A Practical Guide to Feature-driven DevelopmentPrentice Hall PTR, 2002 - Počet stran: 271 Feature-Driven Development (FDD) combines the speed and flexibility of agile methods with model-driven techniques that scale to the largest projects. This definitive book, A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development, shows FDD at work in real-world projects as it presents start-to-finish guidance on adapting FDD to the reader's needs. It offers in-depth coverage of all five FDD stages: modeling, feature lists, planning, design, and software construction. |
FeatureDriven DevelopmentConcepts | 1 |
FeatureDriven DevelopmentProjects | 19 |
FeatureDriven DevelopmentProcesses | 55 |
Autorská práva | |
Další části 10 nejsou zobrazeny.
Běžně se vyskytující výrazy a sousloví
activity Actual Planned Actual assigned Build by Feature Car Servicing Chief Architect Chief Programmer Class and Method Class Owners client client-valued Coad 99 Code Inspection completed defects defined Design by Feature Design Inspection Development Manager development team diagrams domain area Domain Experts domain object model Domain Walkthrough Expected Results Extreme Programming failures FDD process Feature Team Required Feature-Driven Development feature(s Figure formal Gerald Weinberg Guide to Feature-Driven implementation iteration Jeff De Luca major feature sets ment Method Prologue milestones modeling team organization Overall Object Model PD layer performed Peter Coad Planned Actual Planned Planning Team Practical Guide problem domain produce progress Project Manager project team role Scheduling a Service Sequence Diagram(s small group software development process source code Steve system testing task team members technical architecture template testers tion ture unit test user interface user stories