being grateful. The Table of Cases has been prepared, and the Index revised, under the direction of Mr. C. E. A. Bedwell, Keeper of the Middle Temple Library, by his Assistant, Mr. H. A. C. Sturgess; to Messrs. T. and A. Constable, who have come to my aid in proof-reading, a particular debt of gratitude is due.


9 Old Square, LINCOLN's Inn,

June 29, 1920.





International Law. A treatise. Longmans, Green and Co. Vol. i. (Peace) 1905; vol. ii. (War) 1906; 2nd ed., vols. i. and ii., 1912.

International Incidents. Cambridge University Press, 1909; 2nd ed., 1911.

Die Zukunft des Völkerrechts. Leipzig, 1911.

Land Warfare, (in collaboration with Colonel-now GeneralJ. E. Edmonds). His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1912. The Panama Canal Conflict. Cambridge University Press, 1913; 2nd ed., 1913.

The League of Nations and its Problems. Longmans, Green and Co., 1919.

Editor of The Collected English Papers of John Westlake on Public International Law. Cambridge University Press, 1914.

Co-Editor of Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht, vols. i.-viii. (19061914).

Editor of Contributions to International Law and Diplomacy. Longmans, Green and Co.



England and Transvaal State Property, (A Letter to The Times, November 24, 1900).

Zur Lehre von den territorialen Meerbusen, (Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht, vol. i. (1906), pp. 579-587).

Der Tunnel unter dem Aermelkanal und das Völkerrecht, (Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht, vol. ii. (1907), pp. 1-16).

The Science of International Law: Its Task and Method, (American Journal of International Law, vol. ii. (1908), pp. 313-356).

The Meaning of Coasting Trade in Commercial Treaties, (Law Quarterly Review, vol. xxiv. (1908), pp. 328-334).

Enemy Character after the Declaration of London, (Law Quarterly Review, vol. xxv. (1909), pp. 372-384).

The Declaration of London, (Quarterly Review, October 1909, pp. 464-485).

Die Fischerei in der Moray Firth, (Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht, vol. v. (1911), pp. 74-95).

Introduction to Bentwich, Students' Leading Cases and Statutes on International Law. Sweet and Maxwell, 1913.

Opinion on the American Institute of International Law, (Revue générale de Droit international public, vol. xx. (1913), pp. 108-111).

Professor Westlake, (Cambridge Review, April 24, 1913).

La Mer territoriale, (Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit international, vol. xxvi. (1913), pp. 403-412).

Das Jahrbuch des Völkerrechts, (Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht, vol. viii. (1914), pp. 95-100).

Die Stellung der feindlichen Kauffarteischiffe im Seekrieg, (Zeitschrift für Völkerrecht, vol. viii. (1914), pp. 154-169). Zur Lehre vom internationalen Gewohnheitsrecht, (Zeitschrift für internationales Recht, vol. xxv. (1915), pp. 1-13). A Pot Pourri of International Law, (Cambridge Review, January 20 and 27, 1915).

Introduction to Picciotto, The Relations of International Law to the Law of England and the United States of America. M'Bride, Nast and Co., 1915.

Introduction to Roxburgh, The Prisoners of War Information Bureau in London. Longmans, Green and Co., 1915. Introduction to Satow, A Guide to Diplomatic Practice. Longmans, Green and Co., 1917.

Introduction to Roxburgh, International Conventions and Third States. Longmans, Green and Co., 1917.

On War Treason, (Law Quarterly Review, vol. xxxiii. (1917), pp. 266-286).

The Legal Relations between an Occupying Power and the Inhabitants, (Law Quarterly Review, vol. xxxiii. (1917), pp. 363-370).

Opinion concerning a League of Nations, (The World Court, February 1918, pp. 74-76).

'Le Caractère essentiel de la Société des Nations,' (Revue générale

de Droit international public, vol. xxvi. (1919), pp. 234-244).

[Events are recorded in this volume down to the end of May 1920.]



THE books referred to in the bibliography and notes are, as a rule, quoted with their full titles and the date of their publication. But certain books and periodicals which are very often referred to throughout this work are quoted in an abbreviated form, as follows :—

[blocks in formation]

The American Journal of International Law. Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit international.

Bluntschli, Das moderne Völkerrecht der
civilisirten Staaten als Rechtsbuch dar-
gestellt, 3rd ed. (1878).

Bonfils, Manuel de Droit international
public, 7th ed. by Fauchille (1914).
Borchard, The Diplomatic Protection of
Citizens Abroad (1915).

Bulmerincq, Das Völkerrecht (1887).
Calvo, Le Droit international théorique et
pratique, 5th ed. 6 vols. (1888-1896).
Despagnet, Cours de Droit international
public, 4th ed. by de Boeck (1910).
Field, Outlines of an International Code,
2 vols. (1872-1873).

Fiore, Nouveau Droit international public,
deuxième édition, traduite de l'Italien et
annotée par Antoine, 3 vols. (1885).

Fiore, International Law Codified. Translation from the 5th Italian edition by Borchard (1918).

Gareis, Institutionen des Völkerrechts, 2nd
ed. (1901).

Grotius, De Jure Belli ac Pacis (1625).
Hall, A Treatise on International Law, 7th
ed. (1917) by A. Pearce Higgins.
Halleck, International Law, 4th English ed.
by Sir Sherston Baker, 2 vols. (1908).

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Hartmann, Institutionen des praktischen
Völkerrechts in Friedenszeiten (1874).
Heffter, Das europäische Völkerrecht der
Gegenwart, 8th ed. by Geffcken (1888).
Heilborn, Das System des Völkerrechts
entwickelt aus den völkerrechtlichen Be-
griffen (1896).

Hershey, The Essentials of International
Public Law (1912).

Holland, Studies in International Law

Holland, The Elements of Jurisprudence, 11th ed. (1910).

Holtzendorff, Handbuch des Völkerrechts, 4 vols. (1885-1889).

Klüber, Europäisches Völkerrecht, 2nd ed.
by Morstadt (1851).

Lawrence, The Principles of International
Law, 4th ed. (1910).

Lawrence, Essays on some Disputed Ques-
tions of Modern International Law (1884).
Liszt, Das Völkerrecht, 6th ed. (1910).
Lorimer, The Institutes of International
Law, 2 vols. (1883-1884).

Maine, International Law, 2nd ed. (1894).
Manning, Commentaries on the Law of
Nations, new ed. by Sheldon Amos (1875).
Martens, Völkerrecht, German translation
of the Russian original in 2 vols. (1883).
G. F. Martens, Précis du Droit des Gens
moderne de l'Europe, nouvelle éd. par
Vergé, 2 vols. (1858).

[blocks in formation]

These are the abbreviated quotations of the different parts of Martens, Recueil de Traités (see p. 118 of this volume), which are in common use.

Martens, Causes célèbres du Droit des Gens, 5 vols., 2nd ed. (1858-1861).

Mérignhac, Traité de Droit public international, vol. i. (1905), vol. ii. (1907), vol. iii. (1912).

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