Front cover image for Technology matters : questions to live with

Technology matters : questions to live with

'Technology Matters' discusses, in nontechnical language, ten central questions about technology that aim to clarify what technology is and why it matters. This book addresses questions such as: can we define technology? Does technology shape us, or do we shape it? Is technology inevitable or unpredictable?
Print Book, English, 2007
First MIT Press paperback edition View all formats and editions
MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2007
xiv, 282 pages ; 21 cm
9780262640671, 0262640678
1. Can we define "technology"
2. Does technology control us?
3. Is technology predictable?
4. How do historians understand technology?
5. Cultural uniformity, m or deversity?
6. Sustainable abundance, or ecological crisis?
7. Work: more, or less? better, or worse?
8. Should "the market" select technologies?
9. More security, or escalating dangers?
10. Expanding consciousness, or encapsulation?
11. Not just one future