Front cover image for John Donne in the nineteenth century

John Donne in the nineteenth century

John Donne was famous in his own time yet was virtually unknown in the eighteenth century. Haskin investigates what happened as Victorian readers, prompted by the enormous popularity of Izaak Walton's biography, began to gradually rediscover the poetry, before showing how Donne came to be seen as the discovery of T. S. Eliot and the modernists.
Print Book, English, 2007
Oxford University Press, Oxford [England], 2007
Criticism, interpretation, etc
xxv, 315 s
9780199212422, 0199212422
1. Introduction: The Variorum as a Window onto Cultural History ; 2. Doctor Donne ; 3. A Thinker and a Writer ; 4. Letters ; 5. 'Sensuous Things' ; 6. Donne in the Hands of Biographers ; 7. Donne at Harvard ; 8. A Subject Not Merely Academic