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Official Record of the Proceedings of the Illinois State
Medical Society and the Papers Read


MEETING AT QUINCY, MAY 20, 21, 22, 1903


Proceedings of the Affliated Societies, Together With Editorial Dis-
cussions and Items of Interest to the
Practitioners of Illinois.

[blocks in formation]


A Glimpse into the Future. John
T. Miller, 655.
Abortion, Treatment of, B. A.
Royal, 322.

Abt, I. A., Strychnia is Fre-

quently Given to Children in,
too Large Doses, 162.
Report of Ninety cases of Ty-
phoid Fever in Infants and
Children, 229.

Typhoid Fever in Childhood,

Fees and Collection in Relation
to General Practice, 410.
Abscess of the Temporal Lobe
and of the Occipital Lobe,
together with Thrombosis of

Lateral and Sigmoid
Sinuses, from Chronic Mid-
dle Ear Suppuration, Norval
H. Pierce, 500.

Discussion of, L. H. Mettler.

500; J. Hollinger, 500; Carl
Wagner, 500; R. M. Par-
ker, 500.

Academy of Medicine, Chicago,
J. C. Kiernan, Official Re-
porter, 152.

Accouchement Force and the In-

[blocks in formation]

Adams, Geo. C., Trachoma and

How to Treat It, 327.
Adams, J. W., Treatment of
Pneumonia, 47.

Adams County Medical Society,

Henry Hart, Sarah Vasen
and John A. Koch, Official
Reporters, 38, 39, 273, 397,
486, 569, 652, 728, 875.
Addresses, Changes of, 889.
Adenoids and Their Relation to
the General Health, A. H.
Andrews, 491.

Adenoids, B. S. Gailey, 564.
Adderly, H. C., Official Reporter
of The Randolph County
Medical Society, 153.
Adolescent Girl, The, Rhoda

Galloway Yolton, 779.
Advertising for a Physician,
What Constitutes Proper?
James W. Walker, 104.
John L. Porter, 106.
C. S. Bacon, 100.

Discussion of, Joseph Zeisler,
100; D. O. Hecht, 100; H.
R. Pusey,
Lewis, 101; Wm. H.
Wilder, 101; J. W. Pettit,
101; L. H. Mettler, 101;
Walter M. Fitch, 102; C.
W. Courtwright, 102; F.
Kreissl, 102.

Albuginotomy in


Orchitis, Emanuel J. Senn,

Alcohol, Medicinal Uses of, G. C.
Kingsbury, 215.

Alexander County Medical So-
ciety, 154.

Alkaline Wash, The Best, 590.
Alkaloidal Medication, R. D.
Berry, 49.

Allen, Geo. F., Medical Falla-
cies, 156.

Allport, W. H., Thoracic Ab-
scess Pointing Abdominally,

Almshouses, Condition of, 724.
Anaesthesia, Dr. Weber, 37.
Alton Medical Society, Geo. E.
Wilkinson, Official Reporter,


Anderson, F. M.. Cerebral Local-
ization, 272 and 483.
Andrews, Dr., Discussion on a
Case of Extensive Necrosis
of the Temporal Bone with
Involvement of the Semicir-

cular Canals and Destruc-
tion of the Facial Nerve, 578.
Andrews, A. H., Discussion on

The Accidents of Anaesthe-
sia. Their Prevention and
Treatment, 369.

Adenoids and Their Relation
to the General Health, 491.
Discussion on Ophthalmia
Neonatorum, 538.

A Case of Extensive Necrosis
of the Temporal Bone with
Involvment of the Semicir-
cular Canals and Destruction
of the Facial Nerve, 576.
The tuning-fork and Stetho-
the Diagnosis of
scope in
Fractures, 747.

Andrews, Edward, Prof. Lor-

enz's Bloodless Reduction of
Congenital Dislocation of the
Hip Joint, 370.

Andrews, Edmund,

this Week, 889.


Andrews, E. Wyllys, Splenect-
omy for Traumatic Rupture
of the Spleen, 494.
Discussion on the Surgical
Treatment of Anuria, 574.
Discussion on the Transplant-
ation of Omentum in the
Operative Treatment of In-
testinal Defects; a Clinical
and Experimental Contribu-
tion, 575.

The Drowning of Patient in
Fecal Vomit during Opera-
tions for Intestinal Obstruc-
tion and Septic Peritonitis,

Andrews, Frank T., Discussion
on Fees and Collection, 415.
Angioma, Congenital, C. F.
Beavers, 322.
Animal Cell Extract as a Thera-
peutic Agent, C. H. Vorheis,

Ankle Joint and Treatment, A
Case of Contused and Lacer-
ated Wounds of Foot with
Luxation of, J. N. Black,

Discussions of. R. J. Christie,
Jr.; Jos. Robbins; E. B.
Montgomery; J. M. Grimes,
and W. E. Gilliland, 654.
Ankylostoma Dudenale, Joseph
A. Capps, 407.
Anencephalus, C. S. Bacon, 37.

Anemia, Repeated Small Hem-

orrhages as a Cause of Se-
vere, James B. Herrick, 463.
Anaesthesia, The Accidents of,
Their Prevention and Treat-
ment, Daniel N. Eisendrath,

Discussion of, W. A. Kuflew-
ski, 368; Thomas J. Sullivan,
368; A. H. Andrews, 369;
Lucy Waite, 369; J. F.
Percy, 369; Charles B. Reed,
369; Dr. Eisendrath, 370.
Aneurism of the Aorta of About

40 Years Duration, A Case
of, John Edwin Rhodes, 40.
Aneurisms of the Heart, L. M.
Loeb, 219.

Aneurysm of Arch of Aorta, F.
C. Eggert, 36.

Anuria, The Surgical Treatment

of, Arthur Dean Bevan, 573.
Discussion of, M. L. Harris,
574; E. Wyllys Andrews, 574;
D. S. Fairchild, 574; William
Jepson, 574; L. L. McArthur,
574; Thomas A. Davis, 574.
Aortic Incompetency, Dr. Rose,

Apoplexy, Dr. Sutton, 36.

Apoplexy, Etiology of, Dr. Ray,


W. A. Cochran, 321.
Robt. A. Hanna, 565.
V. A. McClannahan, 394.
E. M. Sutton, 565.

With Symptoms of Typhoid

Fever, J. G. Franken, 396.
When Shall We Operate for
Appendicitis, E. J. Higgins,


Surgical, C. L. Smith, 156.
How to Cure it Without Op-
eration, M. L. Winstead,

Discussion of, Drs. Whiteaker,
Robinson, Mathis, Boswell,
Haragan, Brown and Win-
stead, 213.

When Shall We Operate, H.
C. Mitchell, 188.
Discussion of. Everett J.
Brown, 193; W. F. Grin-
stead. 194; Wm. W. Wil-
liams, 194; H. C. Mitchell,
195; Charles B. Brown, 194.
On the Question as to Time
for Operation including Re-
port of Cases in Support of
Position Taken, E. B. Mont-
gomery, 728.

Report of Case, Symptoms
Those of Appendicitis, G. N.
Kreider, 49.

Early Operation, MacClarey
Weeks, 491.

Function for the Appendix
Vermiformis, G. N. Kreider,


Armstrong, J. W., Removal of a
Block of Wood from the
Skull of a Young Man, 483.
Arp, A. H., The Treatment of
Chronic Rheumatism, 655.
Arterio-sclerosis of Retina and
Choroid, Charles H. Beard,

Artificial Feeding of Infants, I.

J. K. Golden, 424.

Ash, Roscoe, National Medical
Legislation, 51.
Ashton, Dr., Herpes Zoster
Ophthalmicus, 39.

Ashton, L. B., Hodgkin's Dis-
ease, 569.
Asphyxiated New Born Child,
Resuscitation of the, H. T.
Duffield, 564.

Discussion of, Drs. Adams,
Norbury and Wakely.
Assessment Plan, 559.
Asthma, E. W. Weis, 46.
Auto-Intoxication, J. A. Chaffee,

Leroy Jones, 272.
Aux Plaines Medical Society,

W. R. Livingston, Official
Reporter, 275 and 589.
Bronchitis in Elderly Men and
the Safety Valve Action of
Relative Tricuspid Insuffi-
ciency, The Gravity of, Rob-
ert H. Babcock, 406.
Bronchitis, T. M. Eade, 48.
In Childhood, W. C. Rife, 562.
Discussion of, Drs. Hall,
Whiteaker, Boswell, Robin-
son, Mathis, Powell and
Rife, 562.

Babcock, R. H., Discussion on

Senile Pneumonia, 348.
The Treatment of Influenza,

Discussion on What Shall We

Teach the People in Regard
to Tuberculosis, 252.
Discussion on Tuberculosis,

Discussion on The Stokes-
Adams Syndrome, with Re-
port of Two Cases, 122.
Billiousness, 874.

The Physician as a Dreamer
of Dreams, 395.

Babb, Helen, Discussion on
Chorea, 486.

Bacon, C. S., Anencephalus, 37.
The Chicago Gynecological
Society, Official Reporter,

Exancephalus, 37.

Massage of the Breast during
Lactation, 37.

What Constitutes Proper Ad-
vertising for a Physician,

Discussion on The Physician
and the Illegitimate Child,

Some Points in the Prevention
and Management of Post-
partum Hemorrhage, 285.

Discussion on The Use of the
Colpeurynter on Obstetric

Practice, 359.

Discussion on Obstetrics, 362.
Discussion on Case of Ventro-

fixation, Pregnancy, Inver-
sion of the Uterus, Death
and Postmortem, 406.
Discussion on Present Epi-
demic of Typhoid Fever,

Discussion of two cases of
Extra Uterine Pregnancy,
Bacon, Charles S., Discussion on
Technique, Indications and
Limitations of Vaginal Sec-
tion and Drainage for Pelvic
Disease, 439.

Discussion on the Relation of
Gonorrhea to Tuberculosis

of the Genito-Urinary Tract
in the Male and Female, 505.
Definition of Accouchment
Force and the Indications,

The Race Problem, 367.
Baccus, Victor, Sarcoma of the
Ovary, 424.

Baer, A. W., Rheumatic Form
of Neuritis, 161.

Bag and Hand Dilatation,
Robert L. Dickinson, 751.
Baker, E. F., 34

Baker, G. C., The Use and
Abuse of the Obstetric For-
ceps, 221.

Balderston, J. V., The Study of
a Case of Summer Diarhoea
with Rare Complications
and Sequelae, 589.
Ballenger, W. L., Discussion on
Diabetes Mellitus, 163.
Discussion on Sclerosis of the
Mastoid Process, 503.
Discussion on Treatment of
Progressive Deafness Based
on Differential Diagnosis,
Discussion on Palliative Oper-
ation for Laryngeal Carcino-
ma; and Perichondritis of
the External Nose, 645.
Erythema and Superficial Ul-
ceration of the soft Palate,
Probably Tubercular in Ori-
gin, 647.

Discussion on Otosclerosis or
Spongifying of the Capsule
of the Labyrinth, 858.
Discussion on the Use of Par-
affin in Speech Defects, 361.
Discussion on Tuberculosis of
the Nose, 364.

Banga, Henry, Ruptured Tubal
Pregnancy, 402.

Barker, L. F., Discussion on Cir-
cular Insanity, 407.

Barlow, C., The Psychoses in
Bright's Disease, 180.
Management of Typhoid
Fever, 395.

Barnes, Lynn M., Hay Fever, 96.
Official Reporter The Decatur
Medical Society, 154.
Barnes, William, Some Possibil-
ities of Surgery, 655.
Barnett, A. A., Diphtheria fol-

lowed by Embolism and
Gangrene of Right Leg, 47.
Baron, Adolph, Discussion on
Empyemas, 663.
Bartlett, E. P., Discussion on

the Condition of the Vascu-
lar System in Nephritis, 727.
Barrett, C. W., Discussion on
Case of Ventrofixation,
Pregnancy, Inversion, of the
Uterus, Death
Mortem, 406.

Bates, F. H., The Fraternal
Spirit, 586.

Baughman, J. A., Acute Intes-
tinal Obstruction, 568.

Baum, W. L., Diphtheria, 36.
Discussion on Diabetes Melli-
tus, 163.

[blocks in formation]

sclerosis of Retina and
Choroid, 493.

Beavers, C. E., Some of the
Peculiar Manifestations of
Hysteria, 47.

Cystic Ovary, 322.

Congenital Angioma, 322.
Beck, Joseph C., Discussion on

Treatment of Progressive
Deafness Based on Differen-
tial Diagnosis, 584.
Discussion on Tuberculosis of
the Nose, 865.

Beck, C., The Use of Paraffin

in Speech Defects with Pre-
sentation of a Patient, 859.
Becquerel Ray. Dr. Moyer, 326.
Belfield, Wm. T., Discussion on

Actinomycosis, 496.
Bentley. Charles E., The Race
Problem in the United
States, 869.

Berry, R. D., Alkaloidal Medica-
tion, 49.

[blocks in formation]

Calculus, with Right Ne-
phrolithotomy, Right Ne-
phrectomy, Followed Later
with Anuria, Requiring a
Left Nephrostomy; Recov-
ery, 422.
Discussion on Dislocation of
the Individual Carpal Bones
with Report of a Case of
Luxation of the Scaphoid
and Semilunar, 422.
Discussion on Inflammation
and Perforation of Meckel's
Diverticulum as a Cause of
Septic Peritonitis, With Re-
port of Two Cases of Ty-
phoid Perforation of Meck-
el's Diverticulum, 423.
Splenectomy for Traumatic

Rupture of the Spleen, 494.
Carcinoma of the Larynx, 495.
Discussion on Actinomycosis,

The Surgical Treatment of
Anuria, 573.

Discussion on the Surgical
Treatment of Anuria, 574.
Carcinomatous Larynx, 575.
Discussion on the Transplan-
tation of Omentum in
Operative Treatment of In-
testinal Defects; a Clinical
and Experimental Contribu-
tion, 575.
Discussion on Case for Diag-
nosis, 733.

Discussion on a Case of Strict-
ure of the Esophagus Treat-
ed by Gastrostomy and
Gradual Dilation, 735.
Enormous Hydronephrosis, 737.
Billiousness, Discussion on So-
Called, T. E. Walton, Benj.
Gleeson and E. M. Smith,


Birth-Marks, Removal of, L. L.
McArthur, 735.

Billiary Passages, Observations

and Deductions from Surgi-
cal Operations in Twenty-
four Cases, Dr. Hageboeck,

Billings, Frank, The Stokes,

Adams Syndrome, with
Report of Two Cases, 117.
Discussion on Report of Nine-
ty Cases of Typhoid Fever in
Infants and Children, 238.
Discussion on Present Epi-

[blocks in formation]


Bladder, Notes
of the Male, L. E. Schmidt,

of Health, Resolutions
Adopted by the Illinois State,

Board of Health, The Work of
the State, Warwick A. Shaw,

Bodine, W. L.. Child Labor from
a Mental Standpoint, 510.
Bodine, J. A., Fracture of the
Patella, 660.

Discussion on Empyema, 664.
Bond County Medical Society,

W. T. Easley, Official Re-
porter, 33, 153, 274, 321, 569.
Bone Disease, Insidious Oncom-
ing of, F. E. Nichols, 569.
Booth, D. S., Has Medication a

Place in the Therapy of Ner-
vous Disease, 327.
Bossi's Uterine Dilator for Use
in Dilating the Cervix in
Labor, J. B. DeLee, 272.
Discussion of, Drs. Kolischer,
Webster and Hoag, 272.
Bossi Dilator and its Place in
Accouchement Force, Joseph
B. DeLee, 752.
Boswell, Charles C., Official Re-
porter, Pulaski County Med-
ical Society, 213, 322, 562.
Bouffleur, A. I., Discussion on
(Prsotatectomy, Its Indica-
tions and Technique, 650.
Discussion on a Case of Strict -
ure of the Esophagus Treat-
ed by Gastrostomy and
Gradual Dilation, 735.

[blocks in formation]

Bowles, Minnie, Voluntary Ex-
amination and Inspection of
our School Children, 482.
Bowles, Marion K., Discussion
on Exopthalmic Goitre, 457.
Boyd, Frank, The Surgical
Treatment of Hernia, 327.
Brain Tumor, H. N. Rafferty,

Brain Surgery, W. E. Bell, 569.
Brainard District Medical So-
ciety, James L. Lowrie, Offi-
cial Reporter, 34.
Brannon, L., Movable Kidney,

Brayshaw, Joseph, A Case of

Grippe Infection Resembling
Puerperal Fever, 705.
Breast, Massage of the, During

Lactation, C. S. Bacon, 37.
Breast, The Malignant Tumors
of the, C. D. Center, 489.
Brenner, F. T., Optic Nerve
Tumors, 570.
Brenton, W., Rational

peutics, 97.


Bridges, W. T., Official Reporter
The Christian County Medi-
cal Society, 275, 562, 877.
Bright's Disease, The Psychoses
in, C. Barlow, 180.

Britten. A. L., Case of Septi-
cemia, 50.

Typhoid Fever, Complications,

The Practice of Medicine in
the Past, 395.
Brooks, E. W., How to Make the
Practice of Medicine Pay,

Brown, B. F., Present Epidemic
of Smallpox and Its Treat-
ment, 213.

Brown, Charles B., Discussion
on the Use of the Colpeuryn-
ter on Obstetric Practice,


on Appendicitis,

Brown, Daniel R., Neuritis of
the Fifth Nerve, 161.
Discussion on Diabetes Melli-
tus, 163.

A Practical Manual on Insan-
ity, 203.

Discussion on Circular Insan-
ity, 406.

Discussion on the Manage-
ment of our Charity Hos-
pitals, 122.

[blocks in formation]


Brown, Sanger, Discussion
the Stokes, Adams Syn-
drome, with Report of Two
Cases, 122.

Discussion on What Shall We
Teach the People in Regard
to Tuberculosis, 253.
Discussion on Circular Insan-
ity, 406.
Organic Diseases of the Ner-
ous System Causing Focal
Ocular Symptoms, 493.
Brown, Walter, Discussion on
Unprofessional Conduct, 213.
Buck, H. B., Life Insurance Ex-
aminations, 196.
Discussion on Life Insurance
Examinations, 201.
Discussion on Pneumonia, 348.
Discussion on the Condition of
the Vascular System in
Nephritis, 727.

Bulbar Paralysis, A. C. Cotton,

Bullard, Sam'l A., Harvey Med-

ical College proposed affilia-
tion with the University of
Illinois, 723.

Bureau County Medical Society,
O. J. Flint, Official Reporter.
Burkholder, C. E., Gastro-In-
of Child-

testinal Diseases
ren, 213.

Burns, R. J., The

of Physi-
Surgeons, 153,

County Society
cians and
326, 563.

Bursae, Daniel E., Eisendrath,

Bush, Bertha, Symposium of In-

fluenza, Diagnosis, Progno-
sis and Treatment, 750.
Buswell, C. A., X-Ray Thera-
peutics, 156.

Caesarian Section, J. B. DeLee,

Discussion of, Drs. Kolischer
and Watkins, 37.

Caesarian Section, J. D. Justice,

Discussion of,
Koch, Nickerson and Chris-
tie, Jr., 39.

Caesarian Section as a Means of
Accomplishing Accouchement

Force, Abdominal and Va-
ginal, J. Clarence Webster,

Calhoun County Medical So-
ciety, T. C. Hardesty, 96
and 753.

Cameron, William S., Discussion

on Fees and Collections, 415.

Campbell, H. C., Dietetics of
Gastro-Intestinal Diseases of
Children, 213.

Campbell, J. P., Official Re-
porter of The Scott County
Medical Society, 482.

Cancer and Its Treatment, J. A.
Day and J. W. Hairgrove,

Cancer of the Cervix, Julius
Kohl, 330.

Cancer of the Vagina, E. M.
Sutton, 272.

Cancer of the Vulva, Palmer
Findley, 219.

Can Laws Regulate the Practice
of Medicine
J. N. Randall, 477.
Cannabis Indica, T. A. Wakely,

Capps, Joseph A., Ankylostoma
Duodenale, 407.

Carcinoma of the Abdomen
Wall, A. Goldsphon, 38.
Carcinoma of the Epiglottis, a
Case of, 42.

Carcinoma, and Perichondritis of
the External Nose, Palliative
Operation for Laryngeal,
Otto T. Freer, 643.
Discussion of, J. Hollinger,
645; William L. Ballenger,
645; John Edwin Rhodes,
645; Frederick Menge, 646;
• Otto Freer, 646; J. Hollinger,
646; J. E. Rhodes, 647; Otto
Freer, 647.

Carcinoma of the Larynx, Ar-
thur Dean Bevan, 495.
Carcinomatous Larynx, Arthur
Dean Bevan, 575.

Carcinomatous Degeneration of

a Uterine Fibroid, L. E.
Frankenthal, 32.

Card System, The, Carl E.
Black, 154.

Carcinoma of the Stomach, a
Case of Two Years After
Removal, L. L. McArthur,

Carr, R. H., Discussion of Pres-
ent Epidemic of Typhoid
Fever in Chicago, 332.
Carroll, C. L., Smallpox and Its
Treatment, 562.

Carroll County Medical Society,
H. S. Metcalf, Official Re-
porter, 321 and 484.
Carson, G. F., Typhoid Fever,
Symptoms and Diagnosis, 46.
Cass County Medical Society
Meetings, J. A. McGhee, Of-
ficial Reporter, 393, 481, 877.
Casselberry, Wm. E., Discussion
of a Case of Probable Con-
genital Heart Disease, 40.
Resection of the Superior
Maxilla for Fibrosarcoma,

Catlin, S. R., Official Reporter of
The Winnebago County So-
ciety, Meeting, 396.

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